HyperGeertz 2000-2009

This file is part of HyperGeertz©WorldCatalogue(HTM)
and contains all publications (= directly published or indirectly noted public contributions
by Prof. Clifford James Geertz, PhD (1926-2006), made public between 2000 & 2009.

* HyperGeertz@WorldCatalogue is a protected Hypertext-Trademark (HTM) by Austrian law (UrhRG 1936 idgF 2018, Par. 21 & 24 iVm 40a).

ATTENTION ! An erroneous, outdated, illegal and pirate copy of HyperGeertz(HTM) was circulating in the web, distributed by http://www.visualanthropology.com.cn; this illegal pirate copy contained no reference to HyperGeertz(HTM) at all, and lacked the essential and characteristic direct cross-references and additional informations. This complete pirate copy was camouflaged by cutting and recombining the 6 original HyperGeertz core-documentations (arranged by decade/ year) it into three new pirate files. See the following file(s):





Available light: anthropological reflections on philosophical topics. Princeton/N.J./USA: Princeton University Press, ISBN 9780691089560, XVII, 271 p.;

Articles & Book chapters  

Preface to 'Available Light', = chapt. 1 in 00Beng1, pp. IX-XIV.

Culture, mind, brain: brain, mind, culture, = first printed as chapter 15 in 00Beng1 "Available Light", pp. 203-217.

Geiger at Antioch, in: The Antioch Review (Yellow-Springs/Oh./USA: Antioch Review Inc.),
ISSN 0003-5769, vol. 58 no. 1, p. 53.

Indonesia: starting over, in: The New York Review of Books (New-York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.),
ISSN 0028-7504, vol. 47 no. 10 (May 11, 2000), pp. 22-24.

Bruner’s imbalancing act. Jerôme Bruner's cultural psychology, in: Bakhurst, David J./ Shanker, Stuart G. (eds.): Language, culture, self: the philosophical psychology of Jerome Bruner. London/UK 2000 & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA 2000: Sage Publications, ISBN 0761955313, pp. 19-30.


Preface (to the 2000 re-edition), in: Local knowledge: further essays in interpretive anthropology, New-York/N.Y./USA 2000: Basic Books Classics, ISBN 0465041620; pp. IX-XI.


Preface (to the 2000 re-edition), in: The interpretation of cultures, New-York/N.Y./USA 2000: Basic Books Classics, ISBN 0465097197; p. VI.


Interviews & (public) Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Close encounters: ethnographic perspectives on global issues, a lecture by Clifford Geertz, at: Cable Co-op Channel 6 (San Francisco/Ca./USA), Jan. 16, 2000 at 6:30 & 10:30 p.m. and Jan. 17, 2000 at 1:30 p.m.

Indonesia: reflections on a trip to a troubled land, lecture at: Seminar on Ethnicity and Nationalism, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Cambridge/Ma./USA, February 22, 2000

Interviews (with Neni Panourgia, Konstantinos Tsoukalas, Pavlos Kavouras), recorded (part 1) February 1999 in Princeton/N.J./USA; (part 2) Summer 1999 in Hermoupolis/Syros/Greece.

Clifford Geertz (Interview with Phillip Adams), broadcast at: Late Night Live: Radio National Australia: The Australian Broadcasting Corporation's (ABC) national radio network of ideas; Canberra/AUS), June 13, 2000, 10 h pm.

The future of religion, public lecture at: University of Konstanz/GER, as part of the opening of the "Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2000" (together with Dahrendorf, Ralf, and Luckmann, Thomas), September 12, 2000, 16.00 - 18.00 h, room V 1001.

Modern transformations of religion and morality, morning lecture at the "Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2000", University of Konstanz/GER, September 13, 2000, 10.00 - 12.00 h, Schloss Seeheim/Konstanz/GER.

Religion and the public sphere, morning lecture at the "Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2000", University of Konstanz/GER, September 14, 2000, 10.00 - 12.00 h, Schloss Seeheim/Konstanz/GER

Thick description as method, morning lecture at the "Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2000", University of Konstanz/GER, September 18, 2000, 10.00 - 12.00 h, Schloss Seeheim/Konstanz/GER (documentation: private notices f.e. by Mathias König/ Cornelia Richter, University of Marburg/GER).


George Geiger at Antioch: some recollections, speech by Clifford Geertz at the Princeton Club in New York spring 2000 (sponsored by the Columbia University Alumni Association), to honor two distinguished members of the Columbia University class of 1924 (Meyer Schapiro & George Geiger);


Μία συζητήση με τον Clifford Geertz (Mía syzitísi me ton Clifford Geertz), in: ΕΡΤ (Ελληνική Ραδιοφωνία Τηλεόραση), third program, Athens/GRE, series: Στα Μονοπάτια τησ Σκέψηϛ ("Paths of thought"), exact date of the broadcast not known yet (but © 2000)..





Modernités, in: Mediterraneans/ Méditerranéennes (Paris/FRA: Association Méditerranéens - Maison des sciences de l'homme - MSH), ISSN 0961-530X, no. 11 (hiver 1999-2000, ed. Jan. 2000; no. special: Voices From Morocco/  Voix du Maroc), pp. 281-293.

Negara teater: kerajaan-kerajaan di Bali abad kesebilan belas. Yogyakarta/Jawa/IDN 2000: Yayasan Bentang Budaya, ISBN 9798793919, XIII, 564 p.;

Negara: el estado-teatro en el Bali del siglo XIX. Barcelona/SPA 2000: Paidós
Ibérica (coll. "Básica"); ISBN 8449308062; 285 p.;

Cuatro fases del nacionalismo, in: Bravo, Álvaro Fernández (compilador): La invención de la nación. Lecturas de la identidad de Herder a Homi Bhabha, Buenos Aires/ ARG 2000: Manantial, ISBN
9875000574, pp. 168-172.


Conocimiento local y sus límites: algunos Obiter Dicta, in: Dilema: Revista de Filosofía (Valencia/SPA: Universitat de Valčncia, Facultat de Filosofia i Cičncies de l'Educació), ISSN 1138-4050, vol. 4 no. 1 (2000), pp. 73-79.

Gli usi della diversitŕ, in: Borofsky, Robert L. (ed.): L'antropologia culturale oggi, Roma/ITA 2000: Meltemi, ISBN 8883530284; pp. 555ff.

Indonesia: si ricomincia, in: La Rivista dei Libri (Firenze/ITA: La Rivista dei Libri S.R.L.), ISSN 1124-4216, vol. 10 no. 10 (ottobre 2000), pp. 21-24,

Dzieło i życie: antropológ ako autor. Warszawa/POL 2000: Wydawce KR, ISBN
8386989548, 205 pp.;

Zaswiadczajace ja: dzieci Malinowskiego, in: Konteksty: Polska Sztuka Ludowa. Antropologia kultury-etnografia-sztuka (Warszawa/POL: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk),
ISSN 1230-6142, vol. 54 no. 1-4 (= no. 248-251; 2000), pp. 108-121.

Kultúrák, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Jelenkor Kiadó), ISSN 0866-692X, no. 38 (2000), pp. ?

Osztályozó, naptárak és a pontos idő (Classification, Calendars and Time), in: Fejős, Zoltán/  (ed./szerk.): Idő és antropológia. Fordítások gyűjteménye. Budapest/HUN 2000: Osiris, ISBN
9633890233; pp. 103-111


Történelem és antropológia, in: Sebők, Marcell (ed./szerk.): Történeti antropológia. Módszertani írások és esettanulmányok. Budapest/HUN 2000: Replika Kör, ISBN 9630397617, pp. 109-122 (Replika Könyvek 7;

Na mieste činu, in: Slovensky národopis [Slovak Ethnology] (Bratislava/SVK: Slovenská Akadémie Vied),
ISSN 1335-1303, vol. 48 no. 1 (2000), pp. 93-103.

 Interpretace kultur: vybrané eseje, Praha/CZE 2000: Sociologické nakladatelství , ISBN 9788085850895, 565 p.


地方性知识[著:阐人类学论文集 (Děfāng xěng zhīshě: Chǎnshě rénlči xué lůnwén jí), 北京 2000: 中央編譯出版 (Běijīng: Zhōngyāng biānyě chūbǎn = Beijing/CHN: Central Compilation Press), ISBN 7801093461, 324 pp.

Интелигентният д
ивак: върху работата на Клод Леви-Строс (Inteligentniyat divak: vŭrkhu rabotata na Klod Levi-Stros), in: Летература (Literatura, Journal of literature), ISSN 1310-6988, vol 23 no. 3 (2000), pp. 3-10.

Дълбока игра: бележки върху боя с петли на остров Бали (Dŭlboka igra: belezhki vŭrkhu boya s petli na ostrov Bali), in: Борис Николов/ Румен Даскалов (Boris Nikolov/ Rumen Daskalov (eds.): В паяжината на смисъла. Текстове по символна антропология (V payazhinata na smisŭla. Tekstove po simvolna antropologiya, = In the web of meaning. Symbolic Anthropology Texts), София/ Sofia/ BUL 2000: ЛИК/ LIK, ISBN 9546073547; pp. 133-176.

От гледната точка на местния човек: за природата на атропологическото разбиране (Ot glednata tochka na mestniya chovek: za prirodata na atropologicheskoto razbirane), in: Борис Николов/ Румен Даскалов (Boris Nikolov/ Rumen Daskalov (eds.): В паяжината на смисъла. Текстове по символна антропология (In the web of meaning. Symbolic Anthropology Texts), София/ Sofia/ BUL 2000: ЛИК/ LIK, ISBN 9546073547; pp. 177-193.



The impact of the concept of culture on the concept of man, in: Levinson, Bradley A. U./ Borman, Kathryn M.  et al. (eds.): Schooling the symbolic animal: social and cultural dimensions of education. Lanham/Md./USA 2000: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, ISBN 0742501205, pp. 25-30.

Art as a cultural system, in: Whitlock, Keith D. (ed.): The Renaissance in Europe: a reader. New-Haven/Ct./USA 2000: Yale University Press & London/UK 2000: The Open University, ISBN 0300082231, pp. ?

I witnessing: Malinowski's children, in: Konteksty: Polska Sztuka Ludowa. Antropologia kultury-etnografia-sztuka (Warsaw/POL: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk),
ISSN 1230-6142, vol. 54 no. 1-4 (= no. 248-251; 2000), pp. 122-131

Culture and human nature, in: Cahill, Spencer E. (ed.): Inside social life: readings in sociological psychology and microsociology (Third edition). Los-Angeles/Ca./USA 2000: Roxbury, ISBN 1891487426, pp. ?.

Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Crothers, Lane I./ Lockhart, Charles H. (eds): Culture and politics: a reader. New-York/N.Y./USA 2000: St. Martin's Press,
ISBN 0312233000; pp. 175-205.


Agricultural involution: the process of ecological change in Indonesia. Berkeley/Ca./USA 2000: Publ. for the Association of Asian Studies by Univ. of California Press, ISBN 0520004590, XX, 176 pp.


Ideology as a cultural system, in: Boudon, Raymond/ Cherkaoui, Mohammed A. (eds.): Central Currents in Social Theory. Contemporary Sociological Theory: 1920-2000, Volume Seven, London/UK etc. 2000: Sage Publications, ISBN 0761962425; pp. ?


Clifford Geertz [Quotations on Religion and Culture], in: Sills, David Lawrence/ Merton, Robert King (eds.): Social Science Quotations. Who said what, when, and where, Piscataway/N.J./USA 2000: Transaction Publishers, ISBN 1138532975; pp. 76-77.

Kulturbegriff und Menschenbild, in: Burkard, Franz-Peter (ed.): Kulturphilosophie, Freiburg & München/GER: 2000: Verlag Karl Alber,
ISBN 9783495480076, pp. ?.

Gli usi della diversitŕ, in: La Societŕ degli individui (Milano/ITA: Franco Angeli),
ISSN 1590-7031, no. 8 (2000), pp. 19ff.


La revolución integradora: sentimientos primordiales y política civil en los nuevos estados, in: Fernández Bravo, Alvaro (comp.): La invención de la nación: lecturas de la identidad de Herder a Homi Bhabha, Buenos Aires/ARG: Manantial, ISBN 9875000574; pp. ?







インボリューション: 内に向かう発展 (Inboryushyon: uchi ni mukau hatten), 東京 2001; NTT 出版 (Tokyo/JAP: NTT S'yuppan); ISBN 4757140312; 287, XXVIII pp.


Articles & Book chapters


Life among the Anthros, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.),
ISSN 0028-7504, vol. 48 no. 2 (February 8, 2001), pp. 18-21.

Empowering Aristotle, in: Science (Cambridge/Ma./USA: Moses King),
ISSN 0036-8075, vol. 293 = no. 5527 (July 6, 2001), p. 53.

The visit, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), ISSN 0028-7504, vol. 48 no. 16 (October 18, 2001), pp. 27-30.

Geiger at Antioch, in: The Antioch Review (Yellow Springs/Oh./USA: Antioch Review Inc.),
ISSN 0003-5769, vol. 59 no. 2, pp. 505-511.

School building: a retrospective preface, in: Scott, Joan Wallach/ Keates, Debra (eds.): Schools of Thought. Twenty-Five Years of Interpretive Social Science. Princeton/N.J./USA: Princeton University Press, ISBN 0691088411; pp. 1-13.


Book review, full text see: http://www.wam.umd.edu/~mturn/WWW/cdss.html (online only).

Indonesia mulai lagi dari awal, in: Indra Surya Lubis (ed.): Bahaya tirani DPR: konflik DPR vs Presiden: kumpulan analisis para pengamat politik, [Jakarta/Jawa/IDN 2001]: Lembaga Studi Politik "Merdeka", ISBN 97980359; pp. ?


Interviews & (public) Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Reply, in: Author Meets Critics: Anniversary Symposium (on 00Beng1): American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, 75th annual Meeting, Main Session IV, March 30, 2001.

Closing remarks, at: Cultures, sociétés, et territoires: hommage ŕ Clifford Geertz. Conference, Sefrou/MAR, May 4-6, 2001; organized by: (1) Municipal Council of Sefrou/MAR; (2) Princeton University’s Institute for the Transregional Study of the Contemporary Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia (Princeton/N.J./USA); (3) King Abdul-Aziz Al Saoud Foundation of Casablanca/MAR (Fondation du Roi Abdul-Aziz al-Saoud pour les Etudes Islamiques et les Sciences Humaines de Casablanca).   

Islam, identity and local culture: a comparative case. The Ninth annual Sabbagh lecture on Arabic Culture (sponsored by the anthropology department at the University of Arizona): Tucson/Az./USA, held Thursday, Feb. 22th, 2001.

After writing culture, a discussion with Karl-Heinz Kohl, University of Frankfurt-Main/BRD (November 13, 2001, at the Staatsbibliothek-zu-Berlin/GER; chair: Werner Schiffauer, University of Frankfurt-Oder/BRD; within the series "Blickwechsel - Perspektiven der Wissenschaft", by the "Deutsche-Forschungsgemeinschaft" in collaboration with the "Staatsbibliothek-zu-Berlin" and the "Einstein-Forum", both Berlin/GER).


Interview (with Noah Lauricella), contained in: Noah Lauricella: Clifford Geertz - Anthropological Ambassador, in: Lederman, Leon M./ Scheppler, Judith A. (eds.): Portraits of Great American Scientists, Chicago/Il./USA: Prometheus Books, ISBN 1573929328; pp. ? (chapt. 1).


An Inconstant Profession: The Anthropological Life in Interesting Time, lecture at the Columbia University, New York/N.Y./USA, School of Social Sciences, March 13, 2001.


Cosě la tragedia dell' 11 settembre sta cambiando il mio paese. Intervista con l'antropologo Clifford Geertz (di Maurizio Viroli), in: La Stampa (Torino/ITA: Ed. la Stampa), ISSN 1122-3731, ed. 18.10.2001, Cultura e Spettacoli, p. 37.


A mitologia de um antropólogo (= entrevista de Victor Aiello Tsu com Clifford Geertz), in: Folha de Săo Paulo (Săo-Paulo/BRA: Empresa Folha da Manhă S/A),
ISSN 1414-5723, Caderno mais! (February 18, 2001), pp. 4-8. 

Waspada, Kawan, Waspadalah ... (Interview with ? around 00Aeng4: "Indonesia: starting over"), in: Kompas online (Jakarta/Java/IDN: PT Kompas Cybermedia), no. ? (Sabtu, 10 Maret 2001), pp. ?.


Interview med Clifford Geertz (by Arun Micheelsen), in: Religionsvidenskabeligt tidsskrift (Ĺrhus/DK: Jysk Selskab for Religionsvidenskab), ISSN 0108-1993, no. 39 (2001), pp. 15-28.


Working Papers & Collaborations etc.


The Near East in the Far East. On Islam in Indonesia. Occasional Paper of the School of Social Science, Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton/N.J./USA 2001 (occasional paper no. 12, December 2001, "© unpublished by Clifford Geertz", 18 p.)




Antropologia e filosofia: frammenti di una biografia intellettuale. Bologna/ITA 2001: Societŕ editrice il Mulino, ISBN 8815082735, 230 pp.;

Interpretace kultur: vybrané eseje. Praha/CZE 2001: Vydalo nakladatelství SLON, ISBN 8085850893, 565 p.;

Nova luz sobre a antropologia. Rio-de-Janeiro/BRA 2001: Jorge Záhar Editora, ISBN 857110588X; 247 p.;

Los usos de la diversidad, in: Frade, Carlos (ed.): La diversidad cultural en un mundo global: perspectivas antropológicas, Barcelona/SPA 2001: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (documento electrónico), no ISBN number;

El impacto del concepto de cultura en el concepto de hombre, in: página personal de
Cárlos Manzáno (first visited 12/2001); full text only: http://www.inicia.es/de/cgarciam/geertz01.htm

»Schicksalsbedrängnis«: Religion als Erfahrung, Sinn, Identität, Macht, in: Sinn und Form. Beiträge zur Literatur (Berlin/GER: Herausgegeben von der Akademie der Künste), ISSN 0037-5756, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 742-759.

Polémique sur le
s anthropologues en Amazonie: Vivre parmi les "anthros", in: Ésprit (Paris/FRA:  Revue Esprit), ISSN 0014-0759, Juillet 2001, pp. 20-33.

Gerçegin ardindan: bir antropologun gözünden iki islam ülkesinin son kırk yılı, Istanbul & Ankara/TUR 2001: Iletisim Yayincilik A.S., ISBN 9789754709407; 200 p. 

Az eszes vadember (Lévi-Straussról), in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Jelenkor Kiadó),
ISSN 0866-692X, no. 40 (2001), pp. 6-9.

Osztályozó naptárak és a pontos idő, in: Fejős Zoltán (ed.): Idő és antropológia. Fordítások gyűjteménye. Budapest/HUN 2001: Osiris Könyvkiadó, ISBN 9633890233; pp. 103-111.

"Fra den innfřdtes synsvinkel". Om den antropologiske forstĺelsens egenart, in: Hagen, Eric/ Lagreid, Sissel/ Skorgen, Torgeir (ed., red.): Hermeneutisk lesebok, Oslo/NOR 2001: Spartacus forlag, ISBN 9788230401774, pp. 289-305,


Religia ca experienţă, sens, identitate, putere, in: Secolul 21. Publicaţie periodică de sinteză, dialogul culturilor, ştiinţele omului, literatură universală (Bucureşti/ROM: Uniunea Scriitorilor din România/ Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Secolul 21), ISSN 1582-4802, Nr. 7/9 (Iul.-Sept. 2001), pp. 159-176.


Antiprogres - Clifforda Geertza, in: Horgan, John (comp.): Kraj znanosti, Zagreb/CRO 2001: Naklada Jesenski i Turk, ISBN 9789532226614; pp. ?

Нтерпретація культур: вибрані есе (Nterpretatsiya kulʹtur: vybrani ese), Kiew/UKR 2001: Дух і Літера (Dukh i Litera = Spirit and Letters), ISBN 9667888118; 542 p.

Герменевтичний підхід до теорії в культурній антропології (Hermenevtychnyy pidkhid do teoriyi v kulʹturniy antropolohiyi = A hermeneutical approach to theory in cultural anthropology), in: Видавничий дім "КМ Академія", Наукові записки НаУКМА (Vydavnychyy dim "KM Akademiya", Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA = KM Academy Publishing House, NaUKMA Scientific Notes), vol. 19  no.1 (2001), no ISSN, pp. 123-129.




Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight (1972), in: Tropp, Sandra Fehl/ Pierson-D'Angelo, Ann (eds.): Essays in context. New-York/N.Y./USA etc. 2001: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0195118367; pp. 433-464

No: Clifford Geertz, in: Should cultural anthropology model itself on the natural sciences?, in: Endicott, Kirk M./ Welsch, Robert L. (eds.): Taking sides: clashing views on controversial issues in anthropology. Guilford/Ct./USA 2001: McGraw-Hill/ Dushkin, ISBN 0072388854; pp. ?

The integrative revolution: primordial sentiments and civil politics in the new states, in: Pecora, Vincent P. (ed.): Nations and identities: classic readings. Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK 2001 etc.: Blackwell Publ., ISBN
063122209X; pp. 279-291.

Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Emerson, Robert M. (ed.): Contemporary field research: perspectives and formulations. New and revised edition, Prospect Heights/Ill./USA 2001: Waveland Press, ISBN 1577661850; pp. 55-75.


Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Erickson, Paul A./ Murphy, Liam D. (eds): Readings for a history of anthropological theory, Peterborough/Ontario/CAN 2001: Broadview Press, ISBN 1442600691; pp. 332-356 ( = reprint of 73Aeng1)


Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Denzin, Norman K./ Lincoln, Yvonna S. (eds): The American Tradition in Qualitative Research, Volume One: London/UK etc. 2001: Sage, ISBN 0761969802; pp. ? (Part one: history, ethics, politics and paradigms of inquiry)

Blurred genres: the refiguration of social thought, in: Denzin, Norman K./ Lincoln, Yvonna S. (eds): The American Tradition in Qualitative Research, Volume Two: London/UK etc. 2001: Sage, ISBN 0761969802; pp. ? (Part two: strategies of inquiry).

Soekarno daze, in: Latitudes magazine (Denpasar/Bali/INA: Teduh Mitra Utama), vol. 8 (September 2001), ISSN 1411-7959; pp. 10-15.


‘From the native's point of view’: on the nature of anthropological understanding, in: Bryman, Alan (ed.): Ethnography, Volume One (The nature of ethnography), London/UK etc. 2001: Sage Publications, ISBN 0761970916; pp. ? (in part four: epistemology and ethnography).

Deep play. Notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Alexander, Jeffrey C. (ed.): Mainstream and Critical Social Theory.
Classical, Modern and Contemporary, Volume Six, London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 2001: Sage Publications,  ISBN 0761967788; pp. ? (part one continued: Research programs).

Deep play: from 'Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight', in: Counsell, Colin / Wolf, Laurie (eds.): Performance analysis: an introductory coursebook, London/UK & New York/N.Y./USA 2001: Routledge, ISBN
0415224071; pp. 222-228.

Az értelmezés hatalma. Antropológiai írások (2. kiadás/ edition; (ed./ epilogue) válogatás, utószó: Niedermüller, Péter), Budapest/HUN 2001: Osiris  (ISBN 9633793289; 455 pp.

A mitologia de um antropólogo (= entrevista de Victor Aiello Tsu com Clifford Geertz), in: REVER - Revista de Estudos da Religiăo (Săo-Paulo/BRA: Pontifícia Universidade Catolica de Săo Paulo; Pos-Graducacăo em Ciencias da Religiăo), ISSN 2236-580X, no. 3 (2001), pp. ?


Materiale didattico: Geertz, in: Universitŕ degli studi di Catania, Facoltŕ di Giurisprudenza (ed.): Materiali didattici 2001-2005 (Catania/ITA: Universitŕ degli studi), online (various internet-addresses, see below).





Kultūrų interpretācija: straipsnicz rinkinys. Vilnius/LIT 2002: Atviros Lietuvos Knyga for the Georg Soros Open Society fund, ISBN 9984928810; 368 pp.;

解釈人類学と反=反相対主義 (Kai-Shak Jin Rui Gak Han-Han-Soutai Sugi),  東京 2002: みすず書房 (Tokyo/JAP : Misuzu Shobo), ISBN 4622036827; 252 pp.


Articles & Book chapters


Beyond the Cultural Turn ("little review"), in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press; rem: = relaunched edition of the former Oxford University Press/N.Y./USA journal), ISSN 0961-754X, vol. 8 no. 1 (2002), pp. 204-205.

The Last Humanist, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), ISSN: 0028-7504, vol. 49 no. 14 (September 26, 2002), pp. 11-14.

An inconstant profession: the anthropological life in interesting times, in: The Annual Revue of Anthropology (Palo Alto/Ca./USA: Annual Reviews), ISSN 0084-6570, vol. 31 no. 1 (2002), pp. 1-19. 

Little Review, in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press; rem: = relaunched edition of the former Oxford University Press/N.Y./USA journal),
ISSN 0961-754X, vol. 8 no. 3 (2002), pp. ?

Le Proche Orient en Extręme-Orient, in: François Pouillon (ed.): Lucette Valensi ŕ l’śuvre. Une histoire anthropologique de l’Islam méditerranée
n. Mélanges offert ŕ Lucette Valensi, St. Denis/FRA 2003: Éd. Bouchene (Ouvrage publié avec l'aide du Ministčre de la Recherche et de l'EHESS), ISBN 2912946425; pp. ?


Interviews & (public) Oral & Audiovisual presentations



Interview with Clifford Geertz (with Neni Panourgiá & Pavlos Kavouras), in: Anthropological Theory (London/UK. etc.: Sage Publ.), ISSN 1463-4996, vol. 2 no. 4 (2002), pp. 421-432.


"I don't do systems." An interview with Clifford Geertz (with Arun Micheelsen), in: Method & Theory in the Study of Religion. Journal of the North American Association for the Study of Religion (Leiden/NED: Koninklijke Brill NV), ISSN  0943-3058, vol. 14 no. 1 (1 March 2002), pp. 2-20


(with Davis, Zemon Natalie [historian]; Phillips, Adam [psychoanalyst]; Williams, Bernard [philosopher], Greenblatt, Stephen [English language teaching/ MLA head])

Panel contribution: the teaching of language, in: Modern Language Association (New York/N.Y./USA), 118th Annual Convention (New York/N.Y./USA, Dec. 27-30, 2002), Panel discussion: teaching of language, Dec. 29, 2002.


"Interrogating Geertz", in: Proceedings of the Presidential symposium on the work of Clifford Geertz, American Anthropological Association, 101st Annual Meeting, November 20-24, 2002, New Orleans/LA/USA.


Letter (email) to Moshe Shokeid, written May 8, 2002.

Speech ("Prof. Geertz yang fasif berbahasa Indonesia ..."), March 12th, 2002, Princeton/N.J./USA, Institute of Advanced Study (on occasion of receiving the Indonesian "Award of Meritorious Achievement (Bintang Jasa Utame, First Class)").





Culture, Esprit, Cerveau / Cerveau, Esprit, Culture, in: Rastier, François/ Bouquet, Simon (eds.): Une introduction aux sciences de la culture, Paris/FRA 2002: Presses Universitaires de France (coll. Formes sémiotiques), ISBN 2-13-052897-X; pp. ?

La vida entre los "antros" (El saqueo de El Dorado, de Patrick Tierney), in: Revista de Occidente (Madrid/SPA: Alianza Editorial), ISSN 0034-8635, vol. 256 (2002), pp. 85-107.


Entrada libre. Una vida  de studio, in: Historias (Ciudad de México/MX: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia), no. 52 (2002), ISSN 1405-7794, pp. 3-16.

Obras e vidas: o antropologo como autor, Rio de Janeiro/BRA 2002: Editora UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), ISBN 8571082480, 204 pp.


Świat w kawałkach – kultura i polityka u schyłku wieku, in: Wolska, Dorota/ Brocki, Marcin (red.): Clifford Geertz – lokalna lektura, Kraków/POL 2002: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, ISBN 832331604X; pp. ?


의 『문화의 해석』과 신문화사의 발전. 서강대학교/KOR 2002: 석사 (49 p.; = translation of ?)

Difang zhishi: quanshi renlei xuelun wenji
, Taibei/TPE: Maitian chuban, ISBN 9867895770, 324 pp.


Hayat dan karya: antropolog sebagai Penulis dan Pengarang. Yogyakarta/Jawa/IDN: LKiS, ISBN 9799492688X, 169 pp.;

Kata pengantar (Foreword ?), in:
Michael T. Gibbons (ed.): Tafsir politik: telaah hermeneutis wacana sosial-politik kontempporer, Jakarta/Jawa/IDN: Penerbit Qalam, ISBN 9799440254; pp. ? (translation of ??),


(Pare és Sefrou), in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Európai Kulturális Alapítvány), ISSN 0866-692X, no. 45 (2002), pp. 67-70.

Az utolsó humanista, in: BUKSZ. Budapesti Könyvszemle (Budapest/HUN: Budapesti Könyvszemle BUKSZ), ISSN 0865-4247, vol. 14 no. 4 (2002), pp. 400-404.

Sumišę žanrai: socialinės minties pokyčiai, in: Literatūra ir menas. Leidžia Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos (Vilnius/LIT: Interneto projektą remia), ISSN 0233-3260, no. 2910 (August 2002),




Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Adams, Rachel/ Savran, David (eds.): The masculinity studies reader, Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK etc. 2002: Blackwell Publishers, ISBN
0631226605; pp. 80-98.

Religion as a cultural system, in: Lambek, Michael J. (ed): A reader in the anthropology of religion,  Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK 2002 etc.: Blackwell Publishers (Blackwell Anthologies in Social and Cultural Anthropology), ISBN 0631221123; pp. 61-82 (chapt. 4)


Life in Common, in: Perl, Jeffrey M. (ed): Peace and Mind: Seriatim Symposium on Dispute, Conflict, and Enmity. Part 3: Diffidence, Humility, Weakness, and Other Strengths, Durham/N.C./USA 2002: Duke Univ. Press, ISBN 0822365502; pp. ?


Anti Anti-Relativism, in: Darnell, Regna (ed.): American anthropology, 1971-1995: papers from the American anthropologist, Arlington/Va./USA 2002: American Anthropological Association, & Lincoln/Ne./USA 2002: University of Nebraska Press, ISBN 0803266359; pp. 416-439.

Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture
, in: Spillman, Lynette (ed.): Cultural sociology, Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK etc. 2002: Blackwell Publishers, ISBN 0631216537; pp. 63-68.

Art as a cultural system, in: Araeen, Rasheed/ Cubitt, Sean/ Sardar, Ziauddin (eds):
Third Text Reader on Art, Culture and Theory, New York/N.Y./USA: Continuum Publishing, ISBN 0826458505; pp. ?


Common sense as a cultural system, in: Girard, Stephanie/ Coleman, Bob/ Brittenham, Rebecca/ Campbell, Scott  (eds.):  Making Sense: Constructing Knowledge in the Arts and Sciences, Boston/Ma/USA 2002: Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 0395986303; pp. ?

La interpretación de las culturas, Santiago de Chile/CHI 2002: s.n. (3 sound cassettes (ca. 180 min. stčreo); Material con etiquetas en Braille. Lectura tomada de la edición impresa de 1990.

Investigaciones en antropología política, Santiago de Chile/CHI 2002: s.n. (3 sound cassettes (ca. 180 min. stčreo); Material con etiquetas en Braille. Lectura tomada de la edición impresa de 1990


地方知識: 詮釋人類學論文集 (Di fang zhi shi: quan shi ren lei xue lun wen ji), Taipeh/TWN 2002: Mai tian chu ban she, 麦田出版, ISBN 9867895770, 324 pp.,




Articles & Book chapters


Off the menu, in: The New Republic (New-York/N.Y./USA: The New Republic Pub. Co.), ISSN 0028-6583, vol. 205 (2003) (= no. 4596), S. 27-30.

Which way to Mecca?, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), ISSN 0028-7504, vol. 50 no. 10 (June 12, 2003), pp. ??

Which way to Mecca? Part II, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.),
ISSN 0028-7504, vol. 50 no. 11 (July 3, 2003), pp. ??

03Aeng4 .

Book review (little review), in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press), ISSN 1538-4578, vol. 9 no. 3 (fall 2003), p. 541.


Book review, in: Additional reviews and endorsments for Neiman, S.: Evil in modern thought, Princeton University Press announcement, online only: http://pup.princeton.edu/quotes/q7350.html.


Book review, in: Anthropology: new and recent titles 2004, Berkeley/Ca./USA etc.: Univ. of California Press, p. 7.


A strange romance: anthropology and literature, in: Profession (New York/N.Y./USA: Modern Language Association of America), ISSN 0740-6959, no. 2 (Dec 1, 2003), pp. 28-36


Book review, in: The Johns Hopkins University Press Online Catalogue, books section (JHUP 2003: Balimore/Md./USA), online only.


Comment on: Birgitta Hauser-Schäublin: The precolonial Balinese state reconsidered: a critical evaluation of theory construction on the relationship between irrigation, the state, and ritual, in: Current Anthropology (ed.: Chicago/Ill./USA: The Wenner Gren foundation for Anthropological research; pub: Chicago/Ill./USA: Univ. of Chicago Press), ISSN 0011-3204, vol. 44, no. 2 (2003), p. 171.



Interviews & (public) Oral & Audiovisual presentations


The Human Touch. Interview with Ira Flatow, in: Thinking Big. Big Ideas, part 4. A TV Production of Thirteen/WNET New York/N.Y./USA, © 2003 Educational Broadcasting Corporation; broadcasted nationwide, f.e. in New York at WNET (5/1/03 - 10:00 PM;  5/4/03 - 12:00). 


Local Knowledge and Human Interests, keynote speech at: Symposium "Localizing the Global; Globalizing the Local: Rethinking local knowledge and constructions of gender, race and nation”,  Center for the Study of Local Knowledge, University of Virginia, Charlottesville/Va./USA, April 11th, 2003


Interview with Clifford Geertz (by John Gerring, Boston University), in: Qualitative Methods: Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section on Qualitative Methods, ISSN 1544-8045, vol. 1 no. 2 (Fall 2003), pp. 24-28.


Coversation with Clifford Geertz (with Joăo Biehl), at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton/NJ/USA, May 2003.


Kultuur, tekst ja tähendus: Intervjuu Clifford Geertziga (interview with Toomas Gross & Marek Tamm), published first in 03Test1 ("Omakandi tarkus: Esseid tőlgendavast antropoloogiast"), pp. 324−331.




Le souk de Sefrou.
Sur l'économie de bazar . Saint-Denis/FRA 2003: Éditions Bouchene, ISBN
2912946476, 263 p.; (collection Intérieurs du Maghreb).

Darabokból álló világ (a kultúra és a politika térképének megváltozása)
in: Magyar
Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Európai Kulturális Alapítvány), ISSN 0866-692X, no. 49 (2003), pp. 17-20

Diszciplínák, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Európai Kulturális Alapítvány), ISSN 0866-692X, no. 47 (2003), pp. 30-36.


Opis gęsty - w stronę interpretatywnej teorii kultury, in: Kempny, Marian, & Nowicka, Ewa (red.): Badanie kultury. Elementy teorii antropologicznej, Warszawa/POL 2003: Wydawnictwo PWN (Elementy teorii antropologicznej - wprowadzenie 7), ISBN 8301142707, pp. 36-58.


Zastane światło. Antropologiczne refleksje na tematy filozoficzne, Kraków/POL 2003: Universitas Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych, ISBN 832420377X, 351 pp.


Świat w kawałkach – kultura i polityka u schyłku wieku, in: Wolska, Dorota, & Brocki, Marcin (red.): Clifford Geertz – lokalna lektura, Kraków/POL 2003: Uniwersytet Jagiellońsi, ISBN 832331604X, pp. 11-50.


Myślenie jako działanie moralne: etyczny wymiar antropologicznych badań terenowych w nowopowstałych państwach, in: Wolska, Dorota, & Brocki, Marcin (red.): Clifford Geertz – lokalna lektura, Kraków/POL 2003: Uniwersytet Jagiellońsi, ISBN 832331604X, pp. 51-68.


Kultura Umysł Mózg. Mózg Umysł Kultura, in: Wolska, Dorota, & Brocki, Marcin (red.): Clifford Geertz – lokalna lektura, Kraków/POL 2003: Uniwersytet Jagiellońsi, ISBN 832331604X, pp. 69-82.


"Nevytváram systémy": Rozhovor s Cliffordom Geertzom (interview with Arun Micheelsen), in: Kritika a Kontext. Casopis kritického myslenia / Journal of critical thinking (Bratislava/SVK), ISSN 1335-1710, no. 3/2003, pp. ?


Studi sul Islam, in: La Rivista dei Libri (Firenze/ITA: La Rivista dei Libri S.R.L.), ISSN  1124-4216, vol. 11 no. 10 (ottobre 2003), pp. ?

Alla scoperta dell'Islam, in: La Rivista dei Libri (Firenze/ITA: La Rivista dei Libri S.R.L.), 
ISSN  1124-4216, vol. 11 no. 9 (settembre 2003), pp. 6-10

‹Yo no hago sistemas›. Una entrevista con Clifford Geertz (Entrevistador: Arun Micheelsen), in: Teleskop. Revista de pensamiento y cultura (?/SPA), ISSN 1696-5930, vol. 1 no. 2 (viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2003), online publication.

El último humanista, in: Revista de libros (Madrid/SPA: Fundación Cajastura), ISSN 1137-2249, no.. 76 (2003), pp. 3-11.


Religion som kulturelt system, in: Jeppe Sinding Jensen (ed.): Det er religion - en historisk mosaik, Křbenhavn/DEN 2003: Gads Forlag, ISBN 8712036293, pp. ?


Omakandi tarkus. Esseid tőlgendavast antropoloogiast. Tallinn/EST 2003: Varrak & Tartu/EST 2003: Greif, ISBN 9985307534, 351 p.

Η ερμηνεία των πολιτισμών (I erminía tôn politismôn), Αθήνα/GRE 2003: Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια (Athens: Alexándria publishers); ISBN
9602212446, 475 pp.

Pengetahuan Lokal. Esai-esai Lanjutan Antropologi Interpretatif, Yogyakarta/Jawa/IDN 2003: Merapi rumah penerbitan, ISBN 9789799658326; XIII, 384 p.




La description dense. Vers une théorie interprétative de la culture, in: Cefaď, Daniel (ed.): L’Enquęte de terrain, Paris/FRA 2003: Éd. la Découverte, ISBN 9782707140722, pp. 208-233.


Blurred genres: the refiguration of social thought, in:  Auslander, Philip (ed.): Performance: critical concepts, vol. I part 1 no. 11, London/UK & New York/N.Y./USA 2003: Routledge, ISBN 9780415255110, pp. ?


Ritual and social change: a Javanese example, in: Murphy, Robert F. (ed.): American anthropology, 1946-1970: papers from the American anthropologist, Lincoln/Ne./USA 2003: University of Nebraska Press, ISBN 080328280X, pp. ?


The social scientist as author, in: Olson, Gary A./  Worsham, Lynn  (eds.): Critical intellectuals on writing, Albany/N.Y./USA 2003: State University of New York Press, ISBN 0791458423, pp. ?


Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Lincoln, Yvonna S./  Denzin, Norman K. (eds.): Turning points in qualitative research: tying knots in a handkerchief, Walnut Creek/Ca./USA 2003: AltaMira Press, ISBN 9780759103481, pp. 143-168.


Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: (eds.): Philosophies of Social Science: The Classic and Contemporary Readings, Maidenhead/UK & Philadelphia/Penn./USA 2003: Open University Press, ISBN 9780335208852, pp. ?.


From the Interpretation of Cultures: "Internal Conversion" in Contemporary Bali, in: Carl Olson (ed.): Theory and method in the study of religion: a selection of critical readings, Belmont/Ca./USA etc.: Wadsworth, ISBN 9780534534745, pp. 285-297.


Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Chris Jenks (ed.): Culture, vol. 1, London/UK & New York/NY/USA 2003: Routledge, ISBN 9780415226905, pp. ?.


Historia y antropologia, in: Historias (México/D.F./MEX: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e historia), ISSN 0187-6686, no. 55, may-agosto 2003, pp. 8-21.

Géneros confusos: la reconfiguración de pensiero social, in: Reynoso, Carlos G. (comp.): El surgimiento de la antropología a posmoderna. Barcelona/SPA: 2003: Gedisa Iberica, ISBN
8474324475; pp. 63-77.


"Thick description". Verso una teoria interpretativa della cultura", in: Bertolotti, Giorgio (a cura di; in collaborazione con Salvatore Natoli, Carlo Sini, Gianni Vattimo, Vincenzo Vitiello): Ermeneutica, Milano/ITA 2003: Raffaello Cortina (coll. “Bibliotheca”), ISBN 9788870788358, pp. 309ff.



Articles & Book chapters



What is a state if it is not a sovereign: reflections on politics in complicated places, in: Current Anthropology (Chicago/Ill./USA: University of Chicago Press; ed. by: The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research), ISSN 0011-3204, vol. 45 no. 4  (2004), pp. 577-593.


Morality tale, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), ISSN 0028-7504, vol. 51 no. 15 (October 7, 2004), pp. ?


Compte rendu (Book review), in: L'homme. Revue française d'anthropologie (Paris/FRA: EHESS), ISSN 0439-4216, no. 169 (2004; no. spécial "Le sorcier, le nom, la filiation"), pp. 285-287.


Book review, in: American Anthropologist (Arlington/Va./USA: American Anthr. Association), ISSN 0002-7294, vol. 106 (2004) no. 2, p. 420.


Book review, in: American Anthropologist (Arlington/Va./USA: American Anthr. Association),  ISSN 0002-7294, vol. 106 (2004) no. 3, p. 622

Reply, in: Current Anthropology. A world journal of the sciences of man (Chicago/Ill./USA: Univ. of Chicago Press), ISSN 0011-3204, vol. 45, no. 5 (December 2004), pp. 591-593.


Curriculum vitae. May 2004, in: Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Sciences (ed): Community: Faculty: Emeritus, Princeton/N.J./USA 2004: online publication: http://www.sss.ias.edu/community/faculty-cv/geertzcv.pdf.

04Aeng9 (with 729 other signers)

An open letter to the American people, online only: http://www.sensibleforeignpolicy.net/letter.html (outdated)


Book note, in: Cultural Anthropology (Hoboken/NJ/USA: Wiley), ISSN 0886-7356, vol. 19, no. 1 (February 2004), back matter.


Esistere č avere fiducia nel proprio modo d’essere. Rituali come sistimi modello, in: Cimmino, Luigi/ Satambrogio, Ambrogio (eds.): Antropologia e interpretazione. Il contributo di Clifford Geertz alle scienze sociali. Perugia/ITA: Morlacchi Editore, ISBN 8888778454, pp. 211-30 (Antropologia e scienze sociali, no. 1)


Interviews & (public) Oral & Audiovisual presentations



Geertz' Frazer lecture in anthropology: Shifting aims, moving targets: on the anthropology of religion, in: Anthropological Ancestors. Archival interviews with leading anthropologists, historians, ethno-musicologists, international travellers and others (online-collection, Cambridge/UK: University library), online (sound only) recording: https://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/retrieve/879/frazer.mp3 (37MB !)


Interview of Clifford Geertz (by Alan MacFarlane, Cambridge University/UK), in: Anthropological Ancestors. Archival interviews with leading anthropologists, historians, ethno-musicologists, international travellers and others (online-collection, Cambridge/UK: University library), online (text abstracts and full video and audio recordings): 


What was the Third World Revolution (The Ninth Annual Irving Howe Memorial Lecture), at: The City University of New York, Graduate Center (365 Fifth Avenue @ 34st auditorium), November 15th, 2004 (audio recording availiable at the City University).


Islam, Modernity, Nationalism. Interview with Clifford Geertz (by Sergeji Glebov), in: Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space (Kazan/RU: The editors; P.O. Box 157, Kazan, RUSSIA-420015; email ai@bancorp.ru), ISSN 2166-4072, no. 3/2004 (edited 11/2004; special issue: Historical Memory and National Paradigm), pp. 91-111. 


Geertz Interrogates Theories of State and Sovereignty. Synopsis of the 10th Annual Sidney W. Mintz Lecture (Johns Hopkins University), synopsis written by James Williams, in: Anthropology News (Arlington/Va./USA: American Anthr. Association), vol. 45, no.1 (28 January 2004), ISSN 1541-6151, pp.28.


"Die Wiederverzauberung der Welt": Gustavo Gutiérrez und Clifford Geertz im Gespräch (Konzeption und Moderation: Constantin von Barloewen, Paris); Debatte Schloss Neuhardenberg (Neuhardenberg b. Berlin/BRD), 5. Juni 2004 (Reihe "Babylon ist überall"), tape recording available at the "Stiftung Neuhardenberg",


Working papers & Collaborations etc.



Comment (on: Georgy Egorov/ Konstantin Sonin: Dictators and Their Viziers: Agency Problems in Dictatorships, Moscow/RU 2004: New Economic School, Working Paper # WP/2004/048 E.), unpublished working material, Moscow/RU 2004: Rossiyskaya Ekonomichekskaya Shkola (New Economic school), 3 pp.





Observando o Islă: o Desenvolvimento Religioso no Marrocos e Indonésia, Rio de Janeiro/BRA 2004: Jorge Zahar, ISBN 8571107947, 141 pp. (Coleçăo Antropologia Social; apresentaçăo: Velho, Gilberto);

O Selvagem Cerebral: sobre a obra de Claude Lévi-Strausss, in: Cadernos de Campo. Revista dos Alunos de pós-graduaçăo em Antropologia Social da USP (Săo Paulo/BR: Universita de Săo Paulo, Departamento de Antropologia), ISSN 0104-5679, no. 12 (2004), pp. 119-132.

Una professió inconstant. La vida antropolňgica en temps interessants, in: El contemporani. Revista d'histňria (Barcelona/SPA: Universitat de Barcelona: Centre d'estudis Historiogrŕfics), ISSN 1133-519X, no. 29 (2004), S. 65-73.

, in: Magyar
Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Európai Kulturális Alapítvány), ISSN 0866-692X, no. 51 (2004), pp. 23-27.

Országok, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Európai Kulturális Alapítvány), ISSN 0866-692X, no. 53 (2004), pp. ?

Indonesia memulai dari awal, in: Zen, Fathurin/ Fuad, Mustafid (ed./ introd.): NU politik: analisis wacana media, Yogyakarta/Jawa/IDN: LKiS, ISBN 9793381469, pp. ?

Путь и случай: Жизнь в науке (Put i slutsai: schisn w' nauke); in: НЛО.
Независимый филологический журнал (NLO. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie); Москва/Moscow/RUS: NLO;  ISSN 2309-9968, no. 70 (2004), pp. 10-24.

Интерпретация культур (Interpretacija Kultur); ред./red.: С. Я. Левит/ C. J. Levent), Москва/Moscow/RUS 2004: ROSSPEN = Российская политическая энциклопедия (РОССПЭН),
ISBN 5824304742, 560 p.

Базарная экономика: информация и поиск в сельском маркетинге (Bazarnaya ekonomika: informatsiya i poisk v sel'skom marketinge),  in: Журнал социологии и социальной антропологи (Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsial'noy antropologii/ Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), ISSN 1029-8053, 2004.  Т. VII. № 3. pp. 153-160.


Από τη σκοπιά του ιθαγενούς: Για τη φύση της ανθρωπολογικής κατανόησης (Apó ti skopiá tou ithagenoús: Gia ti fýsi tis anthropologikís katanóisis),  Δακτυλόγραφο/ typoskript, Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου Τμήμα Κοινωνικής Ανθρωπολογίας και Ιστορίας, διδάσκοντα Βενετία Καντσά  (University of the Aegean (Syros), department of social anthropology and history, Prof. Venetia Kantsa).


Feja si sistem kulturor, in: Mehr Licht ! Revistë kulturore (Tiranë: Fondacioni Kulturor Velija), Nr. 23 (prill 2004), no ISSN no., pp. 271 - 274.


Blurred genres: the refiguration of social thought
, in: Bial, Henry (ed): The Performance Studies Reader, London/UK & New York/N.Y./USA etc. 2004: Routledge, ISBN 0415302404, pp. 64-67.

Being there, in:  Seale, Clive (ed.): Social research methods: a reader, London/UK & New York/N.Y./USA 2004: Routledge, ISBN 0415300843, pp. 236-240.

Selected reading: The impact of the concept of culture on the concept of man,
in: Delaney, Carol: Investigating Culture. An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology, Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK etc. 2004: Blackwell Publishers, ISBN 9781118868621, pp. ? (in section 9: VIPs - Very Important People, Places, Performances);

The Bazaar economy: Information and search in peasant marketing
, in: Networks (Elgar Reference Collection. Critical Studies in Economic Institutions, Cheltenham/UK & Northampton/Mas./USA: Elgar), ISSN 1756-963X, Volume 2, 2004, pp. 422-26.

The visit,
in: Angeloni, Eduardo (ed.): Annual editions of Anthropology 2004/(2005), Guildford/UK etc. 2004: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, ISBN 0072862270, pp. 95-100.


La interpretación de las culturas [Grabación sonora], Bogotá/COL: Inci, audiolivro, 1 disco (CD) Son (Mp3 32Kbps). no ISBN.






Clifford Geertz: selected writings, Bubaneshwar/IND: Mayur Publications; ISBN 9788186040966; 284 p.


Articles & Book chapters


Commentary, in: Shweder, Richard/ Goode, Byron (eds.): Clifford Geertz by his colleagues, Chicago/Il./USA 2005: University of Chicago  Press, ISBN 0226756106, pp. 108-124.


Very Bad News, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), ISSN 0028-7504, vol. 52 no. 5 (March 24, 2005), pp. ?

What was the Third World revolution?, in: Dissent. Independant social thought since 1954 (New York/N.Y./USA: Foundation for Study of Independent Ideas, Inc.), vol. 2005 (winter 2005; online), ISSN 0012-3846, pp. 35-45

Agricultural Involution revisited, in: Edelman, Marc/ Haugeroud, Angelique (eds.): The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism, Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK etc. 2005: Blackwell Publishers, ISBN 0631228799, pp. 194-205.

Little review, in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press), ISSN 1538-4578, vol. 11, no.2 (spring 2005), pp. 349-350.

Letter  'Very bad News', in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), ISSN 0028-7504, vol. 52 no. 10 (June 9, 2005), pp. ?


Shifting aims, moving targets: on the anthropology of religion, in: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (Oxford etc.: Blackwell; ed: Roy. Anthr. Inst.), ISSN 1359-0987, vol. 11 no. 1 (spring 2005), pp. 1-15.


Interviews & (public) Oral & Audiovisual presentations


"Notes sur Clifford Geertz et le politique", suivi d'un entretien avec Clifford Geertz (interviewer: Yohann Aucante), in: Raisons poltiques. Etudes de pensée politique (Paris/FRA: Presses de Sciences Po), N° 18 (mai 2005), ISSN 1291-1941, pp. 149-168 (théme: "Théories en crise").

Systems of Meaning. Hans Ulrich Obrist interviews Clifford Geertz, in: berliner (Berlin/GER: Berliner Magazine), no. 05 (2005), pp. ?


(with Sari Nusseibeh, Robert Weisbuch, Lawrence Jones, Alick Isaacs, Jeffrey Perl, and others)
Contribution  to: Conference on Middle East Peace, Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs/N.Y./USA), May 12-13, 2005 (co-organized by the journal "Common knowledge" (Duke University Press), Durham/N.C./USA)

Clifford Geertz: 18 Ottobre 2005, Princeton, USA; [intervista],  (Hans Ulrich Obrist intervista il famoso antropologo americano; a cura di Thomas Boutoux, Loredana Mascheroni), in: Domus Magazine (Rozzano-Milano/IT: Editoriale Domus spa.), ISSN 0012-5377, no. 880 (aprile 2005, supplement), pp. 105-108


Una conversación con Geertz en Marruecos (interview with "user cuarantaytres"), Chefchaouen/MAR, fall 2005, see: https://de.scribd.com/document/55013040/Geertz (online, scribd-subcription needed to read the text)


Working papers & Collaborations etc.



Letter to Robert Bellah (January 5, 2005), in: Clifford Geertz Papers 1930s-2007, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library, Chicago/Ill./USA, Box 36, Folder 8.





Die Dritte Welt. Vom Fanal der Revolution zur postkolonialen Realitätsbewältigung, in: Lettre International. Europas Kulturzeitung (Berlin/GER: Lettre International Verlag), ISSN 0945-5167, no. 69 (2005), pp. 46-52.


Le rivoluzioni incompiute del "terzo mondo", in: Reset. Un mese di idee (Milano/ITA: Editore Reset srl), ISSN 1594-9893, no. 90 (Luglio - Agosto 2005: "Il ritorno della religione"), pp. ? (sezione "Pensare un globo in frantumi. Perché le categorie concettuali della filosofia politica moderna non bastano piů")


Que reste-t-il des révolutions du tiers monde?, in: Revue Ésprit (Paris/FRA: Éd. Ésprit), no. 6/2005 (Juin 2005: "Les questions de 1905"), ISSN 0014-0759, pp. 46-65 (section "Démocratisation, nationalisme et construction des états")

Quč fou la revolució del Tercer Món?, in: L' Espill (Universitat de Valčncia/SPA; Edicions Tres i Quatre), ISSN 0210-587X, no. 19 (spring 2005), pp. 6-21.

A singgahani medresze (Modernitások), in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Európai Kulturális Alapítvány), ISSN 0866-692X, no. 55 (2005), pp. ?


Náboženství jako kulturní systém [1973], in: Lužný, Dušan (ed.): Řád a moc: vybrané texty ze sociologie náboženství, Brno/CZE 2005: Masarykova univerzita, ISBN 8021030437, pp. 123-158.

Wiedza lokalna. Dalsze eseje z zakresu antropologii interpretatywnej, Kraków/POL 2005: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, ISBN 8323319316, 251 p.,

Interpretacja kultur. Wybrane eseje, Kraków/POL 2005: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego , ISBN 8323320543; 533 p.,

Głęboka gra: walki kogutów na Bali, in: Dialog. Miesięcznik Związku Literatów Polskich (Warszawa/POL: R.S.W. "Prasa"), ISSN 0012-2041, vol. 50, no. 7/8 (2005), pp. 89-106.


Как мы сегодня думаем: к этнографии современной мысли (Kak my segodnya dumayem: k etnografii sovremennoy mysli), in: Культурология (Kul'turologiya/ Culturology), ISSN 2073-5588, no. 1 (2005), pp. 179-201.

עבודות וחיים (Avodot te-yayim. Ha-antropolog ki-me'aber), Tel-Aviv/ISR: Resling, 189 p., ISBN 9780534610326 (series: Libido - Sotsyologyah/Antropologyah ליבידו : סוציולוגיה אנתרופולוגיה).  


"Kesenian populer" dan tradisi Jawa, in/ dalam: Subandy, Ibrahim (ed/ peny.): Lifestyle ecstasy: kebudayaan pop dalam masyarakat komoditas Indonesia, Yogyakarta/Java/IDN, ISBN 979368402X, Penerbit Jalasutra, pp. ?




Life without Fathers or Husbands, in: Spradley, James/ McCurdy, David W. (eds): Conformity and Conflict: Readings in Cultural Anthropology, 12th edition, Boston/MA/USA 2005: Allyn & Bacon, pp. ?


Local knowledge (excerpt), in: Moore, Sally Falk (ed.): Law and anthropology. A reader, Malden/MA/USA 2005: Blackwell, ISBN 9781405102278, pp. 12-19.


Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Daedalus (Cambridge/MA/USA: American Academy for Arts and Sciences/ MIT Press), ISSN 0011-5266, vol. 134, no. 4 (Fall 2005), pp. 56-86.


Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Moore, Henrietta/ Sanders, Todd (eds.): Anthropology in Theory. Issues in Epistemology, Malden/MA/USA & Oxford/UK 2005: Blackwell Publishers, ISBN 9780470673355, pp.236-243.


Whose life is it anyway?,  in: Pole, Christopher John (ed.): Fieldwork, Volume Four (Fieldwork analysis, outcomes and reflections), London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 2005: Sage Publications, ISBN 1446267954, pp. ? (in part 2/2).


Being there, in: Pole, Christopher John (ed.): Fieldwork, Volume Four (Fieldwork analysis, outcomes and reflections), London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 2005: Sage Publications, ISBN 1446267954, pp. ? (in part 2/3)


History and anthropology, in: Hall, John A./ Bryant, Joseph M. (eds.): Historical Methods in the Social Sciences, Volume One (Historical Social Science: Presuppositions and Prescriptions), London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 2005: Sage Publications, ISBN 141290370X, pp. ? (in part 1: History and the social sciences);

Blurred genres: the refiguration of social thought, in: McLaughlin, Becky Renee/ Coleman, Robert (eds.): Everyday theory: a contemporary reader, New York/N.Y./USA 2005: Pearson & Longman, ISBN 032119540X, pp. ? (chapter "Education and institutions");


Ideology as a Cultural System, in: Boudon, Raymond/ Cherkaoui, Mohamed (eds): Central currents in social theory. Vol. 7: Contemporary sociological theory 1920-2000, London/UK: Sage, ISBN 0761962425, pp. ??

[Clifford Geertz texts], in: Antología de Antropología (compiled by Chávez, Jorge C., edited by Herrera Robles, Luis Alfonso/ Hérnan, Juan Muscio), Ciudad Juárez/MEX: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, no ISBN number, online only.


Dichte Beschreibung. Bemerkungen zu einer deutenden Theorie von Kultur, in: Texte zur Theorie des Textes, ed. & commented by Stephan Kammer & Roger Lüdeke, Ditzingen/BRD 2005: Reclam, ISBN 3150176522, pp. 271-292.

Náboženství jako kulturní systém, in: Lužný, Dušan (ed.) (2005): Řád a moc. Vybrané texty ze sociologie náboženství, Brno/CZE 2005: Nakladatelství Masarykova univerzita-Vydavatelství Brno, pp. ?

Kultūrų interpretavimas. straipsnių rinktinė, Vilnius/LIT: Baltų lankų leidyba, ISBN 9789955584940; 368 p.;



Articles & Book chapters



Among the Infidels, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), ISSN 0028-7504, vol. 53 no. 5 (March 23, 2006), pp. ?


(with Caroline Walker Bynum; Sari Nusseibeh; Robert Weisbuch; Israel J. Yuval; Philip Glotzbach; Alick Isaacs; Lawrence Jones; Cason Lynley; Jeffrey M. Perl)

Conference Working Group Recommendations, in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press), ISSN 0961-754X, vol. 12, no.1 (spring 2006), pp. 13-15


Little review, in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press), ISSN 0961-754X, vol. 12, no.3 (fall 2006), pp. 525-526.


Comment on "Michael G. Peletz: Transgenderism and Gender Pluralism in Southeast Asia since Early Modern Times", in: Current Anthropology (ed.: Chicago/Ill./USA: The Wenner Gren foundation for Anthropological research; pub: Chicago/Ill./USA: Univ. of Chicago Press), ISSN 0011-3204, vol. 47, no. 2 (April 2006), pp. 327-328.

La religion, sujet d'avenir
, in:
Le Monde, Paris/FRA, ISSN 0245-3754, 5 May 2006, pp. 05-06.


Interviews &  (public) Oral & Audiovisual presentations



Religion and Modernity: Some Revisionary Views, round table input at the conference "Les sciences sociales en mutation. Colloque internationale et pluridisciplinaire", May 3-6, 2006, Paris/FRA: EHESS, Centre d'analyse et d'intervention sociologiques (CADIS).


Interview with Clifford Geertz (by Karyn A. Cooper and Robert E. White), at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton/NJ/USA), June 2006 (via videoconference).


Conversation with Clifford Geertz (by Barbara Schellhammer), Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton/NJ/USA, May 15, 2006.


In welcher Gesellschaft leben wir eigentlich? Gespräch mit Armin Pongs, in: Pongs, Armin (ed.): In welcher Gesellschaft leben wir eigentlich? (Gesellschaft X. Band 3: Perspektiven, Diagnosen, Konzepte), München/BRD 2006: Dilemma-Verlag, pp. ?





Nagara. Państwo-teatr na Bali w XIX wieku. Kraków/POL 2006: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, ISBN 8323321809, 298 p.

A leghrosszab hír az …. in: Anthropolis Online (Antropológiai Közhasznú Egyesület, Budapest/HUN: Anthropolis Egyesület), ISSN 1785-2447, vol. 3 no.1 (2006), pp. ?

O futuro das religiőes
, in: Folha de S. Paulo, ISSN 1414-5723, online only, 14 de maio de 2006.




Kulturbegriff und Menschenbild, in: Winterling, Aloys (ed.): Historische Anthropologie (Kap.: "Grundfragen der Anthropologie"), Stuttgart/BRD 2006: Steiner (Basistexte 1: Geschichte), ISBN 9783515089050, pp. 47-66.

'Deep Play': Ritual als kulturelle Performance, in: Belliger, Andréa/ Krieger, David (eds.): Ritualtheorien. Ein einführendes Handbuch, Wiesbaden 2006: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (3. Auflage), ISBN 9783531194998, pp. 97-123.


‘From the native's point of view’: on the nature of anthropological understanding, in: Williams, Malcolm Edward (ed.): Philosophical Foundations of Social Research Methods, Volume Two (Philosophical Issues in Research Strategies), London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 2006: Sage Publications, ISBN 1412903823, pp. ?


De Bali al posmodernismo: una entrevista con Clifford Geertz (Entrevista realizada por Silvia Hirsch y Pablo Wright, editada originalmente en la revista Publicar Nş1), in: Antropologicas. Un permanente debate sobre cómo abordar algunos problemas de la humanidad,  ISSN 2173-0873 (?, online).

Descripción densa: hacia una teoría interpretativa de la cultura
, in: Basail Rodríguez, Alaín/ Álvarez Durán, Daniel (eds.): Sociología de la Cultura, Lecturas, Tomo 1; Havanna/ La Habana/CUB: Editorial Félix Varela, ISBN 9592588058, pp. 47-78.


Juego profundo: notas sobre la rińa de gallos en Bali, in:  Basail Rodríguez, Alaín/ Álvarez Durán, Daniel (eds.): Sociología de la Cultura, Lecturas, Tomo 2; Havanna/ La Habana/CUB: Editorial Félix Varela, ISBN 9592588066, pp. 109-158.




Articles & Book chapters


"To Exist Is to Have Confidence in One's Being": Rituals as model systems, in: Creager, Angela N. H./ Lunbeck, Elizabeth/ Wise, M. Norton (eds.): Science without laws: model systems, cases, exemplary narratives, Durham/N.C./USA 2007: Duke University Press, ISBN 0822340682, pp. 212-224.

Little Review, in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press), vol. 13, no. 1 (winter 2007), ISSN 0961-754X, pp. 143-144.

Islam Re-Observed. New Foreword, in: 07Theb1

Les sciences sociales et la religion: la nécessité d'une nouvelle approche, in: Cahiers français (Paris/FRA: La Documentation française), ISSN 2270-5570, no. 340 (Septembre-Octobre 2007: "Les religions dans la société"), pp. 8-9.




Yerel Bilgi. Istanbul & Ankara/TUR 2007: Dost Kitabevi editors,
ISBN 9789752983106, 254 p.;


El impacto del concepto de cultura en el concepto de hombre, in: Moreno, Nuria Fernández (ed.): Lecturas de etnología: una introducción a la comparación en antropologíaMadrid/SPA 2007: UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), ISBN 9788436250251, pp. 203-224.

Здравый смысл как культурная система (
Zdravyy smysl kak kul'turnaya sistema), in: Неприкосновенный запас (журнал)/ Neprikosnovennyy zapas (zhurnal)/  Journal "Emergency ration", (Moscow/ Москва: Новое литературное обозрение/ Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye/ New Literary Review), ISSN 1562–1391, vol. 54 (2007) no. 4 (тема/ topic: Здравый смысл и обыденный язык/ Zdravyy smysl i obydennyy yazyk/ Common Sense and Common Language), pp. ?


Как мы сегодня думаем: к этнографии современной мысли (Kak my segodnya dumayem: k etnografii sovremennoy mysli), in: Этнографическое Обозрение/ Etnograficheskoye Obozreniye/ Ethnographic Review; Moscow/ Москва: Институт этнологии и антропологии/ Institut etnologii i antropologii, Российская Академия Наук (РАН)/ Rossiyskaya Akademiya Nauk (RAN)/ Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), ISSN 0869-5415, no. 2 (2007), pp 3-16.

Tihe kirjeldus: Tőlgendava kultuuriteooria poole, in: Vikerkaar (Tallinn/EST: Väljaandja SA Kultuurileht), ISSN 0234-8160, no. 4-5 (2007), pp. 78-110.


עיונים באסלאם: התפתחות דתית במרוקו ובאינדונזיה (עריכה מדעית/ 'yunim ba-Islam: hitpatḥut datit be-Maroḳo uve-Indonezyah, edited by: אנדרה לוי/ Andre Levy, תל אביב/ Tel Aviv/ISR 2007: רסלינג/ Resling, no ISBN, 178 p.

現代社会を照らす光: 人類学的な省察 (Gendai syakai o terasu hikari: zinruigakutekina seisatu),
東京 2007: 青木書店 (Tokyo/JAP: Aoki syoten), ISBN 9784250207280; 338 + 6 p.


地方知識: 詮釋人類學論文集 (Di fang zhi shi: quan shi ren lei xue lun wen ji), 臺北市 2007 : 麥田出版 (Táiběi shě: Mŕitián chūbǎn = Taipei City/TWN: Rye Publishing), ISBN 9789861732251, 324 p.

Tolkuvanje na kulturite: odbrani esei
, Skopje/North-Makedonia: Magor, ISBN 9789989183072, 446 p.;


Tétova antropológia. Mezítláb végigsétálni a kultúra egészén, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Jelenkor Kiadó), ISSN 0866-692X, no. 65 (2007), pp. 66-68.

'Non faccio sistemi'
(Intervista di Arun Micheelsen),  in: Aut Aut. Revista di Filosofia (Milano/ITA: Il Saggiatore), ISSN 0005-0601, no. 335 (Iuligio-Settembre 2007; "L'antropologia interpretative di Clifford Geertz"), pp. 21-32




The social history of an Indonesian town. Westport/Ct./USA 2007: Greenwood Press, ISBN 9780837184319, 226 p.

Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Monaghan, Leila/ Goodman, Jane E./
Robinson, Jennifer Meta  (eds.): A cultural approach to interpersonal communication: essential readings, Malden/ Ma./USA etc. 2007: Blackwell Pub., ISBN 9781444335316, pp. 29-31.

Person, time and conduct in Bali, in: Wulff, Helena (ed.): The emotions: a cultural reader, Oxford/UK & New York/N.Y./USA: Berg, ISBN 9781845203689, pp. 357-368.


Two countries, two cultures, in: Rippin, Andrew (ed.): Defining Islam. A reader, London/UK etc.: Equinox, ISBN 1845530616, pp. 104-117.

Welt in Stücken: Kultur und Politik am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. IWM (Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen), Vorlesungen zur modernen Philosophie. Wien/AUT 1996: Passagen Verlag (2nd, revised edition), ISBN 9783851657852
1, 20 p.;

Religion, sujet d'avenir, in: Wieviorka, Michel (ed.): Les Sciences sociales en mutation, Paris/FRA 2007: Éditions Sciences Humaines, ISBN 9782912601490; pp. 427-436.


Religion as a Cultural System (Chinese excerpt), online only (no ISBN): http://dchen.forevernew.com.tw/wordpress/?m=200706;

Descripción densa: hacia una teoría interpretativa de la cultura, in: Moreno, Nuria Fernández (ed.): Lecturas de etnología: una introducción a la comparación en antropologíaMadrid/SPA 2007: UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), ISBN 9788436250251, pp.  S. 277-304.


Как мы сегодня думаем: к этнографии современной мысли, in: Этнографическое обозрение (Москва/RUS: Институт этнологии и антропологии РАН), ISSN 0869-5415, no. 2 (2007), pp. 184-191
  • reprint of 05Trus1 = translation of  82Aeng1 "The way we think now: toward an ethnography of modern thought", пер. с англ. А.Л. Елфимова/ translated by A.L. Elfimova.



Articles & Book chapters


Little review, in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press), ISSN 0961-754X, vol. 13 no. 1 (2007/08), p. 143.




Islam. Lo sviluppo religioso in Marocco e in Indonesia
, Milano/ITA: Raffaello Cortina, 251 p.


In memoriam. Entrevista con Clifford Geertz por Richard Handler, in: AIBR. Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (Madrid/SPA: Antropólogos Iberoamericanos), ISSN 1695-9752, vol. 3, no. 1 (Enero-Abril 2008), pp. 17-45.

"Ne stavram sisteme". Interviu s Klifordom Gercom, in: Kultura (Beograd/SRB:
Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka), ISSN 0023-5164, special issue 118-119 (March/ marta 2008, dedicated to Clifford Geertz), pp. 183-202.

Interviu sa Klifordom Gercom, in: Kultura (Beograd/SRB:
Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka), ISSN 0023-5164, issue 118-119 (March/ marta 2008, dedicated to Clifford Geertz), pp. 154-181.

Promena ciljeva, pomeranje meta: o antropologiji religije, in: Kultura (Beograd/SRB: Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka), ISSN 0023-5164, issue 118-119 (March/ marta 2008, dedicated to Clifford Geertz), pp. 132-153.

U svim pravcima: čitanje znakova u urbanoj razuđenosti, in:
Kultura (Beograd/SRB: Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka), ISSN 0023-5164, issue 118-119 (March/ marta 2008, dedicated to Clifford Geertz), pp. 108-131.

Upotrebe rasli
čitosti, in: Kultura (Beograd/SRB: Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka), ISSN 0023-5164, issue 118-119 (March/ marta 2008, dedicated to Clifford Geertz), pp. 87-107.

in: Kultura (Beograd/SRB: Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka), ISSN 0023-5164, issue 118-119 (March/ marta 2008, dedicated to Clifford Geertz), pp. 58-86.

Biti tamo: Antropologija i pozornica pisanja, in:
Kultura (Beograd/SRB: Zavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka), ISSN 0023-5164, issue 118-119 (March/ marta 2008, dedicated to Clifford Geertz), pp.41-57


คำอธิบายหนา (Khả xṭhibāy h̄nā = Thick description). in: อคิน รพีพัฒน/ หม่อมราชวงศ (Akhin Raphīphat/ Mǭmrātchawong, eds.): วัฒนธรรมคือความหมาย: ทฤษฎีและวิธีการของคลิฟฟอร์ด เกียร์ซ / อคิน รพีพัฒน์ (Watthnatham khư̄ khūaāmmāi: thrisadī lć withīkān khǭng Khlipfǭt Kīats & Ákhin Raphīphat = Culture is Meaning: The Theory and Methods of Clifford Geertz and Akin Rapipat), กรุงเทพฯ (Krung Thēp = Bangkok/THA) 2551 B.E. = 2008 n.Chr.: ศูนย์มานุษยวิทยาสิรินธร (Sūn Mānutsayawitthayā Sirinthrǭn = Sirindhorn Anthroplogical Center editions), ISBN 978-974054133-2, pp. ?

الشرق الأدنى في الشرق الأقصى : عن الإسلام في أندونيسيا ("Near East in the Far East: About Islam in Indonesia"
), in:
كتابات معاصرة (“Contemporary writings”), Beirut/LEB: Ilyas Lahhud, no ISSN, vol. 18, Issue 69 (31. Jul. 2008), pp. 73-82.




Interview with Clifford Geertz (by Néni Panourgía and Pávlos Kavoúras), in: Marcus, George E./ Panourgía, Néni (eds.): Ethnographica Moralia: Experiments in Interpretive Anthropology, New York/NY/USA: Fordham University Press, I
SBN 9780823228874, pp. 15-28.


Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture, in: Timothy Oakes/ Patricia L. Price (eds.): The Cultural Geography Reader, Abingdon/UK etc.: Routledge, pp. 39-39.


The interpretation of cultures. Selected essays, Princeton/NJ/USA: Recording for Blind & Dyslexic, OCLC no. 250672793 (Harper Colophon books no. 50).


Local knowledge : further essays in interpretive anthropology, Princeton/NJ/USA : Recording for Blind & Dyslexic, OCLC no.232549684 (Harper Colophon books no. 56).


The Wet and the Dry: Traditional Irrigation Bali and Morocco, in: Dove, Michael R./ Carol Carpenter (eds.): Environmental anthropology. A historical reader, Malden/Mass./USA & Oxford/UK, ISBN 9781405111256, pp.161-177.

Comment nous pensons maintenant: vers une ethnographie de la pensée moderne, in Société Oboulo  (Cavalaire-sur-Mer/FRA), no ISSN, 2007-08 online

Le souk de Sefrou, in: Société Oboulo (Cavalaire-sur-Mer/FRA), no ISSN, 2008-2009 online.

Sobre o conceito de Cultura - Clifort Geertz, description: Um breve texto comentando o conceito de Cultura para o conceituadíssimo antropólogo Clifort Geertz.




Articles & Book chapters


Young Man Geertz. A Senior Paper (1949), in: The Antioch Review (Yellow-Springs/Oh./USA: Antioch Review Inc.),
ISSN 0003-5769, vol. 67 no. 4, pp. ?




Antropolog kao pisac
, Beograd/SRB: Knjižara Krug & Biblioteka XX vek, ISBN 978867562082, 175 p.


後事實追尋 : 兩個國家,四個十年,一位人類學家 (Hňu shěshí zhuīxún: Liǎng gč guójiā, sě gč shí nián, yī wči rénlči xué jiā), 臺北市 2009: 群學 (Táiběi shě: Qún xué = Taipei City/TWN: Group Studies), ISBN 9789866525186, 275 pp.


Tafsiran Budaya. Esei pilihan, Kuala Lumpur/MAL: Ampang Press, ISBN 9789830682471. ? p.


Διαθέσιμο φως. Ανθρωπολογικοί στοχασμοί για φιλοσοφικά θέματα, (Diathésimo fós. Anthropologikoí stochasmoí gia filosofiká thémata), Αθήνα (Athens)/GRE 2009: Αλεξάνδρεια (Alexándria), ISBN 9789602214381, 327 p.

تأويل الثقافات (tawil althaqafat), بيروت : مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية  (Beirut/LEB 2009: Center for Arab Studies), ISBN 9953016488, 879 p.


تفسیر فرهنگ ها (phonetic transcription not available), xتهران: نشر ثالث (Tehran 2009 (Hirji 1430): "Third Publishing Company"), ISBN 9786004055192 (۹۷۸۶۰۰۴۰۵۵۱۹۲), 634 p.



Common Sense as a Cultural System, in: The Antioch Review, ISSN 0003-5769, vol. 67 no. 4 (2009), pp. 770-790.


Art as a cultural system, in: David Inglis/ Marta Herrero (eds.): Art as social institution and collective practice, New York/NY/USA etc. 2009: ISBN 9780415450133, pp. 104-121;


Islam reobserved, in: Journal of North African Studies, ISSN 1362-9387 , vol. 14. no. 3-4, PP. 327-330.


Negara: The Theatre State in Bali, in: Tineke Hellwig/ Eric Tagliacozzo (eds.): The Indonesia reader: history, culture, politics, Durham/NC/USA 2009: Duke University Press, ISBN 9780822344032, pp. 99-104.

Géneros confusos. La re(con)figuración del pensamiento social, in: Trabajo y sociedad: Indagaciones sobre el empleo, la cultura y las prácticas políticas en sociedades segmentadas (Santiago de Estero/ARG: UNSED), ISSN 1514-6871, no. 13 (2009). 145-157.

Базарная экономика: информация и поиск в крестьянском маркетинге, in:
Экономическая социология (Economic Sociology, Moscow/RUS: National Research University Higher School of Economics), ISSN 1726-3247, vol. 10 no. 2 (Март 2009), pp. 54-61.

문화의 해석 (Munhwaui haeseog), Seoul/KOR 2009: 까치/ Kkachi, ISBN 8972914665, 540 pp.