Croatian HyperGeertz Hrvatski
This file is part of HyperGeertz©WorldCatalogue(HTM)*
and contains all publications (= directly published or indirectly noted
as public
by Prof. Clifford James Geertz, PhD (1926-2006), made public in Croatian language
* HyperGeertz is a protected Hypertext-Trademark (HTM) by Austrian law (UrhRG 1936 idgF 2018, Par. 21 & 24 iVm 40a).
All the following informations on Croation translations of works by C. Geertz were compiled by a person with limited ability to speak the Croatian language. Any help by a native speaker of Croatian in correcting or augmenting the informations below is highly welcome !!
Sve podatke o hrvatskim prijevodima djela C. Geertza sastavila je osoba s ograničenim sposobnostima govora na hrvatskom jeziku. Svaka pomoć izvornog govornika hrvatskog jezika u ispravljanju ili proširivanju ovih podataka je itekako dobrodošla !!
Before the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia 1991-1992 into the six successing states (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, North Makedonia), besides Slovenian the common language was Serbocroatian. Therefore translations into other successing languages are included here.
Prije raspada bivše Jugoslavije 1991-1992 na šest država sljednica (Slovenija, Hrvatska, Srbija, Bosna, Crna Gora, Sjeverna Makedonija), osim slovenskog, zajednički jezik bio je i srpskohrvatski. Stoga su ovdje uključeni prijevodi na druge jezike koji slijede.
For a description of the structure and logic of this documentation see the English introduction.
Za opis strukture i logike ove dokumentacije pogledajte uvod u engleski jezik.
Go directly to the general/ Idite izravno generalu HyperGeertz©WorldCatalogue.
Books/ Knjige
Lokalno znanje: eseji iz interpretativne antropologije, Zagreb/CRO: AGM (Biblioteka Sintagma), ISBN 9789531743907, 307 p.
translation of 83Beng1 "Local Kowledge", trad./ s engleskog prevela: Irena Matijašević.
Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations/ Intervjui, usmene i audiovizualne prezentacije
Antiprogres - Clifforda Geertza, in: Horgan, John (comp.): Kraj znanosti, Zagreb/CRO 2001: Naklada Jesenski i Turk, ISBN 9789532226614; pp. ?
translation of 96Reng12 "Interview: ethnography as art"; trad.: Rajka Rusan, Ognjan Stipić.
Translations into other languages of former Yugoslavia/ Prijevodi na druge jezike bivše Jugoslavije
Serbian translations/ Srpski prijevodi
Bosnian translations/ Bosanski prijevodi
Makedonian translations/ Makedonski prijevodi
Slovenian translations/ Slovenski prijevodi