Latvian HyperGeertz Latvietis

This file is part of HyperGeertz©WorldCatalogue(HTM)
and contains all publications (= directly published or indirectly noted as public contributions
by Prof. Clifford James Geertz, PhD (1926-2006), made public in Latvian language

* HyperGeertz is a protected Hypertext-Trademark (HTM) by Austrian law (UrhRG 1936 idgF 2018, Par. 21 & 24 iVm 40a).


All the following informations on Latvian translations of works by C. Geertz were compiled by a person not able to speak or understand Latvian. Any help by a native speaker of Latvian in correcting or augmenting the informations below is highly welcome !!

Visas šīs ziņas par C. Geertz darbu tulkojumiem latviešu valodā sastādīja persona, kas nespēj runāt vai saprast latviešu valodu. Jebkura palīdzība, kuru sniedz dzimtā latviešu valoda, labojot vai papildinot zemāk redzamo informāciju, ir ļoti laipni gaidīta !!

For a description of the structure and logic of this documentation see the English introduction.

Šīs dokumentācijas struktūras un loģikas aprakstu skatīt ievadā angļu valodā.

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Books/ Grāmatas


Kulturu interpretacija. Riga/LAT 1998: Izdevnieciba AGB for "Sorosa Fonds Latvia", ISBN
9984928810; 478 p.