Chinese HyperGeertz 中文
This file is part of HyperGeertz©WorldCatalogue(HTM)*
and contains all publications (= directly published or indirectly noted
as public
by Prof. Clifford James Geertz, PhD (1926-2006), made public in Chinese language
* HyperGeertz is a protected Hypertext-Trademark (HTM) by Austrian law (UrhRG 1936 idgF 2018, Par. 21 & 24 iVm 40a).
All the following informations on Chinese translations of works by C. Geertz were compiled by a person not able to speak or read the Chinese language and its writing. Any help by a native speaker of Chinese in correcting or augmenting the informations below is highly welcome !!
关于C. Geertz作品的中文翻译的所有信息均由不懂中文及其文字的人编写。欢迎以汉语为母语的人在纠正或补充这些信息方面提供任何帮助!
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Books/ 图书
(Wen hua de jie shi/ Interpretation of Cultures),
雲南 1998:
雲林大學出版社 (Yúnnán shì: Yún lín dàxué chūbǎn shè =
Yunnan/CHN 1998: Yunlin University Press), ISBN 781025944X,
264 p.
partial translation of
"Interpretation of cultures" with Simplified Chinese
edited & trad.: 錢 寧 編/ Qian Ning.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
Chinese chapters not available yet
(Wen hua de jie shi/
Interpretation of Cultures)),
南京市 1999: 譯林出版社 (Nánjīng shì: Yì
lín chūbǎn shè = Nanjing/CHN
1999: Yilin
Publishing House), ISBN 7806750322, 572 p.
translation of 73Beng1 "Interpretation of cultures" with Simplified Chinese characters; trad.: 韓莉/ Han Li.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
second unaltered edition 2006.
paperback edition 2008 (501 p., ISBN 9787544705165).
reprinted revised as 14Rchn1.
文化的解釋 (Wen hua de jie shi), 上海市 1999: 上海人民出版社 (Shànghǎi shì: Shànghǎi rénmín chūbǎn shè = Shanghai/CHN 1999: Shanghai People's Publishing House), ISBN 7208030278, 524 p.
parallel translation of 73Beng1 "Interpretation of cultures" with Simplified Chinese characters; trad. 纳日碧力戈等译. 纳日碧力戈/ Nari Bilige and others.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
see also the Worldcat-entry (printed version); (online version).
十九世 巴厘
国家 (Ní jiā lā: Shíjiǔ shì bālí guójiā/
Niagara: Nineteenth Century
Bali Country), Shanghai/CHN
1999: Shang hai ren min chu ban she, ISBN 9787208030237; 279, 47 pp.
translation of 80Beng1 "Negara.The theatre state" with Standard Chinese characters; trad.: Bing-xiang Zhao/ 小泉 潤二.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
see also the detailled Chinese book description.
see also the Worldcat-entry.
地方性知识[著:阐人类学论文集 (Dìfāng xìng zhīshì: Chǎnshì rénlèi xué lùnwén jí), 北京 2000: 中央編譯出版 (Běijīng: Zhōngyāng biānyì chūbǎn = Beijing/CHN: Central Compilation Press), ISBN 7801093461, 324 p.
translation of 83Beng1 "Local knowledge" with Standard Chinese characters; trad: 張 家瑄 譯, 王 海龍 譯 / Zhang Jiaxuan, Hailong Wang
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
see the Worldcat-entry.
reprints (in Taiwan): 02Rchn1,
地方知識: 詮釋人類學論文集 (Di fang zhi shi: quan shi ren lei xue lun wen ji), 臺北市 2007: 麥田出版 (Táiběi shì: Màitián chūbǎn = Taipei City/TWN 2007: Rye Publishing), ISBN 9789861732251, 324 p.
new translation of 83Beng1 "Local knowledge" with Simplified Chinese characters, trad. 楊 德/ Wang Derui.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
see the detailled Chinese book description.
see also the Worldcat-entry.
後事實追尋: 兩個國家,四個十年,一位人類學家 (Hòu shìshí zhuīxún: Liǎng gè guójiā, sì gè shí nián, yī wèi rénlèi xué jiā), 臺北市 2009: 群學 (Táiběi shì: Qún xué = Taipei City/TWN 2009: Group Studies), ISBN 9789866525186, 275 pp.
translation of 95Beng1 „After the fact" with Simplified Chinese characters; trad. 方 怡潔 譯/ Fang Yi Jie.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
追尋事實: 兩個國家.四個十年.一位人類學家 (Zhuīxún shìshí: Liǎng gè guójiā. Sì gè shí nián. Yī wèi rénlèi xué jiā), 北京市 2011: 北京大學 (Běijīng shì: Běijīng dàxué = Beijing/CHN 2011: Peking University Press), ISBN 9787301195901, 188 p.
translation of 95Beng1 "After the fact" with Simplified Chinese characters, trad. 林經緯譯/ Lin Jingwei.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
further details in English not available yet.
论著与生活: 作为作者的人类学家 (Lùnzhù yǔ shēnghuó: Zuòwéi zuòzhě de rénlèi xué jiā), 北京 2013: 中國人民大學出版社 (Běijīng: Zhōngguó rénmín dàxué chūbǎn shè = Beijing/CHN 2013: Renmin University of China Press), ISBN 9787300172811, 232 p.
translation of 88Beng1 "Works and lives" with Simplified Chinese characters, translated by 方静文, 黄剑波译/ Fang Jingwen, Huang Jianbo.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
燭幽之光: 哲學問題的人類學省思 (Zhú yōu zhī guāng: Zhéxué wèntí de rénlèi xué xǐng sī), 上海 2013: 上海人民出版社 (Shànghǎi: Shànghǎi rénmín chūbǎn shè = Shanghai/CHN: Shanghai People's Publishing House), 9787208114937. 264 p.
translation of 00Beng1 "Available Light" with Simplified Chinese characters, translated by 甘會斌譯/ Gan Huibin.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
地方知識 : 闡釋人類學論文集 (Dìfāng zhīshì: Chǎnshì rénlèi xué lùnwén jí), 北京 2014: 商務印書館 (Běijīng: Shāngwù yìn shūguǎn = Beijing/CHN 2014: Commercial Press), ISBN 9787100108201, 281 p.
translation of 83Beng1 "Local knowledge" with Simplified Chinese characters, trad. 楊 德/ Yang Derui.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
斯人斯世: 格尔茨遗文集 (Sī rén sī shì: Gé ěr cí yí wénjí/ kèlì fú dé), 上海市 2016: 上海人民出版社 (Shànghǎi/CHN: Shànghǎi rénmín chūbǎn shè = Shanghai/CHN 2016: Shanghai People's Publishing House), ISBN 9787208140943, 357 p.
translation of 10Beng1 "Life among the Anthros" with Simplified Chinese characters; trad. 甘會斌/ Gan Huibin.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
尼加拉 : 十九世纪巴利剧场国家 (Ní jiā lā: Shíjiǔ shìjì bā lì jùchǎng guójiā), 北京 2018: 商務印書館 (Běijīng/CHN: Shāngwù yìn shūguǎn = Beijing/CHN 2018: Commercial Press), ISBN 9787100156813, 234 p.
revised version of 99Tchn3 = translation of 80Beng1 "Negara.The theatre state" with Simplified Chinese characters; trad. 赵丙祥译 / Zhao Bingxiang.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
Reprints/ 转载
地方知識: 詮釋人類學論文集 (Di fang zhi shi: quan shi ren lei xue lun wen ji), Taipeh/TWN 2002: Mai tian chu ban she, 麦田出版, ISBN 9867895770, 324 p.;
translation of 83Beng1 "Local Knowledge" with Simplified Chinese characters; = reprint of 00Tchn1; trad.: 楊 德睿/ Derui Yang.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
a second, revised Taiwanese edition was printed 2007: 07Rchn1.
see the detailled Chinese book description.
see the Worldcat-entry.
Religion as a Cultural System (Chinese excerpt), online only:;
further link:
excerpt from ?
translation of 73Beng1 “Interpretation of Cultures” with Standard Chinese characters, trad. 韓莉譯. 韓莉: Han Li.
(Chinese characters need to be activated at your browser).
revised reprint of 99Tchn1.
烛幽之光: 哲学问题的人类学省思
(Zhú yōu zhī guāng: Zhéxué wèntí de rénlèi xué xǐng sī), 上海市 2017: 上海人民出版社 (Shànghǎi/CHN 2017: Shànghǎi rénmín chūbǎn shè = Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House), ISBN 9787208142947, 293 p.
paperback reprint of 13Tchn2 = translation of "Available Light" with Simplified Chinese characters, translated by 甘會斌譯/ Gan Huibin.
地方知识 阐释人类学论文集 纪念版 (美) 克利福德·格尔茨著 杨德睿译 (Dìfāng zhīshì chǎnshì rénlèi xué lùnwén jí jìniàn bǎn (měi) kèlì fú), Bejing/CHN 2017: 商务印书馆 (Commercial Press), ISBN 9787100134521, 380 p.
reprint of ? = translation of 83Beng1 "Local Knowledge" with Simplified Chinese characters, trad. ?