Farsi HyperGeertz فارسی
This file is part of HyperGeertz©WorldCatalogue(HTM)*
and contains all publications (= directly published or indirectly noted
as public
by Prof. Clifford James Geertz, PhD (1926-2006), made public in Farsi language
* HyperGeertz is a protected Hypertext-Trademark (HTM) by Austrian law (UrhRG 1936 idgF 2018, Par. 21 & 24 iVm 40a).
All the following informations on Farsi translations of works by C. Geertz were compiled by a person not able to speak or read the Farsi language. Any help by a native speaker of Farsi in correcting or augmenting the informations below is highly welcome !!
For a description of the stucture and logic of this documentation see the English introduction.
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مستقیم به عمومی بروید
Books/ کتابها
تفسیر فرهنگ
ها (phonetic transcription not available yet),
xتهران: نشر ثالث (Tehran
2009/ Hirji 1430: "Third Publishing Company"), ISBN
634 p.
translation of
73Beng1 "Interpretation of Cultures.
Selected essays",
translated by Thalasi, Mohsen/ ترجمه محسن ثلاثی.
note: translated from the second edition
1979 (= 1399 Hijri calendar).
transcription of Farsi
chapters not available yet/
از فصلهای فارسی هنوز در دسترس نیست
view the Farsi
front cover.
see the Farsi
book description.