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Visual Anthropology Index to Film, Television, and Video articles, book reviews and reviews.

ҏ׮Part II
please quote the original source if you are going to use this paper

Articles & Book chapters

Commentary on Professor Tus paper, in: Philosophy East & West (Honolulu/Hi./USA: University Press of Hawaii), vol. 31 no. 3 (1981), pp. 269-272 (on: Tu, Wei-Ming: "The moral universal from the perspectives of East Asian thought", in: Philosophy East & West etc., pp. 259-268; 

the source of this commentary lies in 77Ieng2 (= joint participation with Prof. Tu at the Dahlem Konferenzen no. 9, Berlin/BRD 1977, workshop on "Sociobiology, morality, and culture"; Tu Wei-Ming published a first version of his report (originally presented there and in public hereby commented orally by C. Geertz), as delivered at the workshop, with the same title as mentioned above, in: Gunter S. Stent (ed.): Morality as a Biological Phenomenon, Berlin/BRD 1978: Dahlem Konferenzen, pp. 187-208; C. Geertz did NOT publish his commentary/ contribution there before this later publication).



Abangan, santri, priyayi dalam masyarakat Jawa. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1981: Pustaka Jaya (XXII, 551 p. (Seri pusta ka sarjana ; no. 4); diterjemahkan oleh ; disunting oleh Bur Rasuanto; kata pengantar oleh Parsudi Suparlan; komentar oleh Harsja W. Bachtiar; = complete translation of
60Beng1; trad.: Mahasin, Aswab).

  • second edition 1983.



Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Hart, Mabel Marie/ Birrell, Susan (eds.): Sport in the sociocultural process. 3rd, enlarged edition. Dubuque/Ia./USA 1981: W.C. Brown Pub., pp. ? (=reprint of




Articles & Book chapters


The way we think now: toward an ethnography of modern thought, in: Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston/Ma./USA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences), vol. 35 no. 5 (1982), pp. 14-34 (for the previous version see
76Weng1; note: "given as bicentennial address to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences"). 

  • reprinted as chapt. 7 in 83Beng1, pp. 147-163 (for the numerous translations as part of this book see there).
  • this reprint also as VACC-Text.

Foreword, in: Pelzer, Karl Josef: Planters against peasants: the agrarian struggle in East Sumatra 1947-1958. sGravenhage/NED 1982: Martinus Nijhoff (= "Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde", vol. 97), pp. VII-XII.


Book review, in: American Ethnologist (Washington/D.C./USA: American Ethnological Society), vol. 9 no. 3 (1982), pp. 583-584 (on: Sahlins, Marshall D.: "Historical metaphors and mythical realities: structure in the early history of the Sandwich Islands kingdom", Ann-Arbor/Mi./USA 1981: University of Michigan Press; = Association for the Study of Anthropology in Oceania, special publication no. 1).

Conjuring with Islam, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 29 no. 9 (May 27, 1982), pp. 25-28 (= Book review essay on: (1) Gellner, Ernest: "Muslim society", Cambridge/UK etc. 1981: Cambridge University Press; (2) Mottahedeh, Roy P.: "Loyalty and leadership in an early Islamic society", Princeton/N.J./USA etc. 1980: Princeton University Press; (3) Smith, Wilfred Cantwell: "On understanding Islam: selected studies", Den-Haag/NED etc. 1981: Mouton; (4) Algar, Hamid (translation and annotation): "Islam and revolution: writings and declarations of Imam Khomeini", Berkeley/Ca./USA 1981: Mizan Press; (5) Swartz, Merlin L. (translated and edited): "Studies on Islam", Oxford/UK etc. 1981: Oxford University Press; (6) Said, Edward W.: "Covering Islam: how the media and the experts determine how we see the rest of the world", London/UK etc. 1981: Vintage; (7) Kedourie, Elie: "Islam in the modern world and other studies", New-York/N.Y./USA 1981: Holt, Rinehart and Winston).

Reply to: understanding Islam, by Elie Kedourie, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 29 no. 21 (December 2, 1982), p. ? (reply to the author's reaction on

Interviews, oral and audiovisual communications



Acceptance speech (Honorary degree in Humane Letters, Knox College,1982), at: Knox College (Galesburg/Ill./USA), College of Arts and Sciences, spring 1982 (papers & audio recording available at the; Special collections and archives: University records archive - on request only).




Islam yang saya amati: perkembangan di Maroko dan Indonesia. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1982: Yayasan ILmu-Ilmu Sosial "Pulsar" (XVI, 149 p.; translation of
68Beng1; trad. & introd./ diterjemahkan & disesuaikan: Basari, Hasan/ Rasnanto, Bur). 

  • partial reprint: 82Rind1.



Hakekat pemahaman antropologi: dengan ilustrasi dari Indonesia dan Maroko, in: Koentjaraningrat, Raden Mas/ Emmerson, Donald K. (eds./ disunting oleh): Aspek manusia dalam penelitian masyarakat. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1982: Penerbitan Gramedia untuk Yayasan Obor Indonesia, pp. 245-263 (= partial reprint of
82Tind1; trad.: Basari, Hasan).







Local knowledge: further essays in interpretive anthropology. New-York/N.Y./USA etc. 1983: Basic Books (VI, 244 p.; contains
74Aeng2, 75Aeng1, 76Aeng1, 77Aeng2, 77Aeng3, 80Aeng2, 82Aeng1, 83Aeng1, 83Aeng2)

  • reprinted London/UK 1993: Fontana Press. 
  • paperback edition New-York/N.Y./USA 2000: Basic Books Classics (including the new foreword 00Aeng6). 
  • excerpt: 85Reng3
  • translation into French: 86Tfre1
  • translation into Italian: 88Tita1
  • translation into Japanese: 91Tjap1
  • translation into Spanish: 94Tspa2
  • translation into Portuguese: 98Tpor1
  • partial translation into Lithuanian: 02Blit1.
  • translation into Chinese: 02Tchn1. 04Tchn2
  • translation into Indonesian: 04Tind1

Bali: interpretation d'une culture/ 1959-1973/ Essais ethnographiques, Paris/FRA 1983: Gallimard (255 p.; Collection Bibliothque des Sciences humaines; = French translation of
59Aeng1, 64Aeng4, 66Beng1, 72Aeng1, 73Aeng3; trad.: Louis vrard; Paulme, Denise ).


Dichte Beschreibung: Beitrge zum Verstehen kultureller Systeme. Frankfurt-am-Main/GER: Suhrkamp (319 p.; = partial German translation of
73Beng1, with translations of 74Aeng2, 75Aeng1; trad: Luchesi, Brigitte; Bindemann, Rolf).

  • paperback edition Frankfurt-am-Main/GER 1987: Suhrkamp.
  • reprint of chapt. 7 = 98Rger2.
  • reprint of chapt. 1 = 05Rger1.

Articles & Book chapters


Introduction, chapt. 0 in
83Beng1, pp. 2-16.

Local knowledge: fact and law in comparative perspective, chapt. 8 in
83Beng1, pp. 167-234 (New-Haven/Ct./USA).

  • first print in 83Beng1.
  • also as VACC-Text.
  • partial reprint = 05Reng2.

Slide show: Evans-Pritchards African transparencies, in: Raritan: a quarterly review (New Brunswick/N.J./USA: Rutgers University), vol. 2 no. 1 (1983), pp. 62-80. 

  • reprinted as 90Reng3.
  • revised as chapt. 3 in 88Beng1
  • translation into French: 86Tfre2
  • translation into Spanish: 88Tspa1.

Foreword, in: Gesick, Lorraine Marie (ed.): Centers, symbols, and hierarchies: essays on the classical states of Southeast Asia. New-Haven/Ct./USA 1983: Yale University (Southeast Asia Studies, Monograph Series No. 26), pp. VIII-X.

  • translation into Indonesian: 89Tind1.

Foreword, in: Lansing, John Stephen: The three worlds of Bali. New-York/N.Y./USA 1983: Frederick A. Praeger Press, pp. VII-X.


(with many others)
Contribution to "Reading for work and pleasure" (note: "Favorite books read by prominent Americans in 1983"), in: The New York Times Book Review (New-York/N.Y./USA: New York Times Co.), vol. 88 no. 49 (December 4, 1983), pp. 11f.

Interviews, (public) Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Notions of primitive thought: dialogue with Clifford Geertz (Interview with Miller, Jonathan), in: Miller, Jonathan (ed.): States of mind: conversations with psychological investigators. London/UK 1983: British Broadcasting Corporation, Television Service; & New-York/N.Y./USA 1983: Pantheon Books, pp. 192-210. 

  • video edition: see (authorisation required). 
  • translation into Spanish: 83Ispa1.
  • other interview partners in this BBC broadcasting series (1980-1982) were: Bruner, Jerome; Dennett,  Daniel; Farrell, Brian; Fodor, Jerome; Szasz, Thomas; Miller, George A.; Hinde, Robert A.; Gombrich, Ernest; and several others.


Works and lives: The anthropologist as author, = The Harry F. Camp Memorial lecture 1983, Stanford/Ca./USA: Stanford University Humanities Center, November 1983 (audio recording available at the center).

  • printed revised as: "Being there: anthropology and the scene of writing", pp. 1-24 in 88Beng1.

Nociones del pensamiento primitivo: dilogo con Clifford Geertz, in: Miller, Jonathan (ed.): Los molinos de la mente. Conversaciones con investigadores en psicologia. Mxico-City/D.F./MEX 1983: Fondo de Cultura Econmica, pp. ? (= translation of
83Ieng1; trad.: Everest, Sergio Fernandez).

  • "Este libro rene una antologa de charlas y entrevistas cuyo resultado son breves ensayos de interpretacin de la psicologa moderna, expuestos por expertos en la conducta humana y las motivaciones que la conforman."



Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Emerson, Robert M. (ed.): Contemporary field research: a collection of readings. Boston/Ma./USA etc. 1983: Little, Brown & Company, pp. 37-59 (= reprint of

  • see the original text as VACC-Text.
  • second edition 2001 (01Reng4).

Centers, kings and charisma: reflections on the symbolics of power, in: Gesick, Lorraine Marie (ed.): Centers, symbols, and hierarchies: essays on the classical states of Southeast Asia. New-Haven/Ct./USA 1983: Yale University Press, pp. ? (= reprint of 

'From the native's point of view': on the nature of anthropological understanding, in: Freilich, Morris (ed.): The pleasures of anthropology. New York/N.Y./USA 1983: The New American Publ. Co., pp. 58-73 (= reprint of




Articles & Book chapters


Distinguished lecture: anti anti-relativism, in: American Anthropologist (Washington/D.C./USA etc.: American Anthropological Association), vol. 86 no. 2 (1984), pp. 263-278. 

  • full text online available via JSTOR (subscription needed, see the list of participating JSTOR-Libraries).
  • also as VACC-Text
  • direct reprint: 89Reng1
  • reprinted as chapt. 4 in 00Beng1, pp. 42-67. 
  • translation into Italian: 94Tita2
  • translation into Spanish: 95Tspa1
  • translation into German: 96Tger1
  • translation into Polsih: 99Tpol1.

Culture and social change: the Indonesian case, in: Man: the journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (London/UK: The Royal Anthropological Institute etc.), vol. 19 no. 4 (1984), pp. 511-532. 

Socialism in Sibiria, in: The New Republic (New York/N.Y./USA: The New Republic Pub. Co.), vol. 191 no. 6 (1984), pp. 34f. (= Book review on: Humphrey, Caroline: "The Karl Marx collective", Cambridge/UK etc. 1983: Cambridge University Press). 



Tihingan, sebuah desa di Bali, in: Koentjaraningrat, Raden Mas (ed./ disunting oleh): Masyarakat desa di Indonesia. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1984: Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia, pp. 246-277 (= translation of
67Reng4; trad./ diterjemahkan: Koentjaraningrat, Raden Mas).

  • see also: 65Tind1, 80Rind1.



Religion as a cultural system, in: Dowdy, Thomas E./ McNamara, Patrick Hayes (eds.): Religion: North American style. New-Brunswick/N.J./USA 1984: Rutgers University Press, pp.11-19 (= reprint of 
74Reng1; = partial reprint of 66Aeng1).

From the native's point of view: on the nature of anthropological understanding, in: Shweder, Richard A./ LeVine, Robert A. (eds.): Culture theory: essays on mind, self, and emotion. Cambridge/UK etc. 1984: Cambridge University Press, pp. 123-136 (= reprint of

Capital intensive agriculture in a peasant society: a case study, in: Social Research: an international quarterly of political and social science (New York/N.Y./USA: New School for Social Research), vol. 51 no. 1-2 (1984), pp. 419-439 (= reprint of 




Articles & Book chapters


Foreword, in: Eickelman, Dale Floyd: Knowledge and power in Morocco: the education of a twentieth-century notable. Princeton/N.J./USA 1985: Princeton University Press, pp. XI-XIV. 

  • paperback edition 1992.

Waddling in, in: The Times Literary Supplement (London/UK: The Times Newspapers Ltd.), Nr. 4288 (June 7, 1985), pp. 623-624. 

  • this article discusses the theoretical and methodological scope of anthropology as an academic discipline. 
  • reprinted as chapt. 6 in 00Beng1, pp. 89-96.
  • for the numerous translations within 00Beng1 see there.
  • this reprint also as VACC-Text.
  • translation into German: 85Tger1
  • translation into Spanish: 86Tspa1.

The ultimate ghetto, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 32 no. 3 (February 28, 1985), pp. 14-15 (= Book review on: Udovitch, Abraham L./ Valensi, Lucette: "The last Arab Jews: the communities of Jerba, Tunisia", New-York/N.Y./USA 1984: Harwood Academic Press). 

The religion of Java, in: Ahmad, Ibrahim/ Sharon, Siddique/ Hussain, Yasmin (eds.): Readings on Islam in Southeast Asia. Singapore/SIG 1985: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 271-277 (= partial reprint of
60Beng1, chapter 0 (= introduction)).


Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


(with Bersani, Leo/ Davis, Nathalie/ Beaujour, Michel/ Derrida, Jacques/ Veyne, Paul/ 
Said, Edward W./ Searle, John/ Bishop, Tom/ Sennett, Richard)
Homge to Michel Foucault, conference at: The New York University, New York/N.Y./USA 1985: The Center for French Civilization and Culture (there available as archived audio recording); 

(contribution, with many others)
Morocco: past, present, future. Contribution to the conference by the Wye Plantation (Aspen/Co./USA): (part 1) at Queenstown/Md./USA, together with the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, spring 1985; (part 2) at Marrakech/MAR, together with the Moroccan American Foundation, winter 1985 

  • see: "Summary of the proceedings", held privately by: Lawrence, Bruce B., Duke University, Durham/N.C./USA.



Vom Hereinstolpern, in: Freibeuter (Berlin/GER: Wagenbach), vol. 25 (1985), pp. 37-41 (= translation of
85Aeng2; trad./ bers.: Rennert, Udo).


(Japanese title not transcribed), ? 1985: ? (ISBN 4845702010; 307 p.; = translation of ?). 




Religion, in: Lehmann, Arthur C./ Myers, James E. (eds.): Magic, witchcraft, and religion: an anthropological study of the supranatural. Palo Alto/Ca./USA etc.1985: Mayfield Publishing Company, pp. 6-15 (= partial reprint of

  • see the original text as VACC-Text.
  • second enlarged edition 2000.

Centers, kings and charisma: reflections on the symbolics of power, in: Wilentz, Sean (ed.): Rites of power: symbolism, ritual and politics since the Middle Ages. Philadelphia/Pa./USA 1985: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 13-38 (= reprint of 

A gamy view of life, in: The New York Times (New York/N.Y./USA: H. J. Raymond Co. for the New York Times Company), vol. 90 no. ? (March 10, 1985), p. 43 (= excerpt from 83Beng1).



Ideology as a cultural system, in: Bocock, Robert/ Thompson, Kenneth (eds.): Religion and ideology. A reader, Manchester/UK 1985: Manchester University Press in association with the Open University, pp. ? (= reprint of 64Aeng2).



Religion as a cultural system: extract, in: Bocock, Robert/ Thompson, Kenneth (eds.): Religion and ideology. A reader, Manchester/UK 1985: Manchester University Press in association with the Open University, pp. ? (= reprint of 66Aeng1).





Articles & Book chapters


The uses of diversity and the future of ethnocentrism, in: Michigan Quarterly Review (Ann-Arbor/Mi./USA: University of Michigan), vol. 25 no. 1 (1986), pp. 105-123 (note: = "The Tanner Lecture on Human Values 1986", University of Michichan). 

  • full text:
  • also as VACC-text
  • direct reprints: 86Reng2, 94Reng5 
  • reprinted as chapt. 5 in 00Beng1, pp. 68-88.
  • translation into Russian: 93Trus1.
  • translation into Spanish "Los usos de la diversidad" in 96Bspa1
  • further translation into Spanish: 01Tspa1
  • translation into Italian: 00Tita1
  • translation into Portuguese: 00Tpor1.

Epilogue: making experiences, authoring selves, in: Turner, Victor Witter/ Bruner, Edward M. (eds.): The anthropology of experience. Urbana/Il./USA 1986: University of Illinois Press, pp. 373-380.


Working papers etc.


Seminar talk, at: Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton/N.J./USA, lectures fall 1986 (to be found in: The personal archive of Tibi, Bassam, University of Gttingen/BRD; cited in his afterword to the German edition of "Islam observed", in




Modjokuto: dinamika sosial sebuah kota di Jawa. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1986: Grafiti Pers (XVIII, 182 p.; disunting dan diberi kata pengantar oleh Amri Marzali; = translation of
65Beng1; trad./ diterjemahkan oleh: Marzali, Amri).


Savoir local, savoir global: les lieux du savoir. Paris/FRA 1986: Presses universitaires de France (293 p.; = translation of
83Beng1; trad.: Paulme, Denise).

  • reedited 2002 by Lapautre, Michelle.

Diapositives anthropologiques, in: Communications (Paris/FRA: d. Seuil), no. 43 (1986: no. special "Croisement des cultures"), pp. 71-90 (= translation of
83Aeng3; trad.: Lemoine, Daniel). 

  • translation into Spanish: 88Tspa1.

El reconocimiento de la antropologa, in: Cuadernos del Norte (Oviedo/SPA: Caja de Ahorros de Asturias), vol. 7 no. 35 (1986), pp. 59-63 (= translation of
85Aeng2; trad./ traduccin: ?).




Blurred genres: the refiguration of social thought, in: Adams, Hazard/ Searle, Leroy  (eds.): Critical theory since 1965. Tallahassee/Fl./USA 1986: Florida State University Press, pp. 513-523 (= reprint of 

The uses of diversity, in: McMurrin, Sterling M. (ed.): The Tanner lectures on human values, vol. 7. Salt-Lake-City/Ut./USA 1986: University of Utah Press, pp. 253-275 (= reprint of




Articles & Book chapters


Book review, in: American Ethnologist (Washington/D.C./USA: American Ethnological Society), vol. 14 no. 3 (1987), pp. 567-568 (on: Abu-Lughod, Lila: "Veiled sentiments: honor and poetry in a Bedouin society", Berkeley/Ca./USA 1986: University of California Press).

The anthropologist at large, in: The New Republic (New-York/N.Y.: The New Republic Pub. Co.), vol. 196 no. 21 (1987), pp. 34-37 (= Book review on: Douglas, Mary Tew: "How institutions think", Syracuse/N.Y./USA 1986: Syracuse University Press). 

(letter, with Becker, Alton Lewis; Lev, Daniel S.)
Detentions in Malaysia harm its stability, in: The New York Times (New-York/N.Y./USA: H. J. Raymond & Co. for the New York Times Company), no.137 (May ?, 1987), p. 18.



Interpretazione di culture. Bologna/ITA: Societ editrice il Mulino spa. (447 p.; = partial translation of
73Beng1; trad.: Bona, Eleonora ).

  • second, revised edition = 98Rita1.

'Thick description': verso una teoria interpretativa della cultura, in: Aut-Aut: rivista di filosofia e di cultura (Milano/ITA: La Nuova Italia), no. 217 (1987), pp. 151-176 (= translation of


La interpretacin de las culturas. Barcelona/SPA etc. 1987: Gedisa (387 p.; = translation of
73Beng1; trad.: Bixio, Alberto Luis).

Bunka no kaishiyaku gaku. Tokyo/JAP 1987: Iwanami Gendai Senshiyo Shoten (? + ? p.; 2 vols.; = translation of
; trad. Teigo Yoshida), 
ا / C.ƀ` ; Ե [] U<ۀ >. | : , 1987.5-1987.9; contains:)
(transcription of the chapters in Japanese not available). 

  • reprinted in one volume 1999 (572 p.)



Deep Play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Rabinow, Paul/ Sullivan, William M. (eds.): Interpretive social science: a second look. Berkeley/Ca./USA 1987: University of California Press, pp. 195-240 (second, revised edition of the
79Reng2 source; = reprint of 72Aeng1).

Deep Play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Bartholomae, David/ Petrosky, Anthony (eds.): Ways of reading: an anthology for writers. New York/N.Y./USA 1987: St. Martin's Press, pp. 363-401 (= reprint of

From the native's point of view: on the nature of anthropological understanding, in: Gibbons, Michael T. (ed.): Interpreting politics. New York/N.Y./USA 1987: New York University Press, pp. ? (= reprint of

Konflik dan integrasi agama dan masyarakat di Mojokuto, in: Taufik, Abdullah (ed.): Sejarah dan masyarakat: lintasan historis Islam di Indonesia. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1987: Pustaka Firdaus, pp. ? (= partial translation of 
60Beng1; reprint of 81Tind1; trad./ diterjemahkan: Mahasin, Aswab).







Works and lives: the anthropologist as author. Stanford/Ca./USA 1988: Stanford University Press & Cambridge/UK 1988: Polity press (VI, 157 p. (note: = (in part: chapter 1, see
83Ieng2) "The Harry F. Camp memorial lecture at Stanford University", 1983)).

  • paperback edition Cambridge/UK1989: Polity Press.
  • partial reprints: 88Reng2, 90Reng3, 94Reng6, 96Reng5, 00Reng4, 04Reng2, 05Reng5, 05Reng6.
  • full text excerpt: geertz.html (link outdated).
  • partial translations into Spanish: 89Tspa1, 90Tspa1.
  • partial translations into Polish: 89Tpol1, 00Tpol2.
  • translation into Spanish: 89Tspa2.
  • translation into Dutch: 89Tdut1.
  • translation into German: 90Tger1.
  • translation into Italian: 90Tita1.
  • translation into Japanese: 96Tjap1.
  • translation into Chinese: 96Tchn1.
  • translation into French: 96Tfre1.
  • full translation into Polish: 00Tpol1.
  • partial translation into Slovenian: 96Tslo1.
  • partial translation into Portuguese: 98Tpor2.
  • partial translation into Czech: 00Tcze1.
  • translation into Indonesian: 02Tind1.
  • translation into Hebrew: 05Theb1.

Articles & Book chapters


Commentary on a citation classic: the interpretation of cultures, in: Current Contents: social & behavioral sciences (Philadelphia/Pa./USA: Institute for Scientific Information), vol. 33 no. 14 (August 15, 1988), p. 14.

Book review, in: Harvard University Press (Cambridge/Mass./USA), online only: Clifford, James: The Predicament of Culture. Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art, Cambridge, Mass./USA : Harvard University Press, 1988).

  • "Clifford is original and very nearly unique. He is one of the few persons who connects history, literature, and anthropology. He's had an enormous impact because he provides a new perspective on the study of culture that would almost certainly never have been generated from within anthropology itself."
    Clifford Geertz (

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Recollections of an itinerant career (interview with Mackie, Jamie/ Booth, Anne), in: Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies (Canberra/NSW/AUS: Dept. of Economics, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University), vol. 24 no. 3 (1988), pp. 1-18.




Religise Entwicklungen im Islam: beobachtet in Marokko und Indonesien; mit einem Essay von Bassam Tibi. Frankfurt-am-Main/GER 1988: Suhrkamp (205 p.; paperback edition 1991; = translation of
68Beng1; trad.: Brigitte Luchesi).


Antropologia interpretativa. Bologna/ITA 1988: Societ editrice il Mulino spa. (304 p.; = translation of
83Beng1; trad.: Luisa Leonini), 


Diapositivas antropolgicas, in: Todorov, Tzvetan et. al. (eds.): Cruce de culturas y mestizaje cultural. Madrid/SPA etc. 1988: Ediciones Jcar Universidad (Serie Antropologa), pp. 91-114 (= derived translation of
83Aeng3; trad./ traduccin: ?). 

  • published as translation of 86Tfra2 !

Suru lers: t a kultra rtelmez elmlethez, in: Vri, Andrs (ed.): Misszionriusok a csnakban: antropolgiai mdszerek a trsadalomtrtnetben. Budapest/HUN 1988: Akadmiai Kido, pp. 13C61 (= translation of
73Aeng1; trad./ fordtsban: Bernyi, Gbor).

  • reprint: 97Rhun1.

A kultra fogalmnak hatsa az ember fogalmra, in: Kulturlis kzlemnyek (Budapest/HUN: Jelenkor Kido), no. 4 (1988), pp. 67-75 (= translation of ?; trad./ ford.: ?).




Saying something of something, in: Methodological workbook, prepared for the SSRC/ACLS Joint Committee on Southeast Asia, Indochina Studies Program. Ithaca/N.Y./USA: Cornell University (pp. ?; = partial reprint (last part) of


Being there, writing here, in: Harper's Magazine (New York/N.Y./USA: Harper's Magazine Foundation), no. 276 (= no. 1654) (March 1988), pp. 32-35 (= preprint excerpt (from chapter 1) from

  • full text available via EBSCO (subscription needed).

Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Bohannan, Paul/ Glazer, Mark (eds.): High points in anthropology. 2nd enlarged and revised edition. New York/N.Y./USA etc. 1988: McGraw-Hill Corp., pp. 531-552 (= reprint of
73Aeng1). translation into Spanish: 92Tspa2.




Articles & Book chapters


Toutes directions: reading the signs in an urban sprawl, in: International Journal of Middle East Studies (London/UK: Cambridge University Press), vol. 21 no. 3 (1989), pp. 291-306. 

Margaret Mead: December 16, 1901 - November 15, 1978, in: Biographical memoirs (Washington/D.C./USA: National Academy of Sciences Press), vol. 58 (1989), pp. 329-354.


(with Chenery, Hollis Burnley/ Sutton, Francis Xavier/ Urrutia, Miguel/ Birdsall, Nancy)
Comments: urban systems and development strategies discussion (on: Naciri, Mohamed: A world to make: development in perspective), in: Daedalus (Cambridge/Ma./USA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences), vol. 118 no. 1 (1989), pp. 178-181. 

(with Bell, Daniel E./ Bacha, Edmar L./ Bundy, McGeorge/ Castillo, Glia T., et al.)
Plenary session: the future prospects of development, in: Daedalus (Cambridge/Ma./USA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences), vol. 118 no. 1 (1989), pp. 231-249.


A South Sea renaissance, in: The New York Review of Books (New-York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 36 no. 2  (February 16, 1989), pp. 28-29 (= Book review on: Reid, Anthony: "Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce, 1450C1680: Vol. I, The Lands below the Winds", New-Haven/Ct./USA 1988: Yale University Press). 

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Interview: ethnography as art/ "Complexifier" Clifford Geertz ponders anthropology's future (Horgan, John, interviewer), in: Scientific American (New York/N.Y./USA: Munn & Co.) vol. 261 no. 7 (1989), pp. 28-30.

  • Profiles anthropologist Clifford Geertz (Educational background; Career highlights; Famous display of his brand of empiricism) including interview sequences.
  • electronic abstract in "Readers Guide Abstracts" & "EBSCO Master-files" (subscription needed). 
  • reprint: 97Reng2

Working papers etc.


Outsider knowledge and insider criticism. Princeton/N.J./USA: Institute for Advanced Studies (? p.; mimeographed paper). 



Bari no shinzoku taikei. Tokyo/JAP: Iwanami Gendai Senshiyo Shoten (V, 256, XIV p.; = translation of  "Kinship in Bali": Clifford Geertz/ Hildred Geertz =
75Beng1; trad.: Teigo Yoshida) (Japanese transcription:
ͧH¦ / ΀πƀ, ؀̀`ƀ [] ; R , ԵU<̀ ۀ >. | : , 1989.2; Japanese characters need to be activated and visible)


Estar aqui? De que vida se trata al fin y al cabo?, in: Revista de Occidente (Madrid/SPA: Alianza Editorial), vol. ? no. 93 (1989), pp. 85-107 (= translation of
88Beng1, chapt. 6; traduccin: Cadin, Alberto).

  • = preprint of chapter 6 in 89Tspa2.
  • also as VACC-Text.

El antropologo como autor. Barcelona/SPA 1989: Paids Iberica (163 p.; = translation of
88Beng1; trad./ traduccin: Cadin, Alberto)

  • chapter 1 "Estar all" reprinted as 92Rspa1; also as VACC-Text.
  • chapter 6 "Estar aqu" reprinted as 92Rspa2; also as VACC-Text.

De antropoloog als schrijver. Kampen/NED 1989: Kok Agora (189 p.; ingel. door Jan Willem Bakker; = translation of
; trad.: Meile Snijders, Ko Kleisen), contains:
(transcriptions of Dutch chapters not available).


Byc tu, pisac tam, in: Ameryka (Washington/D.C./USA: U.S. Information Agency), winter edition 1989, pp. 58-63 (= partial translation of
88Beng1, chapt. 1).



Religionsdefinisjon, in: Gullestad, Marianne: Kultur og hverdagsllv. P spor av det moderne, Oslo/NOR 1989: Norge Universitetsforlaget, p. 154 (= partial translation of 66Aeng1; trad: Marianne Gullestad).



(Foreword, Indonesian title not known), in: Gesick, Lorraine (ed.): Pusat, simbol, dan hirarki kekuasaan, Jakarta/Jawa/IND: Obor Indonesia, pp. ? (= translation of 83Aeng4; trad./ diterjemahkan: ?).



(Centers, kings and charisma, Indonesian title not known), in: Gesick, Lorraine (ed.): Pusat, simbol, dan hirarki kekuasaan, Jakarta/Jawa/IND: Obor Indonesia, pp. ? (= translation of 77Aeng3; trad./ diterjemahkan: ?).




Anti anti-relativism, in: Krausz, Michael (ed.): Relativism: interpretation and confrontation. Notre-Dame/In./USA. 1989: University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 12-34 (= reprint of

Penjaja dan raja: perubahan sosial dan modernisasi ekonomi di dua kota Indonesia. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1989: Yayasan Obor Indonesia (XXII, 172 p.; Cet. 3; = reprint of
73Tind1; = translation of 63Beng2). second edition 1992.




Articles & Book chapters


History and anthropology (with discussion), in: New Literary History (Charlottesville/Va./USA: University of Virginia), vol. 21 no. 2 (1990), pp. 321-335 (note: = "Papers of the 'History and anthropology' conference at the University of Virginia, Scripps College, Humanities Institute, March 1988"). 

         full text online available via JSTOR (subscription needed, see the list of participating JSTOR-Libraries).

         also as VACC-Text.

         electronic abstract in Periodical Abstracts, Research II (UMI); (subscription needed).

         direct reprints: 95Reng5, 05Reng7

         reprinted as chapt. 9 in 00Beng1, pp. 118-132. 

         translation into Spanish: 92Tspa1, 03Rspa1

         translation into Polish: 97Tpol1.

'Popular art' and the Javanese tradition, in: Indonesia (Ithaca/N.Y./USA: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project), no. 50 (1990), pp. 77-94. 

         full text

         also as VACC-Text.

         reprint: 94Reng7.

A lab of one's own: feminism & science, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol 37 no. 17 (November 8, 1990), pp. 18-23 (= Book review essay on: (1) Tuana, Nancy (ed.): "Feminism and science", Bloomington/in./USA 1989: Indiana Univ. Press; (2) Schiebinger, Londa: "The mind has no sex? Women in the origins of modern science", Cambridge/Ma./USA 1989: Harvard University Press; (3) Haraway, Donna: "Primate visions: gender, race, and nature in the world of modern science", New-York/N.Y./USA etc. 1990: Routledge). 

         electronic abstract in "Readers' Guide Abstracts" (H.W. Wilson Company); (subscription needed).

         full text: or charge).

         also as VACC-Text.

(with Barry, Andrew M./ Brady, Ivan A./ Keesing, Roger M.)
Comment on: Michael Carrithers: is anthropology art or science?, in: Current Anthropology (Chicago/Il./USA: University of Chicago Press), vol. 31 no. 3 (1990), p. 274 (col. 2). 

         electronic abstract in "Periodical Abstracts, Research II" (UMI); (subscription needed).

         also as VACC-Text.

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


The availability of a difference: Clifford Geertz on problems of ethnographic research and interpretation (by Ostrow, James, including an interview with Clifford Geertz), in: International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (London/UK etc.: Taylor & Francis), vol. 3 no. 1, pp. 61-70.



An Interview with Clifford Geertz (David Hamilton & Steven Weiland, interviewer), in: The Amherst Review (Amherst/Ma./USA: Amherst College), 1990, pp. 40-51.

         see also:

The Charles M. and Martha Hitchcock lectures 1990: (1) "After the Fact: Indonesia, Morocco and the Recurrent", (2) "Anthropologist", (3) "Towns", (4) "Countries", (5) "Cultures", University of California at Berkeley/Ca./USA, Graduate Council, Spring 1990 (audio recordings available at the Graduate Council's Archive).

         used later for 93Bdut1, 95Beng1.




Parshanut shel tarbuyot. Yerushalayim/ISR 1990: Keter (333 p.; = translation of 73Beng1; trad. M. Meisler), contains:
(transcription of the Hebrew chapters not available).

         (Hebrew description) ירושלים : כתר, 1990.  פרשנות של תרבויות / קליפורד גירץ ; עברית יואש מייזלר. גירץ, קליפורד

Nugara. Tokyo/JAP 1990: Iwanami Gendai Senshiyo Shoten (XI, 279, XLVII p.; translation of 80Beng1; trad.: , ).
(translation of: "Negara:the theatre state in 19th century Bali":
À : 19oͧѰ / ؀̀`ƀ [] ; 􏜌U <À : 19­ ­>. -- (BN04229767) | : , 1990.1; Japanese characters need to be activated for your browser)


Bajo la mosquitera, in: Revista de Occidente (Madrid/SPA: Alianza Editorial), no.105 (1990), pp. 132-140 (= partial translation of 88Beng1, chapter 4).


Die knstlichen Wilden: Anthropologen als Schriftsteller. Mnchen/GER: Hanser (157 p.; = translation of 88Beng1; trad./ bers.: Pfeiffer, Martin), contains:
(transcription of the German chapters not available). 

         paperback edition "Die knstlichen Wilden: der Anthropologe als Schriftsteller" Frankfurt-am-Main/GER 1993: Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag.

Opere e vite: l'antropologo come autore. Bologna/ITA: Societ editrice Il mulino (159 p.; = translation of 88Beng1; trad./ traduttora: di Tavella, Silvia ), contains:
(4)"L'io testimoniante. I figli di Malinowski", pp. 81-109;
(further transcriptions of the Italian chapters not available yet).


O gatunkach zmąconych (Nowe konfiguracje myśli społecznej), in: Teksty drugie (Warszawa/POL: Ruch S.A. for "Wydawnictwo Instytutu Badan Literackich PAN") no. 2 (1990), pp. 112-130 (= translation of 80Aeng2; trad./ tłumacz.: Łapiski, Zdzisław).

         reprint: 98Rpol2

Religioon kui kultuurissteem, in: Akadeemia: Eesti Kirjanike Liidu kuukiri Tartus (Tartu/EST: Tartu likooli Kirjastus), no. 11 (1990), pp. 2301-2328 (= translation of 66Aeng1; transl./ tlkinud: Pakk, Triinu).




The impact of the concept of culture on the concept of man, in: Caton, Hiram (ed.): The Samoa reader: anthropology takes stock. Lanham/Md./USA etc. 1990: University Press of America, pp. 45-55 (= reprint of 66Aeng2).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

The Balinese cockfight as play, in: Alexander, Jeffrey C./ Seidman, Steven (eds.): Culture and society: contemporary debates. Cambridge/UK etc. 1990: Cambridge University Press, pp. 113-121 (= partial reprint of 72Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Slide Show: Evans-Pritchard's African Transparencies, in: Poirier, Richard (ed.): Raritan Reading, New Brunswick/N.J./USA 1990: Rutgers University Press, pp. ?? (= reprint of 83Aeng3).





Articles & Book chapters


The year of living culturally: what is the festival of Indonesia? And what is Indonesia? A critical look at cultural diplomacy, in: The New Republic (New York/N.Y./USA: The New Republic Pub. Co.), vol. 205 no. 17 (October 21, 1991), pp. 30-36 (= Book review essay on: (1) Fischer, Joseph L. (ed.): "Modern Indonesian art: three generations of tradition and change, 1945-1990", Berkeley/Ca./USA 1990: University of California Press; (2) Taylor, Paul M./ Aragon, Lorraine V. (eds.): "Beyond the Java sea: art of Indonesia's outer islands", Washington/D.C./USA 1991: National Museum of Natural History, and New-York/N.Y./USA: Abrams Press; (3) Jessup, Helen I.: "Court arts of Indonesia", New-York/N.Y./USA 1990: The Asia Society Galleries; (4) Fontein, Jan: "The sculpture of Indonesia", Washington/D.C./USA 1990: The National Gallery of Art). 

         full text via (outdated link).

         also as VACC-Text.

Book review, in: Contemporary Sociology (Washington/D.C./USA: American Sociological Association), vol. 20 no. 1 (1991), pp. 105-107 (on: Haraway, Donna: "Primate visions: gender, race and nature in the world of modern science", New-York/N.Y./USA 1990: Routledge).

         full text online available via JSTOR (subscription needed, see the list of participating JSTOR-Libraries & Institutions).

         also as VACC-Text.

Change without progress in a wet rice culture. A citation classic commentary on 'Agricultural Involution', in: Current Contents. Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences (Philadelphia/Pa./USA: Institute for Scientific Information), vol. 12 no. 8 (March 25, 1991), p. 8.

         also in: Current Contents. Arts and Humanities (Philadelphia/Pa./USA: Institute for Scientific Information), vol. 7 no.18 (April 1, 1991), p. ?.

         also in: Current Contents. Social and Behavioral Sciences (Philadelphia/Pa./USA: Institute for Scientific Information), vol. 12 no.18 (April 1, 1991), p. ?.

         full text available via the University of Pennsylvania (Garfield library).

         also as VACC-Text.

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


An interview with Clifford Geertz (Richard Handler, interviewer), in: Current Anthropology (Chicago/Il./USA: University of Chicago Press), vol. 32 no. 5 (1991), pp. 603-613. 

         full text online available via JSTOR (subscription needed, see the list of participating JSTOR-Libraries & Institutions).

         also a VACC-Text.

         electronic abstract in Periodical Abstracts, Research II (UMI). 

         translation into Hungarian in 94Thun1,  pp. 369-393. 

         translation into Rumanian: 97Trum1.

The social scientist as author: Clifford Geertz on ethnography and social construction (Olson, Gary A., interviewer), in: Journal of Advanced Composition (Ames/Ia./USA  etc: Association of Teachers of Advanced Composition), vol. 11 no. 2 (1991), pp. 245-268. 

         reprint: 91Reng3, 03Reng3.

         electronic abstract in "Current Index to Journals in Education" (U.S. Department of Education). 

         full text:

         also as VACC-Text.

(with Harman, Gilbert H./ Hurley, Susan L./ Tversky, Amos)
Commentary, on: Robert Nozick (Harvard University) "Decisions of principle, principles of decision", at the "Tanner Lecture on Human Values 1991", Princeton University, Princeton/N.J./USA, November 1991 (audio recording on request at the Princeton University Center for Human Values:


Working papers etc.


(with Adams, Robert M./ Kornienko, Grigorii M./ Eickelman, Dale F./ Garthwaite, Gene R. et al.)
Comments on: Soviet and American perspectives on Muslim and Middle Eastern societies and politics. (? p.; at the "Smithsonian Institute & Dartmouth College conference" (April 11, 1991), Washington/D.C./USA: unpublished draft version, personal archive of Eickelman, Dale F., Darthmouth College, Hanover/N.H./USA).



Primordial loyalities and standing entities - The Muslim case (?)  (? p.; working paper, Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton/N.J./USA; enlarged version of 91Weng1; later included in 94Beng1)

         (cited by: Gladney, Dru C. (1991): Muslim Chinese. Ethnic Nationalism in the People's Republic, Cambridge/Ma./USA: Harvard University Press, p. 94)



Negara: o estado teatro no seculo XIX. Rio-de-Janeiro/BRA 1991: Editora Bertrand Brasil S.A. (XII, 366 p.; = translation of 80Beng1; trad.: lvarez, Albert Roca).


Tjock beskrivning: fr en tolkande kulturteorie, in: Hften fr Kritiska Studier (Stockholm/SWE: Fren), no. 3 (1991), pp. 13-33 (= translation of 73Aeng1; trad./ ).


'Desde el punto de vista de los nativos': sobre la naturaleza del conocimiento antropologico, in: Alteridades. Revista de Antropologia (Mxico-City/MEX: Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Departamento de Antropologia), vol. 1 no. 1 (1991), pp. 102-110 (= translation of 74Aeng2).


Confusas categorias: la reconfiguracin de pensiero social, in: Reynoso, Carlos (comp.): El surgimiento de la antropologa a posmoderna. Barcelona/SPA: 1991 & Mxico-City/MEX etc. 1991: Gedisa, pp. 63-77 (title in the Mexican version: "Gneros confusos: la refiguracin del pensamiento social"; = translation of 80Aeng2; trad.: Reynoso, Carlos). 

         full text:;

         also as VACC-Text.

         reprint: 92Rspa3

Rokaru noretsuji: kaishaku jinruigaku ronshu. Tokyo/JAP 1991: Iwanami Gendai Senshiyo Shoten (IX, 424, XI p.; = translation of 83Beng1: "Local knowledge : further essays in interpretive anthropology"; trad.: Kaziwara Kageaki, 
Japanese transcription:
̩`π : ߹ / ؀̀`ƀ`[] ; | ­惹[]U<̩` π : ؀ۀ΀؀̀ۀ >. | : , 1991.4; 2nd edition: | : , 1999.9; Japanese characters need to be activated in your browser); contains:
(transcription of the Japanese chapters not available).




The religion of Java. Chicago/Il./USA 1991: The University of Chicago Press (XV, 392 p.; = reprint of 60Beng1).


Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Mukerji, Chandra/ Schudson, Michael (eds.): Rethinking popular culture. Berkeley/Ca./USA 1991: University of California Press, pp. 239-277 (= reprint of 72Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Clifford Geertz on ethnography and social construction, in: Olson, Gary A./ Gale, Irene (eds.): (Inter)Views: cross-disciplinary perspectives on rhetoric and literacy. Carbondale/Il./USA 1991: Southern Illinois University Press, pp. 219-223 (= reprint of 91Ieng2).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.




Articles & Book chapters


'Local knowledge' and its limits: some obiter dicta, in: The Yale journal of criticism (New-Haven/Ct./USA: Yale University Press), vol. 5 no. 2 (1992), pp. 129-135 (note: = "Paper for the '10th Anniversary Symposium for the Whitney Humanities Center, Feb. 1991', Yale University", New-Haven/Ct./USA). 

         electronic abstract in "Periodical Abstracts, Research II" (UMI); (subscription needed). 

         reprinted as chapt. 10 in 00Beng1, pp. 133-142.

         this reprint as VACC-Text.

Genet's last stand, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 39 no. 19 (November 19, 1992), pp. 3-4,6 (= Book review on: Genet, Jean: "Prisoner of Love", London/UK 1989: Picador & New-York/N.Y./USA 1989: Pan). 

         electronic abstract in "Periodical Abstracts, Research II" (UMI).

         full text: (subscribers or charge).

         also as VACC-Text.

Lvi-Strauss self-inscribed, in: Common Knowledge (New York/N.Y./USA etc.: Oxford University Press), vol. 1 no. 1 (1992), pp. 129-34 (= Book review on: Levi-Strauss, Claude/ Eribon, Didier: "Conversations with Claude Lvi-Strauss", Chicago/Il./USA etc. 1991: University of Chicago Press; note: "part of a review symposium, together with Turner, Frederick, and Goldhill, Simon").


Call for papers II, in: Common Knowledge (New York/N.Y./USA etc.: Oxford University Press), vol. 1 no. 1 (1992), p. ?. 

         full text: (outdated link).

(with Le Goff, Jacques/ Pocock, John Greville Agard/ Skinner, Quentin D.)
Call for papers VII, in: Common Knowledge (New York/N.Y./USA etc.: Oxford University Press), vol. 1 no. 2 (1992), p. ?. 

         full text: (outdated link).

(with Gyrgy Konrd)
Call for papers XI, in: Common Knowledge (New York/N.Y./USA: Oxford University Press), vol. 1 no. 2 (1992), p. ?. 

         full text: link).

Acceptance speech, in: The 3rd Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prizes 1992: prize presentation ceremony. Fukuoka-City/JAP 1992: The Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prizes, p. 17 (Japanese version = 92Ajap1).

         also as VACC-Text.

Commemorative lectures by recipients: Clifford Geertz, in: The 3rd Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prizes 1992: commemorative lectures. Fukuoka-City/JAP 1992: The Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prizes, pp. 25, 27, 29, 31, 33 (Japanese version = 92Ajap2).

         also as VACC-Text.

(Acceptance speech, Japanese title not transcribed), in: The 3rd Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prizes 1992: prize presentation ceremony. Fukuoka-City/JAP 1992: The Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prizes, p. 16 (English version = 92Aeng7).

         also as VACC-Text.

(Commemorative lecture, Japanese title not transcribed), in: The 3rd Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prizes 1992: commemorative lectures, Fukuoka-City/JAP 1992: The Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prizes, pp. 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 (English version = 92Aeng8).

         also as VACC-Text.

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Temi e problemi dell'antropologia contemporanea: intervista con Clifford Geertz (da Maurizio Viroli; Princeton/N.J./USA, May 18, 1992), in: Enciclopedia multimediale delle scienze filosofiche: un'opera delle RAI rediotelevisione Italiana (Roma/ITA: 1992f.), with the following parts: 

         (1) "Il paradigma ermeneutico nell'antropologia contemporanea"; full text: to the interview; by Maurizio Viroli); 
also as VACC-Text.

         (2) "Temi e problemi dell'antropologia contemporanea"; full text:
also as VACC-Text.

         (3) "Il metodo dell'antropologia"; full text:; video edition: 97Iita1
also as VACC-Text. 

         (4) "L'interpretazione delle culture"; full text:
also as VACC-Text; reprinted as

         (5) "Il concetto di carisma"; full text:
also as: VACC-Text (English version: see

         The complete text edited in a rearranged order (= re-issue): 01Rita1.



The concept of charisma, full text only: (= translation/English version of "Il concetto di carisma", part 5 of 92Iita1); 

         also as VACC-Text.

Kulturbegriff und Menschenbild, in: Habermas, Rebecca/ Minkmar, Nils (eds.): Das Schwein des Huptlings: 6 Aufstze zur Historischen Anthropologie. Berlin/GER 1992: Wagenbach, pp. 56-82 (= translation of 66Aeng2; trad./ bers.: Cackett, Robin). 

         reprint: 00Rger1.

         other contributors: Burke, Peter; Ginzburg, Carlo; Turner, Victor; Rhys, Isaac; and others.

Observer l'Islam: changements religieux au Maroc et en Indonsie. Paris/FRA 1992: dition la Dcouverte (149 p.; = translation of 68Beng1; traduction: Grasset, Jean-Baptiste).


Historia y antropologia, in: Revista de Occidente (Madrid/SPA: Alianza Editorial), vol. 137 (1992), pp. 55-74 (= translation of 90Aeng1; traduccin: Snchez Dur, Nicols).

         reprint: 03Rspa1.

Descripcin densa: hacia una teora interpretativa de la cultura, in: Bohannan, Paul J./ Glazer, Mark (eds.): Antropologa. Lecturas. Madrid/SPA 1992: McGraw-Hill Interamericana de Espana (revisin tcnica: Bux, Mara Jess), pp. ? (= translation of 88Reng4;  trad./ traduccin: Carri, Mara Luisa; Valls, Mercedes). 

         full text: (outdated link);

         also as VACC-Text.

Tafsir kebuda-yaan. Yogyakarta/Jawa/IND 1992: Penerbit Kanisius (XIV, 282 p.; = translation of chapters 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in 73Beng1, together with the translation of 73Aeng3; trad./  Francisco Budi Hardiman), contains:
(transcription of the Indonesian chapters not avialable).


Kebuda-yaan & agama. Yogyakarta/Jawa/IND 1992: Penerbit Kanisius, (XIV, 112 p.; = translation of chapters 4, 5, 6 in 73Beng1; trad. Francisco Budi Hardiman), contains:
(transcription of the Indonesian chapters not available).


Politik kebuda-yaan: sekapur sirih. Yogyakarta/Jawa/IND 1992: Penerbit Kanisius, (XIV, 193 p.; = translation of chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in 73Beng1; trad./ Francisco Budi Hardiman), contains:

         (3) "Revolusi Integratif: Sentimen-Sentimen Primordial dan Politik Sipil di Negara-Negara Baru", pp. 75-137;

         (further transcription of the Indonesian chapters not available).

Interpretacija Kultur, in: Etnograficheskoe obozrenie (Moskva/RUS: Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Institut Etologii i Antropologii), vol. 3 (1992), pp. 144-156 (= partial translation of 73Aeng1; trad./ ).



Religia jako system kulturowy, in: Mokrzycki, Edmund (ed.): Racjonalność i styl myślenia, Warszawa/POL 1992: wyd. IFiS PAN, pp. 498-554 (= translation of 66Aeng1)

         reprint: 98Rpol1



Common sense as a cultural system, in: The Antioch Review (Yellow-Springs/Oh./USA: Antioch Review Inc.), vol. 50 no. 1-2 (1992), pp. 221-242 (= reprint of 75Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

The Bazaar economy: information and search in peasant marketing, in: Granovetter, Mark S./ Swedberg, Richard (eds.): The sociology of economic life. Boulder/Co./USA 1992: Westview Press, pp. 225-232 (= reprint of 78Aeng1). 

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

         second edition 2001.

Stir crazy, in: Burke, Peter (ed.): Critical essays on Michel Foucault. Aldershot/UK 1992: Scolar Press, & Brookfield/Vt./USA 1992: Ashgate Publ. Co., pp. 139-146 (= reprint of 78Aeng2).

         see the original text asVACC-Text.

Estar all. La antropologa y la escena de la escritura, in: Chvez, Jorge Chvez (ed.): Antropologa social. Antologia completa, Ciudad Jurez/MEX: Universidad Autnoma de Ciudad Jurez, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administracin, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales (Programa de Estudio Antropologa Social), pp. 193-207 (= reprint of 89Tspa2, chapt. 1).

         as part of a text collection used for the course program "Social anthropology".

         this collection re-edited online 2005 by: Herrera Robles, Luis Alfonso; Hrnan, Juan Muscio (eds.)

         also as VACC-Text.

Estar aqu. De qu vida se trata al fin y al cabo?, in: Chvez, Jorge Chvez (ed.): Antropologa social. Antologia completa, Ciudad Jurez/MEX: Universidad Autnoma de Ciudad Jurez, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administracin, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales (Programa de Estudio Antropologa Social), pp. 208-220 (= reprint of 89Tspa2, chapt. 6).

         as part of a text collection used for the course program "Social anthropology".

         this collection re-edited online 2005 by: Herrera Robles, Luis Alfonso; Hrnan, Juan Muscio (eds.)

         also as VACC-Text.

Gneros confusos: la refiguracin del pensamiento social, in: Chvez, Jorge Chvez (ed.): Antropologa social. Antologia completa, Ciudad Jurez/MEX: Universidad Autnoma de Ciudad Jurez, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administracin, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales (Programa de Estudio Antropologa Social), pp. 221-233 (= reprint of 91Tspa2).

         as part of a text collection used for the course program "Social anthropology".

         this collection re-edited online 2005 by: Herrera Robles, Luis Alfonso; Hrnan, Juan Muscio (eds.)

         also as VACC-Text.

Descripcin densa: hacia una teora interpretativa de la cultura, in: Chvez, Jorge Chvez (ed.): Antropologa social. Antologia completa, Ciudad Jurez/MEX: Universidad Autnoma de Ciudad Jurez, Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administracin, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales (Programa de Estudio Antropologa Social), pp. 234-256 (= reprint of 87Tspa1, chapt. 1).

         as part of a text collection used for the course program "Social anthropology".

         this collection re-edited online 2005 by: Herrera Robles, Luis Alfonso; Hrnan, Juan Muscio (eds.)

         also as VACC-Text.




Articles & Book chapters


Achter de feiten: twee landen, vier decennia, een antropoloog, in: Bouw, Carolien/ Kruithof, Bernard (eds.): De kern van het verschil: culturen en identiteiten. Amsterdam/NED 1993: Amsterdam University Press met SISWO/ Instituut voor Maatschappijwetenschappen (Amsterdam/NED), pp. 41-58 (note: = "Paper at the 'Sociaal-wetenschappelijke studiedagen', April 28-29, 1992"; see also 90Ieng3)

         English version = 95Beng1.

Introduction, to the Symposium "Exit from the Balkans - the commensuration of alien languages", in: Common Knowledge (New York/N.Y./USA etc.: Oxford University Press), vol. 2 no. 3 (1993), pp. 10-12.


'Ethnic conflict': three alternative terms, in: Common Knowledge (New York/N.Y./USA etc.: Oxford University Press), vol. 2 no. 3 (1993), pp. 54-65.


A passage to India, in: The New Republic (New York/N.Y./USA: The Republic Pub. Co. etc.), vol. 209 no. 8-9 (1993), pp. 38f. (= Book review on: Gosh, Amitav: "In an antique land", New-York/N.Y./USA 1993: Alfred A. Knopf). 

         full text available at "Periodical Abstracts, Research II" (from UMI); (subscription needed).

         also as VACC-Text.

Prface, in: Elboudrari, Hassan (ed.): Modes de transmission de la culture religieuse en Islam. El Qu`hira (Cairo)/EGY: Institut franais darchologie orientale (srie "Textes Arabes et tudes Islamiques", vol. 31), pp. XII-XVII.


Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


De Bali al posmodernismo: una entrevista con Clifford Geertz (Hirsch, Silvia M./ Wright, Pablo G., interviewers), in: (Revista) Publicar: en Antropologa y Ciencias Sociales (Buenos Aires/ARG: Colegio de Graduados en Antropologa), ao 2, nm. 1 (Mayo 1993), pp. ??

         reprint: 93Rspa2.

         also as VACC-Text


Riflessioni sullo studio della cultura: a fatto compiuto (introduce Maurizio Viroli), 2 audiocassette (90 min. ciascuna; descrizione basata sul contenitore; relazione del 21/ 5/ 1993); in (fa parte di): Questioni del tradurre: traducibilita e intraducibilita di linguaggi, culture e forma di vita (Ciclo di lezioni organizzato dalla Fondazione Collegio San Carlo, Modena, 9. 1. 1992 - 21. 5. 1993; 17 audiocassette), Modena/ITA: Fondazione Collegio San Carlo.


Working papers etc.


(with Apter, David Ernest)
Limits of pluralism. The problem of cohesion in pluralistic democracy when group differences are elevated to level of principles that are not negotiable. (note: = "Unpublished project proposal for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences", Cambridge/Ma./USA (? p.; held (only?) by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences).





߱ߍߋ ߒߋߍ߳ߒߋߍߎ (Polyza raznoobrazija); in: Thesis: ߥߒߎ ߎ ߎߓߔߒߎ ߎߓߎ ߎ ߓߎߋ ߓߎߓߔ. ߰ߋߋ,  (Moskva/RUS 1993: Osen/ ߃ߓ), vol. 1 no. 3 (ߎߒ ߲ߋ), pp. 168-184 (= translation of 86Aeng1; trad./ ߱ߒ߲߹:  P. I. Ivanova, E. G. Soloveja)

         full text:;




La interpretacin de las culturas, in: Beltrn, Casanva Jenny (comp.): Antologa II. Vera-Cruz/MEX 1993: Universidad Veracruzana, UV-IIE (note: = "Especialidad en Docencia del Instituto de Investigaciones en Educacin"), pp. ? (= reprint of 92Tspa2).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

De Bali al posmodernismo: una entrevista con Clifford Geertz (Hirsch, Silvia M./ Wright, Pablo G., interviewers), in: Alteridades. Revista de Antropologia (Mxico-City/MEX: Univ. Autonoma Metropolitana, Departamento Antropologia), vol. 3 no. 5 (1993), pp. 119-126 (= reprint of 93Ispa1).

         full text:

         also as VACC-Text






Primordial loyalities and standing entities: anthropological reflections on the politics of identity. Budapest/HUN 1994: Collegium Budapest/ Institute for Advanced Study (17 p.; note:  = "Public lectures No. 7, delivered December 13, 1993"; see also 91Weng2). 

         electronic abstract in "International Political Science Abstracts" (International Political Science Association): Montreal/Quebec/CAN); (subscription needed). 

         translations into Hungarian in 94Thun1, 03Thun1

         translation into German: 94Tger1.

         full text:

         also as VACC-Text.

Articles & Book chapters


Foreword, in: Olson, Gary A. (ed.): Philosophy, rhetoric, literary criticism: (inter)views. Carbondale/Il./USA 1994: Southern Illinois University Press, pp. XI-XII. 

         full text via (eBook, password required).

         also as VACC-Text.

Life on the edge, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 41 no. 7 (April 7, 1994), pp. 3-4 (= Book review on: Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt: "In the realm of the Diamond Queen: marginality in an out-of-the-way place", Princeton/N.J./USA 1993: Princeton University Press). 

         full text in "Periodical Abstracts, Research II" (UMI); (subscription needed); (subcribers or charge).

         also as VACC-Text.

The strange estrangement: Taylor and the natural sciences, in: Tully, James Hamilton/ Weinstock, Daniel Marc (eds.): Philosophy in an age of pluralism: the philosophy of Charles Taylor in question. Cambridge/UK etc. 1994: Cambridge University Press, pp. 83-95. 

         reprinted as chapt. 11 in 00Beng1, pp.143-159.

         this reprint also as VACC-Text.


Foreword, in: Newland, Kathleen/ Soedjatmoko, Kemala Chandrakirana (eds.): Transforming humanity: the visionary writings of Soedjatmoko. West-Hartford/Ct./USA 1994: Kumarian Press, pp. VII-X. 

         translation into Indonesian: 94Tind1.

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Het spel van de overtuiging (Interview with Bakker, Marcus/ van Oordt, M.), in: Skript. Tijdschrift voor geschiedenisstudenten (Amsterdam/NED: Historisch Seminarium, Universiteit van Amsterdam), vol. 16 no. 3 (1994), pp. 142-150.




Observando el Islam: el desarrollo religioso en Marruecos e Indonesia. Barcelona/SPA etc. 1994: Paids (164 p.; = translation of 68Beng1; trad.: Bargados, Alberto Lpez).

         "En este libro, el autor consigue mantener un raro equilibrio entre la dinmica propia de la historia religiosa a los dos extremos de la civilizacin islmica, Marruecos y Java, y los trazos ms universales desvelados mediante la confrontacin de stos. Geertz manifiesta lo que ambas tienen en comn y aquello que las separa, ese juego de estrategias que nos autoriza a llamarlas musulmanas, a reconocer en La Meca una misma fuente de inspiracin, nos ensea asimismo que ambas se postran en direcciones opuestas." source:

Conocimiento local: ensayos sobre la interpretacion de las culturas. Barcelona/SPA etc. 1994: Paids (297 p.; = translation of 83Beng1; trad.: Bargados, Alberto Lpez)


Descripcin densa: hacia una teora interpretativa de la cultura, in: Pawling, Perla Chinchilla (comp.): Historia e interdisciplinariedad, Mxico/D.F./MEX 1994: Universidad Iberoamericana, pp. 304ff. (= translation of 73Aeng1 & reprint of 92Tspa2; trad./ traduccin: Carri, Mara Luisa; Valls, Mercedes).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Gneros confusos: la refiguracin del pensamiento social, in: Pawling, Perla Chinchilla (comp.): Historia e interdisciplinariedad, Mxico/D.F./MEX 1994: Universidad Iberoamericana, pp. 385ff. (= translation of 83Aeng1; trad./ traduccin: Carri, Mara Luisa; Valls, Mercedes).


Gli usi della diversit, in: Il mondo 3: rivista di teoria delle scienze umane e sociali (Roma/ITA: Il mondo spa.), vol. 1 no. 5 (1994), pp. ? (= translation of 86Aeng1; trad.: Livini, Umberto). 

         revised version = 00Tita1; this version reprinted as 00Rita1.

Anti-anti-relativismo, in: Il mondo 3: rivista di teoria delle scienze umane e sociali (Roma/ITA: Il mondo spa.), vol 1 no. 2 (1994), pp. 72-86 (= translation of 84Aeng1; trad.: Livini, Umberto). 

         reprinted as 96Rita1.

Az rtelmezs hatalma: vlogatott antropolgiai rsok. Budapest/HUN 1994: Szzadvg Kiad (405 p.; = partial translation of 73Beng1; including translations of 80Aeng2, 91Ieng1, 94Beng1; trad./ ford.: Andor, Eszter; Bernyi, Gbor; Saj, Tams), contains:
(1) ?
(2) "Az ideolgia mint kulturlis rendszer", pp. 22-62;
(3) "A valls mint kulturlis rendszer", pp. 63C103;
(4) "A forradalom utn: a nacionalizmus sorsa az j llamokban", pp. 104-125;
(5) "Mly jtk: jegyzetek a bali kakasviadalrl", pp. 126-169;
(6) "Sr lers: t a kultra rtelmez elmlethez", pp. 170-199;
(7) "'A bennszlttek szemszgbl': az antropolgiai megrts termszetrl", pp. 200-217;
(8) "Az ethosz, a vilgkp s a szent szimblumok elemzse", pp. 218-238;
(9) "A mvszet mint kulturlis rendszer", pp. 239-267;
(10) "Elmosdott mufajok: a trsadalmi gondolkods talakulsa", pp. 268-285;
(11) "Anti-antirelativizmus", pp. 286-?;
(12) ?, pp. ?-331;
(13) "A sokflesg des haszna", pp. 332-351;
(14) ?, pp. 352-368;
(15) "Interj Clifford Geertzcel" (Handler, Richard, interviewer), pp. 369-393.
(complete transcriptions of the Hungarian chapters not available yet). 

         full text excerpt "A tny utn - rszletek a knyvgyik fejezetbol" (from chapt. 2):

         also as VACC-Text.

         enlarged reprint: 2001Rhun1.

Angestammte Loyalitten, bestehende Einheiten: anthropologische Reflexionen zur Identittspolitik, in: Merkur. (Stuttgart/GER: E. Klett Verlag), vol. 48 no. 542 (May 1994), pp. 392-403 (= translation of 94Beng1; trad./ bers.: ?).


(Thick description: the interpretation of culture; Finnish title not known), in: Nisula, Tapio (ed./ toim.): Nkaloja kulttuureihin: antropologian historiaa ja nykysuuntauksia. Helsinki/FIN 1994: Oy Gaudeamus, pp. ? (= translation of 73Aeng1; trad./ ).


Sambutan (Afterword), in: Newland, Kathleen/ Soedjamotko, Kemala Chandrakirana (eds.): Menjelajah cakrawala: kumpulan karya visioner Soedjatmoko. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1994: Gramedia Pustaka Utama (Yayasan Soedjatmoko), pp. ? (= translation of 94Aeng4).




Primordial and civic ties, in: Hutchinson, John/ Smith, Anthony D. (eds.): Nationalism: a reader. Oxford/UK 1994 & New York/N.Y./USA 1994: Oxford University Press, pp. ? (= reprint of 63Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Ideology as a cultural system, in: Eagleton, Terence ("Terry") F. (ed.): Ideology. London/UK etc. 1994: Longman, pp. ? (= reprint of 64Aeng2).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Dundes, Alan (ed.): The cockfight: a casebook. Madison/Wi./USA 1994: University of Wisconsin Press, 94-132 (= reprint of 72Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Martin, Michael J./ McIntyre, Lee C. (eds.): Readings in the philosophy of social science. Cambridge/Ma./USA 1994: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, pp. 213-231 (= reprint of 73Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

The uses of diversity and the future of ethnocentrism, in: Borofsky, Robert L. (ed.): Assessing cultural anthropology. New York/N.Y./USA etc. 1994: McGraw-Hill Co., pp. 69-85 (= reprint of 86Aeng1).

         translation into Italian: 00Tita1.

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

The world in a text: Levi-Strauss's 'Tristes tropiques', in: The Polity reader in social theory. Cambridge/UK etc. 1994: Polity Press, pp. ? (= partial reprint (chapter 2) of 88Beng1).


"Popular Art" and the Javanese tradition, in: Gerstle, C. Andrew/ Milner, Anthony (eds.): Recovering the Orient: artists, scholars, appropriations. London/UK etc. 1994: Harwood Academic Publishers, pp. 245-268 (= reprint of 90Aeng2).







After the fact: two countries, four decades, one anthropologist. Cambridge/Ma./USA 1995: Harvard University Press (198 p., remark: based on "The Jerusalem-Harvard Lectures 1994", see also 90Ieng3).

         paperback edition 1996.

         partial reprints /excerpts: 95Reng6, 96Reng6

         translation into Italian: 95Tita1

         translation into German:  97Tger1

         translation into Indonesian: 98Tind1.

         translation into Turkish: 01Ttur1

         partial translation into Hungarian: 04Thun1

Articles & Book chapters


Disciplines, in: Raritan. A Quarterly Review (New-Brunswick/N.J./USA: Rutgers University), vol. 14 no. 3 (1995), pp. 65-102. 

         electronic abstract in "EBSCO Masterfile" & "Periodical Abstracts".

         also as VACC-Text.

         translation into Hungarian: 03Thun2

Reason, religion and Professor Gellner, in: Hoetink, Hans R. (ed.): The limits of pluralism: neo-absolutism and relativsm. Amsterdam/NED: Stichting Praemium Erasmianum, pp. 167-172 (note: = "Lecture & discussion with Gellner, Ernest; at the 'Erasmus Forum 1994'").


Culture war, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 42 no. 19 (November 30, 1995), pp. 4-6 (= Book review essay on: (1) Obeyesekere, Gananath: "The Apotheosis of Captain Cook: European Mythmaking in the Pacific", Princeton/N.J./USA 1992: Princeton University Press; (2) Sahlins, Marshall D.: "How 'Natives' Think: About Captain Cook, for Example", Chicago/Il./USA etc. 1994: University of Chicago Press). 

         reprinted as chapt. 7 in 00Beng1, pp. 97-106. 

         translation into Italian: 96Tita1

         translation into Hungarian: 96Thun1.

         full text: (subscribers or charge).

         also as VACC-Text.

The politics of culture: Asian identities in a splintered world, in: The 5th Anniversary of the Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prizes 1995, Fukuoka-City/JAP 1995: The Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prizes, leaves 3-7 (of 11 unnumbered leaves). translation into Japanese in 02Bjap1.

         also as VACC-Text.

(with Schneider, David M./ Coldwell, Roger)
Letters, in: Anthropology today (London/UK: The Royal Anthropological Institute etc.), vol. 11 no. 2 (1995), pp. 23ff.

         full text online available via JSTOR (subscription needed, see the list of participating JSTOR-Libraries & Institutions).

         (Text of the letter: "I write with respect to Nigel Rapport's report on the Atlanta AAA meetings (A.T., February 1995) neither in complaint nor criticism, for I found the piece both informative and amusing, but in the interest of improving mutual comprehension between our two so different cultures. I am afraid I did not say there is no call to piss the past, as Rapport reported: having been born in 1926, I am far too getereel for that. What I said, borrowing street argot from the American ghetto, was there is no call to diss the past, diss(or dis?), from disrespect, being a rather all purpose term for a grievous personal insult. It is less allilerative, I admit, but it is, at least around here, a good deal less worn, a good deal more emphatic. As Churchill supposedly said: it. is the common language that kecps us apart." Clifford Geertz 

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


The world in pieces: culture and politics at the end of the century: (1) The world in pieces; (2) What is a country if it is not a nation? (3) What is a culture if it is not a consensus anymore? = Lectures at the "Institut fr die Wissenschaft vom Menschen" (IWM), Wien/AUT, June 12 -26, 1995 (sound record transcriptions available at the IWM-archive). 

         printed in German as 96Bger1

         partial English editions: 97Aeng3, 98Aeng1

         completely reprinted as chapt. 16, 17, 18 in 00Beng1, pp. 218-254.

         this reprint also as VACC-Text.

(with Hori, Makiyo/ Yabuno, Yuzo/ Koizumi, Junji/ Ohta, Yoshinobu)
Anthropological forum: "The politics of culture: Asian identities in a splintered world", Fukuoka-City/JAP (at the Fukuoka Health Promotion Center), January 17, 1995, 14.00 - 16.30 h (sound recordings available at the Asian Culture Prize Committee, Fukuoka-City/JAP ?).


(with Nakane, Chie/ Takeuchi, Minoru/ Ishizawa, Yoshiaki)
Anthropological forum: "The Asian world and anthropology", Tokyo/JAP (at the Yurakucho Marion), January 19, 1995, 15.00 - 17.15 h (sound recordings available at the Asian Culture Prize Committee, Fukuoka-City/JAP ?).


"Unabsolute Truths"  (interview with David Berreby), (printed in part within: The Unabsolute Truths of Clifford Geertz, by David Berreby), in: The New York Times (New York/N.Y./USA: Times Pub.), April 9, 1995, Magazine Desk, Late Edition - Final, Section 6, Page 44, Column 1

         full text available via The New York Times Archive (subscribers or charge).

Dichtes Beschreiben: Portrt des Kulturanthropologen Clifford Geertz (= feature based on an interview by Klaus Taschwer), in: Falter (Wien/AUT: Falter Verlag), no. 30 (1995), p. 47 (including some direct citations from the interview).

         also as VACC-Text.



Contra el antirelativismo, in: Revista de Occidente (Madrid/SPA: Alianza Editorial), no. 169 (1995), pp. 71-103 (= translation of 84Aeng1).


Oltre i fatti: due paesi, quattro decenni, un antropologo. Bologna/ITA: Societ editrice il Mulino spa. (206 p.; = translation of 95Beng1).


A tnyeken tl/ a tnyek utn - rszletek a knyvegyik fejezetbol, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Jelenkor Kiad), no. 18 (1995), pp. 26-29 (= translation of 64Aeng2 = reprint of chapt. 2 in 94Thun1; trad./ fordtsa: Orzy gnes)

         full text:

         also as VACC-Text.

venti simboliai, in: iaurs Atnai: "Lietuvos aido" kultros priedas (Vilnius/LIT: iaurs Atnai - Lietuvos aidas), vol. 1 no. 12 (1995), pp. 16ff (= translation of ?).




Religion as a cultural system, in: Greeley, Andrew M. (ed.): Sociology of religion: a reader. New York/N.Y./USA etc. 1995: Harper Collins, pp. ? (= reprint of 66Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Grimes, Ronald L. (ed.): Readings in ritual studies. Upper Saddle River/N.J./USA etc. 1995: Prentice-Hall, pp. ? (= reprint of 72Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Munns, Jessica/ Rajan, Gita/ Bromley, Roger (eds.): A cultural studies reader: history, theory, practice. London/UK 1995 & New York/N.Y./USA 1995: Longman, pp. 236-256 (= reprint 73Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

From the native's point of view: on the nature of anthropological understanding, in: Goldberger, Nancy Rule/ Veroff, Jody (eds.): The culture and psychology reader. New York/N.Y./USA 1995: University Press, pp. 25-40 (= reprint of 74Aeng2).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

History and anthropology, in: Cohen, Ralph/ Roth, Michael S. (eds.): History and ... : histories within the human sciences. Charlottesville/Va./USA 1995: University Press of Virginia, pp. 248-262 (= reprint of 90Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Vignette: a community of scholars,  in: Science (Cambridge/ Ma./USA: Moses King) vol. 267 no. ? (Feb. 24, 1995), p. 1194 (= excerpt from 95Beng1).


Ethos, visin del mundo y anlisis de los smbolos sagrados, in: Rueda, Marco V./ Moreno-Ynez, Segundo E. (eds.): Cosmos, hombre y sacralidad. Lecturas dirigidas de antropologa religiosa, Quito/ECU 1995: Pontificia Universidad Catlica del Ecuador, Departamento de Antropologa  (Ediciones Abya-Yala), pp. ? (= reprint of 73Tspa2).


La ideologa como sistema cultural, in: Rueda, Marco V./ Moreno-Ynez, Segundo E. (comp.): Cosmos, hombre y sacralidad. Lecturas dirigidas de antropologa religiosa, Quito/ECU 1995: Pontificia Universidad Catlica del Ecuador, Departamento de Antropologa  (Ediciones Abya-Yala), pp. ? (= reprint of 71Tspa1).







Welt in Stcken: Kultur und Politik am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. IWM (Institut fr die Wissenschaft vom Menschen), Vorlesungen zur modernen Philosophie. Wien/AUT 1996: Passagen Verlag (120 p.; = German versions of 95Ieng1; trad./ aus dem Englischen von Herwig Engelmann). 

         partial issue in English: 97Aeng3

         complete English edition as chapt. 16-18 in 00Beng1, pp. 218-254. 

         this version also as VACC-Text.

         translation into Italian: 99Tita1.

Los usos de la diversidad. Barcelona/SPA etc. 1996: Paids & I.C.E. de la Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (127 p.; Introduccin: Dur, Nicols Snchez; traduccin: La Roda, M. Jos Nicolau; Dur, Nicols Snchez; Tabernanote, Alfredo : = "Serie Pensamiento Contemporaneo no. 44"); 

         contains translated 86Aeng1

         "El pensar en cuanto acto moral: las dimensiones ticas del trabajo antropolgico en los Nuevos Estados" (translation of 68Aeng1), pp. ?.
further articles ?).

         "La antropologa creci en tierras lejanas, mares clidos y poblados remotos. Su hbitat fue siempre la diversidad de hombres, sociedades y culturas. Pero aquellos gloriosos tiempos de viajeros indmitos amantes ambivalentes de la otredad ms radical parecen haberse difuminado. Cmo puede pensarse el discurso antropolgico cuando el mundo que vivimos es cada vez ms un mundo? Clifford Geertz, el antroplogo norteamericano ms relevante de las ltimas dcadas, discute los trminos de esta pregunta y defiende un relativismo moderado, que no concluye ni en un escepticismo de la comprensin ni en un pirronismo moral que imposibilitara la crtica intercultural. En la estela del particularismo americano y de la antropologa interpretativa, Geertz polemiza con nuevas formas de etnocentrismo, que atribuye ejemplarmente a Lvi-Strauss y Rorty, en una poca donde las sociedades de referencia de los antroplogos se han convertido en una suerte de collages culturales. En definitiva, lo que aqu se discute es la dimensin inevitablemente moral en que se desborda cualquier reflexin epistemolgica sobre la antropologa poscolonial. La introduccin ha corrido a cargo de Nicols Snchez Dur, profesor titular del Departamento de Metafsica y Teora del Conocimiento de la Universitat de Valncia."  source:

Articles & Book chapters


Java jive, in: The New Republic (New-York/N.Y./USA: The New Republic Pub. Co.), vol. 212 no. ? (April 22, 1996), pp. 31-34 (= Book review on: (1) Toer, Pramoedya Ananta: "Footsteps", New-York/N.Y./USA 1990: Penguin Books; (2) idem: "House of Glass", New-York/N.Y./USA 1996: Morrow). 

         full text at (outdated link).

         also as VACC-Text.

Afterword, in: Basso, Keith H./ Feld, Steven (eds.): Senses of place. Santa-Fe/N.M./USA: School of American Research Press (distr. by University of Washington Press), pp. 285-288.


Off echoes: some comments on anthropology and law, in: Polar: political and legal anthropology review (Washington/D.C./USA: Association for Political and Legal Anthropology), vol. 19 no. 2 (1996), pp. 33-37.

         full text via: (subcribers or charge).

Working papers etc.


(with Fo, Dario/ Sontag, Susan/ Said, Edward W./ Soyinka, Wole/ Fabian, Johannes and others)
Theatre in a multicultural society: A symposium. International School of Theatre Anthropology 96, Kopenhagen/DEN (audio transcripts available at the Anthropology Institute, University of Kopenhagen (Kopenhagen/DEN, May 9-11); 

         publication announced, but not realized yet. see
"FRA ODIN TIL MALY TEATRET - GSTESPIL 1981-2004: ... SEMINAR Teatret i et Multi-kulturelt samfund; KOORDINATION Kirsten Hastrup; DELTAGERE: Johannes Fabian, Dario Fo, Clifford Geertz, Kirsten Hastrup, Mario Vargas Llosa, Mbongeni Ngema, Sanjukta Panigrahi, Franca Rame, Edward Said, Richard Schechner, Susan Sontag, Wole Soyinka; Louisiana, 9.-11. maj"

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Creative writing, lecture at: Emory University, Atlanta/Ga./USA, February 12, 1996,  8:15 p.m. (Anthropologist Clifford Geertz reads from his work; audio recording available at the Emory Department of English, Writing Center).




Anti-Antirelativismus, in: Konersmann, Ralf (ed.): Kulturphilosophie. Leipzig/GER 1996: Reclam, 253-291 (= translation of 84Aeng1; trad.: Brede-Konersmann, Claudia).


Ici et l-bas: l'anthropologue comme auteur. Paris/FRA 1996: Mtaili (152 p.; = translation of 88Beng1; trad.: Lemoine, Daniel).


Tras los hechos: dos pases, cuatro dcadas y un antroplogo. Barcelona/SPA 1996: Paids (192 p.; = translation of 95Beng1; traduccin: Aramburu, Miquel). contains:
(transcription of the Spanish chapters not available yet).


Chi ha ucciso Capitan Cook? (book review), in: la Rivista dei Libri (Firenze/ITA: La Rivista dei Libri S.R.L.), vol. 6 no. 4 (aprile 1996), S. 8-10 (= translation of 95Aeng3; traducin: ?).


Z domorodskega zornega kota: o naravi antropologo, in: "ČKZ": Časopis za kritiko znanosti (Ljubljana/SLO: tudentska; ISSN 0351-4285), vol. 24  no.179 (1996), pp. 91-105 (= partial translation of 88Beng1; trad.: Klemenc, Andrej).

         also in: Klemenc, Andrej (ed.): Vsakdanjost rasizmov, Ljubljana/SLO 1996: tudentska organizacija Univerze - tudentska zaloba (ISBN: 0351-4258), pp. ? (book version of the ČKZ-issue no. 179 mentioned above).

Kultrk hborja, in: BUKSZ. Budapesti Knyvszemle (Budapest/HUN: Budapesti Knyvszemle BUKSZ), vol. 8 no. 3 (1996), pp. 304-308 (= translation of 95Aeng3; trad./ fordtsa: Rupp, Anik). 

         full text:;;
also as VACC-Text.

Bunka no yomikata kakikata. Tokyo/JAP 1996: Iwanami Gendai Senshiyo Shoten (XIII, 277 p.; = translation of 88Beng1; trad.: Moriizumi Kzi), 
(Japanese transcription:
اi/ﯧ­ / ؀̀`ƀ` [] ; ­ΥU<ۀ ˀ ­>.  | : , 1996.9; Japanese characters need to be activated and visible); contains:
(transcription of Japanese chapters not available yet).



x//­; ­Υ (Works and lives Chinese). Taipeh/TWN 1996: (? p; = translation of 88Beng1; trad.: ­ Υ).

         see the detailled Chinese book description.

߄ ߔߎ ߍߒߎ ߔߍߋ: ߷ߒߎߒ߹ ߷ߎߋߎ ߲ ߔߒߤ ߋߔߒ߷ߌߎߎ, in: ߀߲ߔ ߁. ߏ. (ed.): ߹ߎ ߳ߓߎ ߎ ߌߎߋ ߓߎߌߎߓߌ ߎ, ߓ߲ߋ/Moscow/RUS 1996: ߁-ߔ ߓߎߌߎߓߌ ߳ߒߋߍ߲ߋߎ ߾ߓߓߎߤߓߌ ߔߒߋ ߌߋߎߔߋߒߌ ߳ߒߋߍ߲ߋߎ, pp. 89-109 (= translation of ?; trad.: ?).

         second edition 2002.

         source text of this Russian translation not identified  yet; any help is welcome !!


Hlubok hra: poznmky ke kohoutm zpasům na Bali, in: Soukup, Vclav (ed.): Djiny sociln a kulturn antropologie. Praha/CZE 1996: Univerzita Karlova, pp. 252-259 (= translation of 72Aeng1; trad.: Soukup, Vclav).

         see the VACC-Text.



Economic development in Modjokuto, in: Castro, Barry (ed.): Business and society: a reader in the history, sociology, and ethics of business. New York/N.Y./USA etc. 1996: Oxford University Press, pp. 54-59 (= partial reprint of 62Aeng2).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Primordial ties, in: Hutchinson, John/ Smith, Anthony David (eds.): Ethnicity. Oxford/UK 1996 & New York/N.Y./USA 1996: Oxford University Press, pp. 40-44 (= partial reprint of 63Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Appleby, Joyce Oldham/ Covington, Elizabeth/ Hoyt, David/ Latham, Michael E./ Sneider, Allison (eds.): Knowledge and postmodernism in historical perspective. New-York/N.Y./USA 1996: Routledge, pp. 310-325 (= reprint of 73Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

The Bazaar economy: information and search in peasant marketing, in: Lamberton, Donald McLean (ed.): The Economics of communication and information. Cheltenham/UK 1996 & Brookfield/Vt./USA 1996: Edward Elgar Publ., pp. 78-82 (= reprint of 78Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

The world in a text: how to read 'Tristes tropiques', in: Daniel, E. Valentine/ Peck, Jeffrey M. (eds.): Culture/contexture: explorations in anthropology and literary studies. Berkeley/Ca./USA etc. 1996: University of California Press, pp. 156-174 (= partial reprint (chapter 2) of 88Beng1).


The Java question (quest for an Indonesian identity), in: Wilson Quarterly (Washington/D.C./USA: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars), vol. 20 no. 4 (1996), p. 58 (= excerpt from 95Beng1).



Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Munns, Jessica/ Gajan, Rita (ed.): A cultural studies reader: history, theory, practice  (with the British section edited and introduced by Roger Bromley), London/UK & New-York/N.Y./USA: 1996: Longman, pp. ? (= reprint of 73Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Quotation no. 24580, in: The Columbia World of Quotations. Copyright 1996 Columbia University Press (from 1983Aeng1 = Introduction to "Local Knowledge").

 text: "To see ourselves as others see us can be eye-opening. To see others as sharing a nature with ourselves is the merest decency. But it is from the far more difficult achievement of seeing ourselves amongst others, as a local example of the forms human life has locally taken, a case among cases, a world among worlds, that the largeness of mind, without which objectivity is self-congratulation and tolerance a sham, comes").

Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: R. Jon McGee, Richard L. Warms (eds.): Anthropological theory: an introductory history, Mountain View/Cal./USA 1996: Mayfield Pub. Co., pp. 459-479 (= reprint of 72Aeng1)

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Quotations, in: Thompson, Kenneth (ed.): Key Quotations in Sociology, London/UK 1996: Routledge, p. 45 (from 57Aeng1), pp. 69-70 (from 64Aeng2), p. 87 (from 66Aeng1), p. 114 (from 66Aeng1), pp. 157-158 (from 73Aeng1), 


(with Feyerabend, Paul K./ De Finis, Giorgio)
Anti-anti-relativismo (Clifford Geertz); Contro l'ineffabilita cultural (Paul K. Feyerabend); [preceduti da] Introduzione (Giorgio De Finis): Roma/ITA 1996: Il Mondo 3 (78 p.; note: "Collezione Il Mondo 3 reprint"; =  reprint of







(with Hefner, Robert W./ Liddle, William/ Masters, Edward/ Madjid, Nurcholish/ Nyang, Sulayman/ Siregar, Arifin/ Suryohadiprojo, Sayidiman/ Shihab, Alwi/ Wolfowitz, Paul/ Woodward, Mark R.)
Islam in contemporary Indonesia, Washington/D.C./USA 1997: United States-Indonesia Society (40 p.) (note = "proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the United States-Indonesia Society: March 11, 1997, the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies" (Nitze School = at the Johns Hopkins University, Washington/DC/USA)) 


Articles & Book chapters


Learning with Bruner: the new psychology, in: The New York Review of Books (New-York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 44 no. 6 (April 10, 1997), pp. 22-24 (= Book review on: Bruner, Jerome: "The Culture of Education", Cambridge/Ma./USA 1996: Harvard University Press). 

         reprinted partially in chapt. 14 in 00Beng1, pp. 187-202. 

         further reprint: 00Reng2

         translation into Italian: 98Tita1.

         full text: (subscribers or charge).

         also as VACC-Text.

The legacy of Thomas Kuhn: the right text at the right time, in: Common Knowledge (New-York/N.Y./USA etc.: Oxford University Press), vol. 6 no. 1 (1997), pp. 1-5. 

         reprinted as chapt. 12 in 00Beng1, pp. 161-166.

         this reprint as VACC-Text.

         translation into Hungarian: 97Thun1.

What is a country if it is not a nation?, in: The Brown Journal of World Affairs (Providence/R.I./USA: Brown University), vol. 4 no. 2 (1997), pp. 235-247 (= reprint of 95Ieng1 (part 2); for the German version see 96Bger1).

         reprinted as chapt. 17 in 00Beng1, pp. 231-246.

         this reprint also as VACC-Text(part 2 only).

Cultural tourism: tradition, identity and heritage construction, in: Nuryanti, Wiendu (ed.): Tourism and heritage management. Yogyakarta/Jawa/IND: Gadjah Mada University Press, pp. 14-24 (note: = "Lecture at the Tourism and Heritage Management Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, October 28-30, 1996", see also: of the Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the United Kingdom).


Reply to a review, in: Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (New-York/N.Y./USA: John Wiley), vol. 33 no. 1 (1997), p. 87.


Book review, in: The University of California Press Books Catalogue; full text 1997:

         on: Fabian, Johannes: "Remembering the present: painting and popular history in Zaire", Berkeley/Ca./USA 1996: University of California Press
(complete citation: "This is an extraordinarily original, powerfully argued book; provocative in the best sense of the word. The sheer juxtaposition of the terrible history of Zaire as painted by a Zairean popular artist who lived through some of the worst of it, the artist's precise and eloquent explications of his work, a bluntly factualist account of the events depicted, and Fabian's searching ethnographical commentary, without privileging any of these so different types of discourse over any of the others, raises some of the most fundamental and most difficult questions in history, art, and anthropology. Remembering the Present is a major step forward in both the presentation of cultural materials and in their analysis."--Clifford Geertz).

Book review, in: The University of Chicago Press Books Catalogue, full text 1997:

  • on: Hammoudi, Abdellah: "Master and Disciple: The Cultural Foundations of Moroccan Authoritarianism". Chicago/Ill./USA 1997: University of Chicago Press 
    (complete citation: "Connecting political domination to gift exchange, ritual initiation, social loyalty, and gender reversals, Master and Disciple is nothing less than a thoroughgoing revision of our understanding of authoritarian rule in Morocco and in the Arab world in general."--Clifford Geertz).

(Contribution, title not known or transcribed; see the notation "med bidrag af Clifford Geertz, m. fl."), in: Brumberg, Daniel (red.): al-Ta'addud wa tahaddiyt al-ikhtilf: al-mujtama't al-munqasimah wa kayf tastaqir, London/ Beirut 1997: Dar Al Saqi, pp. ? (= translation of ?).

Working Papers etc.


Thoughts on researching nationalism. Princeton/N.J./USA: Institute for Advanced Study (4 p.; typoscript handout for the "'Understanding nationalism' workshop, December 4-6, 1997"; held p.e. by the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow/RUS; director B. A. Tishkow), 

         see the information source: ߣ.߰. ߥߎ߲ ߩߋ߳ߔ ߋߎߎ (߱ߓߔ-ߋߎߋߎߓߔߎߓ ߷ߎߋߎ ߋߎߋߎߍߋ); link).

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Wawancara dengan Clifford Geertz, in: Indonesia Daily News Online ( link problems at the moment ?), March 9, 1997 (topic "We grew up together": discussion in Bahasa Indonesian between Clifford Geertz and Ben Abel ( at Cornell University, February 14 & 15, 1997); (= translation of ?).

         also as VACC-Text.

"Interview with Clifford Geertz", in: Caietele Tranzitiei (Cluj/RUM: Babes-Bolyai University Press), no. 1 (1997), pp. ? (= translation into Romanian of 91Ieng1 from 94Thun1, pp. 369-393; trad.: Knczei, Csilla).


Il metodo dell'antropologia, video: RAI (Roma/ITA) 1997 (Numero di catalogo: 3376; Autore: Renato Parascandolo); durata: 03' 48''; tratto da: "Enciclopedia multimediale delle scienze filosofiche" (= video version of 92Iita1); 




(Islam observed, Arabic title not known). Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1997 & Rabat/MAR 1997: Ubr Morocco (? p.; = translation of 68Beng1; trad.: ?).


(Article, Indonesian title not known), in/ dalam: Subandy, Ibrahim (ed/ peny.): Ecstasy Gaya Hidup: kebudayaan Pop dalam masyarakat komoditas Indonesia. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1997: Penerbit Mizan, pp. ? (= translation of ?).



(Article, Indonesian title not known), in/ dalam: Tax, Sol (ed./ peny.): Bidang-Bidang Antropoloji. Kuala Lumpur/MAL: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, pp. ? (= translation of 64Aeng5).


Spurenlesen: der Ethnologe und das Entgleiten der Fakten. Mnchen/GER 1997: Carl Heinrich Beck Verlag (220 p.; = translation of 95Beng1; bers./ trad.: Pfeiffer, Martin).


Thomas Kuhn rksge: a megfelelő szveg a megfelelő időben, in: BUKSZ. Budapesti Knyvszemle (Budapest/HUN: Budapesti Knyvszemle BUKSZ), vol. 9 no. 3 (1997), pp. 355-357 (= translation of 97Aeng2; trad./ fordtotta: Babarczy, Eszter).

         full text:

         also as VACC-Text.

Historia i antropologia, in: Konteksty: antropologia kultury, etnografia, sztuka (Warszawa/POL: Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Sztuki), vol. 51 no.1-2 (= no. 236-237; 1997), pp. 6-12 (= translation of 90Aeng1; trad./ tłumacz.: Sikora, Slawomir).


"ߋߓ ߷ߎߓߋߎ": ߲ ߷ߎߓߋ ߎߔߒ߷ߒߔߋߔߎ߲ߤ ߔߒߎߎ ߔߒ, in: ­. ߰. ߓߔ߲ߋ (ed.): ߰ߔߌߎ ߎߓߓ߹߲ߋߎߤ ߔߒ. ߥ. 1. ߁ߔߒ߷ߒߔߋߎߎ ߔߒ, Sankt Petersburg/RUS 1997: ߵߎ߲ߒߓߎߔߔߓߋ ߎߌߋ, pp. 315-338 (= translation of 73Aeng1 "Thick description"; trad./߷ߒ߲߹: Lazarewoi, ߶. ./ ߶. . ­ߋߍߋߒ߲ߤ).

         parallel publishment 1997 in: ߣߎߎ ߷ߎߎ ߔߒ ߋ ߷ߎߕ ߲ߋ, oskva/RUS 1997: ߁߁߃, pp. 103-166 (ߨߔߒߌߎ. XX ߲. ߀ߋߤ߹ߓߔ: ߱ߒ߳-ߔߋߔߎߓߎߤ ߓ߳ߒߎ, vol. I). 

         see the VACC-Abstract.

         full text:; (outdated);

         also as VACC-Text.



Art as a cultural system, in: Feagin, Susan L./ Maynard, Patrick L. (eds.): Aesthetics. An Oxford Reader, Oxford/UK & New York/N.Y./USA 1997: Oxford University Press, pp.109-118 (= reprint of 76Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Interview: ethnography as art/ The eternal vexation of Clifford Geertz, in: Horgan, John (comp.): The end of science: limits of knowledge in the twilight of the scientific age. New-York/N.Y./USA 1997: Broadway Books, pp. 155-158 (= reprint of 89Ieng1).

         translation into Croatian: 01Tcro1.


Geertz looks at Erikson's Gandhi. Bhubaneswar/Orissa/IND 1997: Mayur Prakashan (Mayur Publications) & Acharya Harihar Education Society, 20 p. (= reprint of 69Aeng3).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.


Suru lers: t a kultra rtelmez elmlethez, in: Bohannan, Paul L./ Glazer, Mark (ed./szerk.): Mrfldkvek a kulturlis antropolgiban, Budapest 1997: Panem, pp.  713-742 (= reprint of 88Thun1).


L'interpretazione delle culture. Intervista a Clifford Geertz di Maurizio Viroli (revisione di Francesco Censon), in: L'Unit, (Roma/ITA: Nuova Iniziativa Editoriale spa.) no. ? (April 7, 1997); (= reprint of 92Iita1, part 1)

         full text:

         also as VACC-Text.






The world in pieces: culture and politics at the end of the century, in: Focaal: European journal of anthropology (Utrecht/NED: Stichting Focaal), no. 32 (1998), pp. 91-117 (= English print of 95Ieng1 (part 1 only); for the original German edition see 96Bger1). 

         this version reprinted as chapter 16 in 00Beng1, pp. 218-231.

         this reprint also as VACC-Text (part 1 only).

         translation into Polish: 02Tpol1.


Deep hanging out, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 45 no. 15 (October 22, 1998), pp. ? (= Book review essay on: (1) Clastres, Pierre: "Chronicle of the Guayaki Indians", New-York/N.Y./USA 1998: Zone Books; (2) Clifford, James: "Routes: travel and translation in the late twentieth century", Cambridge/Ma./USA etc. 1997: Harvard University Press). 

         reprinted as chapt. 8 in 00Beng1, pp. 107-117.

         full text: (subscribers or charge).

         also as VACC-Text.

The pinch of destiny: religion as experience, meaning, identity and power, in: Harvard Divinity Bulletin (Cambridge/Ma./USA: Harvard Divinity School), vol. 27 no.4 (1998), pp. 7-12 (note: = "The Annual William James Lecture on 'Religious experience' at the Harvard Divinity School, Boston Theological Institute, March 12, 1998"; = short version of 99Aeng1).

         see the later version as VACC-Text.

Book review (on: Robert Klitzman: "Being positive: the lives of men and women with HIV", Chicago/Il./USA 1997: Ivan R. Dee Publ.), in: book reviews, full text ony:

         "From CLIFFORD GEERTZ: "The voice of the patient' is not much heard in medical writing these days beyond the mere description of symptoms. These three dozen self-absorbed but intensely alert gays and straights, men and women, activists and drug users, telling their individual stories in their individual ways, give definition not only to what is happening to them; they provide for the rest of us an unforgettable picture of what extremity looks like and how it is dealt with."

Book review (on: Carl Elliot: Philosophical disease: bioethics culture and identity ; Routledge 1998, in: Barnes & Noble catalogue, full text only:

  • "An extraordinarily fine book--the best thing I have seen on the subject. It takes a broad, reflective view of the subject that is needed....It is its practice-centered, inside view of things which is so remarkable--that, and the clarity and force of exposition." (Clifford Geertz, Harold F. Linder Professor of Social Science, Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey)

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


A splintered world, lecture at the University of Indiana, Bloomington/In./USA: Department of Anthropology, April 10, 1998 (as part of the "Wells Scholar Distinguished Lecture program"; = probably based on 98Aeng1 & 95Ieng1 (Part 1); audio recording at the department ?).


Interview (with Kristof, Nicholas D.), embedded in: Suharto, a king of Java past, confronts Indonesia's future/ by Nicholas D. Kristof, in: The New York Times (New York/N.Y./USA: Times Pub.), no. ? (May 17, 1998), p. ?; 

         full text within:
""The whole thing has a structure, a plot, in terms of how regimes change," said Clifford Geertz, a Princeton University anthropologist who is renowned for his study of Java. "The king loses his power, and there's disorder in the realm and there are attacks on him. And then slowly the old guy goes out and the new guy comes in."
"There's almost a staged scenario for how a dynasty ends," Mr. Geertz added, "and to me this looks eerily like it." ...

Anthropologist's view of Indonesia's turmoil and its roots (Interview by Philip Shenon), in: The New York Times (The NY Times Company: New York/N.Y./USA), issue of May 9th, 1998, pp. ?; online version:

         see also the VACC-Text.



Munhwayi haeseog. Seoul/KOR 1998: Gacigeulbang (540 p.; = translation of 73Beng1; trad.: Mun Og-pyo), contains:
(transcriptions of Korean chapters not available).


O saber local: novos ensaios em antropologia interpretativa. Petrpolis/BRA 1998: Editora Vozes Ltda. (368 p.; = translation of 83Beng1; trad.: Joscelyne, Vera Mello); contains:
(1) "Misturade gneros: a reconfigurao do pensamento social", pp. ? - 56.

(2) Descoberta na traduo: A histria social da imaginao moral", 57-84.
(3) "'Do ponto de vista dos nativos': a natureza do entendimento antropolgico", pp. 85-107.
(4) "O senso comum como um sistema cultural", pp. 111-141.
(5) "A arte como um sistema cultural", pp. 142-181.
(6) "Centros, reis e carisma: reflexes sobre o simbolismo do poder", pp. 182-219.
(7)  Como pensamos hoje: a caminho de uma etnografia no pensamento moderno, pp. 220-245.
(8) "O saber local ...", pp. 249-328.


(Works and Lives: the Anthropologist as Author, chap. 1 & 6; Portuguese title not known), in: Revista Cadernos de Campo (So Paulo/BRA: Universidade de So Paulo, Departamento de Antropologia da USP), vol. 8 no. 7 (Nov. 1998), pp. 205-235 (= partial translation of 88Beng1).


La description dense: vers une thorie interprtative de la culture, in: L' enqute: anthropologie, histoire, sociologie (Marseille/FRA: Ed. Parenthses), no 6 (1998), pp. 52-105 (= translation of 73Aeng1, traduit par Mary, Andr ).

         reprint: 03Rfre1

La rivoluzione culturale di Bruner (book review on: Jerome Bruner: La cultura dell'educazione, Milano 1997: Feltrinelli), in: la Rivista dei Libri (Firenze/ITA: La Rivista dei Libri S.R.L.), vol. 6 no. 1 (gennaio 1998), pp. 28-31 (= translation of  97Aeng1).


Az identits politikjrl, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Jelenkor Kiad), no. 31 (1998), pp. 25-27 (= translation of 63Aeng1; trad./ fordtsa: Kardi va). 

         full text:

         also as VACC-Text.

Ideologija kak kulturnaja sistema (߁߹ߌߎ ߋ ߔߒߋ ߓߎߓߔߋ), in: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie (Moskva/RUS: NLO; see:, no. 29 (1998), pp. 7-54 (= translation of 64Aeng2). 

         full text at

         also as VACC-Text.

Kulturu interpretacija. Riga/LAT 1998: Izdevnieciba AGB for "Sorosa Fonds Latvia" (478 pp.; = translation of 73Beng1), contains:
(transcription of the Latvian chapters not available).


After The Fact: dua negeri, empat dasawarsa, satu antropolog. Yogyakarta/Jawa/IND 1999: Penerbit LKIS (introd. by Simatupang, Landung; 312, XXIII p.; = translation of 95Beng1; trad./ diterjemahkan: Kleden, Ignas).




Tumačenje kultura, Beograd & Zemun/YUG 1998: Biblioteka XX vek, 2 vols. (351, 307 p.; = translation of 73Beng1; trad./ prevela s engleskog: Slobodanka Gliič); contains:

         vol. I: 
(1) "Podroban opis: ka interpretativnoj teoriji kulture", pp. 9-46;
(4) "Religija kao kulturni sistem", pp. ?
(8) "Ideologija kao sistem kulture", pp. ?

         vol II: ?

         (further transcription of the Serbocroatian chapters not available).

Deskribapen trinkoa: kulturaren teoria interpretatibo bate-runtz, in: Ankulegi. Gizarte antropologia aldizkaria - Revista de antropologa social - Revue d'ethnologie (San Sebastin/ESP: Antropologia elkartea/Asociacin vasca de antropologa/Association basque d'ethnologie), no. 2 (June 1998), pp. ? (= translation of 73Aeng1).




The wet and the dry: traditional irrigation in Bali and Morocco, in: Gudeman, Stephen C. (ed.): Economic anthropology. Northampton/Ma./USA etc. 1998: Edwin Elgar Publ. (= "International Library of Critical Writings in Economics", no. 99), pp. 270-286 (= reprint of 73Aeng3).


Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Clashes of culture [edited by the Great Books Foundation]. Chicago/Ill./USA 1998: Great Books Foundation, pp. ? (= reprint of  72Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

"Deep play" - Ritual als kulturelle Performance, in: Belliger, Andra/ Krieger, David J. (eds.): Ritualtheorien. Ein einfhrendes Handbuch, Opladen/GER 1998:: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 99-118  (= reprint of chapt. 5 in 83Bger1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

"Aus der Perspektive des Eingeborenen". Zum Problem des ethnologischen Verstehens, in: Gebauer, Gunter (ed.): Anthropologie, Leipzig/BRD 1998: Reclam, S. 261-288 (= reprint of chapt. 7 in 83Bger1).



Religia jako system kulturowy, in: Piwowarski, Władysław (red.): Socjologia religii. Antologia tekstw, Krakw/POL 1998: Z.W. NOMOS, pp. 40-68 (= translation of 66Aeng1; = reprint of 92Tpol1).


O gatunkach zmąconych. Nowe konfiguracje myśli społecznej, in: Nycz,  Ryszard (ed.): Postmodernizm. Antologia przekladw, Krakw/POL 1998: Wydawnictwo Baran i Suszczynski, pp. 214-235 (= translation of 80Aeng2; = reprint of 90Tpol1; trad./ tłum. Zdzisław Lapiski).


Interpretazione di culture. Bologna/ITA: Societ editrice il Mulino spa. (XV, 436 p.; = partial translation of 73Beng1; trad.: Eleonora Bona, revisione di Marco Santoro; = reprint of 87Tita1.







A life of learning: Charles Homer Haskins lecture for 1999. New York/N.Y./USA: American Council of Learned Societies (VII, 18 p.; ACLS occasional paper no. 45; note: = "lecture delivered April 29, 1999") 

         reprinted as chapt. 1 in 00Beng1, pp. 3-20.

         full text:;

         also as VACC-Text.

         partial translation into Hungarian: 02Thun1.

         translation into Russian: 04Trus1




'The pinch of destiny': religion as experience, meaning, identity, power, in: Raritan: a quarterly review (New Brunswick/N.J./USA: Rutgers University), vol. 19 no. 4, pp. 1-19 (= long version of 98Aeng3). 

         reprinted as chapt. 12 in 00Beng1, pp. 167-186. 

         full text/ full record via (subscription needed).

         also as VACC-Text.

         translation into German: 01Tger1.

         translation into Romanian: 01Trom1.

When the poet speaks Arabic, in: 2B/to be: a journal of ideas (Chicago/Il. & Miami/Fl./USA: The American Institute of Polish Culture), Nr. 14 (1999; note: theme = "What is poetry to do ?"), pp. 106-107.


The introduction into anthropology of a genuinely historical eye, in: Journal of Victorian Culture (Edinburgh/UK: Edinburgh University Press), vol. 4 no. 2 (1999), pp. 305-310 (note: part of the "Roundtable discussion on George Stocking").

         also as VACC-Text.

Afterword, in: Wagoner, Paula L./ Morgan, Mindy J. (eds.): Interpreting cultures: a symposium. Bloomington/In./USA 1999: Dept. of Anthropology, Indiana University, pp. 50-53 (note: = "Symposium on April 10, 1998; commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Clifford Geertz's 'The interpretation of cultures', and the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Department of Anthropology, Indiana University").


Awas Buaya, in: Wardaya, Frater Baskara, SJ (ed.): Mencari Demokrasi. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1999: Institut Studi Arus Informasi, pp. 51-94 ("Essays based on interviews conducted with several political observers on Indonesian politics since 1946, in particular about movements for democracy").

         other contributions were: Revolusi pemoeda / Benedict Anderson; Lembaga, elit, dan kontrol / Daniel S. Lev; Digul / Takashi Shirashi; Menuju masyarakat egalitarian / George McT. Kahin; Menya lakan lilin dalam kegelapan / Goenawan Mohamad; Militer dan Orde Ba ru / William Liddle.

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


'To exist is to have confidence in one's being': rituals as model systems, lecture at: Princeton workshop in the history of science, Princeton University, Princeton/N.J./USA: Dept. for the History of Science, Saturday, December 11, 1999 (Workshop II: Human Sciences; audio recording available at the department ?).


Ideology and semiotics: Russia encounters Clifford Geertz (Roundtable discussion with Zorin, Andrey/ Engelstein, Laura/ Darnton, Robert), March 11, 1999, 4:30 p.m., Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton/N.J./USA (History/Humanities/ Russian Studies/Slavic Languages; audio recording available at the Russian Studies department ?).


World of fragments, lecture at: Close encounters: ethnographic perspectives on global issues: conference inaugurating the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology at Stanford University/Ca./USA (marking the 50th anniversaries of Stanford's School of Humanities and Sciences and of anthropology at Stanford), delivered April 11, 1999 (audio recording available at the Stanford University, Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology); made public later as 00Ieng1).


The role of culture in the working of the human mind, lecture at: "Smiotique des cultures et sciences cognitives", colloque inaugural  de lInstitut Ferdinand de Saussure, Genve-Archamps/FRA: Institut Ferdinand de Saussure, Centre Universitaire et de Recherche, 20-23 juin 1999 (audio recording at the institute ?). 

         For the program of this conference including the cited title of the lecture by Geertz "The role of culture in the working of the human mind" see:

         printed as "Culture, Mind, Brain/ Brain, Mind, Culture" (chapt. 15) in 00Beng1, pp. 203-217.

         this print also as VACC-Text.

         translation into French: 02Tfre1

Lecture (title not known), at: Forum on the 50th anniversary of US-Indonesia relations, Jakarta/IND: American Embassy, Dec. 6, 1999 (participation together with: John Bresnan, Nurcholis Madjid, Mochtar Pabotinggi and others).

         see VACC-Photos, photos no. 9, 11, 12.

Interview with Clifford Geertz (with Hana Cervinkov), in: Cargo: casopis pro kulturn/ sociln antropologii (Praha/CZE: Stanovy), no. 3/4 (1999); pp. 221-225.


Lخcriture de lethnologie: rencontre avec Clifford Geertz (with Nicolas Journet), in: Sciences Humaines: le magazine des sciences de l'homme et de la socit (Auxerre/FRA: Sciences Humaines), Mensuel no. 98 (Octobre 1999), pp. 38-40.

"Clifford Geertz est le dfenseur d'une conception la fois intuitive et scrupuleuse de la description ethnographique. Doutant des machineries conceptuelles que les thoriciens laborent, il explique pourquoi il est important que les ethnologues continuent de se prendre pour des auteurs."

Entrevista a Clifford Geertz (with Mara Garca Amilburu), in: Nueva Revista de Poltica, Cultura y Arte (Madrid/SPA: Javier Ferrero) no. 61 (February 1999), pp. 19-28.




Wen hua de jie shi. Ke li fu de. ge er ci zhu ; han li yi  صհ(Interpretation of culture Chinese). Shanghai/CHN 1999: Shang hai ren min chu ban she (524 p.; = "Society and culture series - She hui yu wen hua cong shu Ge Er Zi wen hua lun cong", vol. 1; = translation of 73Beng1; trad.: ).

         also listed with a different publisher and collation: Nanjing/CHN 1999: Yi lin chu ban she ([8], 572 p.).

         see the detailled Chinese book description.

Ni jia la: shi jiu shi ji ba li ju chang guo jia (Negara Chinese). Shanghai/CHN 1999 : Shang hai ren min chu ban she ([13], 279, 47 p.; = "ociety and culture series - She hui yu wen hua cong shu Ge Er Zi wen hua lun cong", vol. 2; = translation of 80Beng1; trad.: ).

         there probably also exists a Taiwanese edition as early as 1990.

         see the detailled Chinese book description.


`π : ߹ / ؀̀`ƀ` [] (Local knowledge Japanese). Tokyo/JAP 1999: Iwanami Shoten (ix, 424, 11 p. (= translation of  83Beng1; trad.: , ).


Mondo globale, mondi locali: cultura e politica alla fine del ventunesimo secolo. Bologna/ITA 1999: Societ ditrice il Mulino spa. (136 p.; = translation of 96Bger1; trad. di Andrea Michler, Marco Santoro)


(Form and variation in a Balinese village structure; Portuguese title not known), in: Mosaico: revista de ciencias sociais (Vitoria/BRA: Departamento de Ciencias Sociais. Centro de Estudos Gerais, Universidade Federal do Espiritu Santo), vol. 2 no.1, pp 279-303 (= translation of 59Aeng1).


Dos visiones de la antropologia, in: Revista de Occidente (Madrid/SPA: Alianza Editorial), no. 222 (1999: "Lo puro y lo impuro"), pp. 136-151 (= translation of  ?).


(The Religion of Java, Indonesian title not known), in: Chambert-Loir, Henri/ Ambary, Hasan Muarif (eds.): Panggung sejarah: persembahan kepada Prof. Dr. Denys Lombard. Jakarta/Jawa/IND 1999: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, pp. ? (= partial translation of 60Beng1 ?).


Anty anty-relatywizm , in: Michał Buchowski [red.]: Ameryknska antropologia postmodernistyczna, Warszawa/POL 1999: Instytut Kultury, pp. 61ff. (= translation of 84Aeng1; trad./tłum. Joanna Minksztyn).




Religion as cultural system, in: Frankenberry, Nancy K./ Penner, Hans H. (eds.): Language, truth, and religious belief: studies in twentieth-century theory and method in religion. Atlanta/Ga./USA 1999: Scholars Press, pp. 176-217 (= reprint of 66Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

From the native's point of view: on the nature of anthropological understanding, in: McCutcheon, Russell T. (ed.): The insider/outsider problem in the study of religion: a reader. London/UK 1999 & New York/N.Y./USA 1999: Cassell, pp. 50-73 (= reprint of 74Aeng2).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Social science: game, drama, and text, in: Literature of liberty (Berrima/NSW/AUS: Libertarian Microfiche Publishing by John Zube), July 1999 edition, PP1202, p. 1265 (= summary of 80Aeng2).

Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Bryman, Alan/ Burgess, Robert G. (eds.): Qualitative Research, Volume Three (Analysis and interpretation of qualitative data), London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 1999: Sage Publications, pp. ? (in part seven: Writing; = reprint of 73Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.






Available light: anthropological reflections on philosophical topics. Princeton/N.J./USA: Princeton University Press (XVII, 271 p.; contains 68Aeng1, 84Aeng1, 85Aeng2, 86Aeng1, 90Aeng1, 92Aeng1, 94Aeng3, 95Aeng3, 95Ieng1 (in the version of 98Aeng1), 97Aeng1 (as part of 00Aeng5), 97Aeng2, 98Aeng2, 99Beng1, 99Aeng1, 99Ieng4, 00Aeng1, 00Aeng2, 00Aeng5).

  • see the detailled book description.
  • paperback edition Princeton/N.J./USA 2001: Princeton University Press.
  • translation into Italian: 01Tita1.
  • translation into Portuguese: 01Tpor1.
  • translation into Spanish: 02Tspa2.
  • translation into Polish: 03Tpol2, 03Tpol3 (chapt. 16 only).

Articles & Book chapters  

Preface, = chapt. 1 in 00Beng1, pp. IX-XIV.

         full text excerpt in:

         also as VACC-Text.

         translation into Italian in 01Tita1.

         translation into Portuguese in 01Tpor1.

Culture, mind, brain: brain, mind, culture, (lecture at the inaugural symposium, Fernand de Saussure Foundation, Archamps/Genve/SUI, 1999, see 99Ieng4) = text 15 (chapter X) in 00Beng1, pp. 203-217.

         also as VACC-Text

         translation into Italian in 01Tita1.

         translation into Portuguese in 01Tpor1.

Geiger at Antioch, in: The Antioch Review (Yellow-Springs/Oh./USA: Antioch Review Inc.), vol. 58 no. 1, p. 53 (= short version of the speech by Clifford Geertz at the Princeton Club in New York spring 2000 (sponsored by the Columbia University Alumni Association), to honor two distinguished members of the class of 1924 (Meyer Schapiro & George Geiger); long version = 01Aeng4).

         full text: (link outdated).

         also as VACC-Text.

Indonesia: starting over, in: The New York Review of Books (New-York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 47 no. 10 (May 11, 2000), pp. ?.

         full text: (subscribers or charge)

         also as VACC-Text.

         partial reprint: 01Reng8.

         translation into Italian: 00Tita2.

         Translation into Indonesian: 04Tind2.

Bruners imbalancing act. Jerme Bruner's cultural psychology, in: Bakhurst, David J./ Shanker, Stuart G. (eds.): Language, culture, self: the philosophical psychology of Jerome Bruner. London/UK 2000 & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA 2000: Sage Publications, pp. 19-30 (= enlarged version of 97Aeng1, prepublished as text 14 (= chapter IX) in 00Beng1).

         also as VACC-Text.


(New) Preface (to the 2000 re-edition), in: Local knowledge: further essays in interpretive anthropology, New-York/N.Y./USA 2000: Basic Books Classics, pp. ix-xi.

         also as VACC-Text.


(New) Preface (to the 2000 re-edition), in: The interpretation of cultures, New-York/N.Y./USA 2000: Basic Books Classics, pp. vi.


Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Close encounters: ethnographic perspectives on global issues, a lecture by Clifford Geertz, at: Cable Co-op Channel 6 (San Francisco/Ca./USA), Jan. 16, 2000 at 6:30 & 10:30 p.m. and Jan. 17, 2000 at 1:30 p.m. (= broadcast of a "Lecture April 9, 1999, Stanford University/Ca./USA, Dept. of Cultural & Social Anthropology, celebrating the 50th anniversary of humanities and sciences", see 99Ieng3).


Indonesia: reflections on a trip to a troubled land, lecture at: Seminar on Ethnicity and Nationalism, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Cambridge/Ma./USA, February 22, 2000 (audio recording available on request at the center).


Interviews (with Neni Panourgia, Konstantinos Tsoukalas, Pavlos Kavouras), recorded (1) February 1999 in Princeton; (2) Summer 1999 in Hermoupolis/Syros/Greece), broadcasted 2000, Greek Independent Television, Program "Paths of Thought" (Athens/GRE; exact date ?).

         partial transcription: 02Ieng1

         see also the VACC-Text.

Clifford Geertz (Interview with Phillip Adams), broadcasted at: Late Night Live (Radio National Australia: The Australian Broadcasting Corporation's national radio network of ideas; Canberra/AUS), June 13, 2000, 10 h pm.


The future of religion, public lecture at: University of Konstanz/GER, as part of the opening of the "Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2000" (together with Dahrendorf, Ralf, and Luckmann, Thomas), September 12, 2000, 16.00 - 18.00 h, room V 1001 (documentation: private notices f.e. by Berhard Giesen, University of Konstanz/GER).


Modern transformations of religion and morality, morning lecture at the "Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2000", University of Konstanz/GER, September 13, 2000, 10.00 - 12.00 h, Schloss Seeheim/Konstanz/GER (documentation: private notices f.e. by Mathias Knig/ Cornelia Richter, University of Marburg/GER).


Religion and the public sphere, morning lecture at the "Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2000", University of Konstanz/GER, September 14, 2000, 10.00 - 12.00 h, Schloss Seeheim/Konstanz/GER (documentation: private notices f.e. by Mathias Knig/ Cornelia Richter, University of Marburg/GER).


Thick description as method, morning lecture at the "Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2000", University of Konstanz/GER, September 18, 2000, 10.00 - 12.00 h, Schloss Seeheim/Konstanz/GER (documentation: private notices f.e. by Mathias Knig/ Cornelia Richter, University of Marburg/GER).




Negara teater: kerajaan-kerajaan di Bali abad kesebilan belas. Yogyakarta/IND 2000: Yayasan Bentang Budaya (XIII, 564 p.; = translation of 80Beng1; trad./ diterjemahkan: Hadikusomo, Hartono).


Niegara: el estado-teatro en el Bali del siglo XIX. Barcelona/SPA 2000: Paids (coll. "Bsica"; 285 p.; = translation of 80Beng1; trad./ traduccin: lvarez, Albert Roca).

         "En esta obra, Clifford Geertz aplica su conocido mtodo de anlisis cultural a la organizacin social del Bali decimonnico y ofrece un vvido retrato de los smbolos, mitos, rituales y ceremonias ?en breve, del ?teatro?? que constituan en esencia el negara precolonial, el Estado balins. El negara no era ni una tirana ni un gobierno burocrtico. De hecho, ni siquiera puede decirse que fuera un gobierno. Por el contrario, era un espectculo organizado, un Estado-teatro diseado para dramatizar las obsesiones dominantes de la cultura balinesa: la desigualdad social y el orgullo de pertenecer a un determinado estatus. Geertz, como conclusin, afirma que el Estado balins desafia las conceptualizaciones ms fciles procedentes de cualquiera de los modelos y lugares comunes familiares en el marco de la teora poltica occidental. Analizando los principios organizativos del Estado balins, a travs de sus diversos niveles y funciones, demuestra las limitaciones de todos los intentos de distinguir el carcter prctico del ritual de dicha organizacin. De esta forma, el autor remedia las deficiencias y distorsiones de las modernas nociones occidentales que reducen la poltica al poder, el Estado a un artefacto organizativo comprensible en trminos puramente instrumentales y los procesos simblicos o culturales a un mero accesorio del arte de gobernar." source:, clifford

Cuatro fases del nacionalismo, in: Bravo, lvaro Fernndez (compilador): La invencin de la nacin. Lecturas de la identidad de Herder a Homi Bhabha, Buenos Aires/ ARG 2000 : Manantial, pp.? (= translation of ?; trad.: ??)

         = traslation/ reprint of ?

Gli usi della diversit, in: Borofsky, Robert L. (ed.): L'antropologia culturale oggi, Roma/ITA 2000: Meltemi, pp. 555ff. (= translation of 94Reng5; trad.: Livini, Umberto; = revised version from 94Tita).

         ristampa 2004 riveduta e corretta.

         reprint: 00Rita1.


Indonesia: si ricomincia, in: La Rivista dei Libri (Firenze/ITA: La Rivista dei Libri S.R.L.), vol. 10 no. 10 (ottobre 2000), pp. 21-24 (= translation of  00Aeng4; trad./ traduttore: ?).


Os usos da diversidade, in: Revista Horizontes Antropolgicos (special issue: "Diversidade Cultural e Cidadania"; Porto-Alegre/R.S./BRA: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Campus do Vale), Instituto de Filosofia e Cincias Humanas; note: = "Programa de Ps-Graduao em Antropologia Social no. 10: Diversidade cultural e Cidadania"), pp. 13-34 (= translation of 86Aeng1; trad./ traduo: Ribeiro, Vera).


Dzieło i życie: antropolg ako autor. Warszawa/POL 2000: Wydawce KR (205 p.; = translation of  88Beng1; trad./ tłum.: Dżurak, Ewa/ Sikora, Sławomir), contains:
(4) "Zaswiadczajace ja: dzieci Malinowskiego", pp. ;

(5) "Myłnie-my, czyli amryka - NIE-amryka. Podrże Ruth Benedict", pp. ?;
(6) "Byc tu, pisac tam", pp. ?.
(transcription of further Polish chapters not available).


Zaswiadczajace ja: dzieci Malinowskiego, in: Konteksty: Polska Sztuka Ludowa. Antropologia kultury-etnografia-sztuka (Warszawa/POL: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk), vol. 54 no. 1-4 (= no. 248-251; 2000), pp. 108-121 (= partial translation (chapt. 3) of 88Beng1; trad./ tłum.: Dżurak, Ewa).


Kultrk, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Jelenkor Kiad), no. 38 (2000), pp. ? (= translation of ?; trad./ fordtsa: Kardi, va).

         full text:

         also as VACC-Text.

Osztlyoz, naptrak s a pontos idő, in: Fejős, Zoltn (ed./szerk.): Idő s antropolgia. Fordtsok gyűjtemnye. Budapest/HUN 2000, Osiris, pp. 103-111 (= translation of ?; trad./ fordtsa: Fejős, Zoltn).



Trtnelem s antropolgia, in: Sebők, Marcell (ed./szerk.): Trtneti antropolgia. Mdszertani rsok s esettanulmnyok. Budapest/HUN 2000: Replika Kr, pp. 109-122 (Replika Knyvek 7; = translation of ?; trad./ fordtsa: Kristf, Ildik).


Na mieste činu, in: Slovensky nrodopis [Slovak Ethnology] (Bratislava/SLK: Slovensk Akadmie Vied), vol. 48 no. 1 (2000), pp. 93-103 (= partial translation ("Being there. An anthropoligist as a writer" = chapter 1) of 88Beng1; trad.: ? ).




The impact of the concept of culture on the concept of man, in: Levinson, Bradley A. U./ Borman, Kathryn M.  et al. (eds.): Schooling the symbolic animal: social and cultural dimensions of education. Lanham/Md./USA 2000: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 25-30 (= reprint of 66Aeng2).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

Art as a cultural system, in: Whitlock, Keith D. (ed.): The Renaissance in Europe: a reader. New-Haven/Ct./USA 2000: Yale University Press & London/UK 2000: The Open University, pp. ? (= reprint of 76Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

I witnessing: Malinowski's children, in: Konteksty: Polska Sztuka Ludowa. Antropologia kultury-etnografia-sztuka (Warsaw/POL: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk), vol. 54 no. 1-4 (= no. 248-251; 2000), pp. 122-131 (= partial reprint (chapt. 3) of 88Beng1).


Culture and human nature, in: Cahill, Spencer E. (ed.): Inside social life: readings in sociological psychology and microsociology (Third edition). Los-Angeles/Ca./USA 2000: Roxbury, pp. ? (= excerpt: pp. 6-9, from 65Beng1).


Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Crothers, Lane I./ Lockhart, Charles H. (eds): Culture and politics: a reader. New-York/N.Y./USA 2000: St. Martin's Press, pp. ? (= reprint of 72Aeng1).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.


Agricultural involution: the process of ecological change in Indonesia. Berkeley/Ca./USA 2000: Publ. for the Association of Asian Studies by Univ. of California Press (= reprint of 63Beng1).



Ideology as a cultural system, in: Boudon, Raymond/ Cherkaoui, Mohammed A. (eds.): Central Currents in Social Theory. Contemporary Sociological Theory: 1920-2000, Volume Seven, London/UK etc. 2000: Sage Publications,  pp. ? (part 4 continued: Social representations;= reprint of 64Aeng2).

         see the original text as VACC-Text.

         see the table of content of vols. 5-8 of the above edition:


Clifford Geertz [Quotations on Religion and Culture], in: Sills, David Lawrence/ Merton, Robert King (eds.): Social Science Quotations. Who said what, when, and where, Piscataway/N.J./USA 2000: Transaction Publishers, pp. 76-77.

         Presents a collection of quotations related to religion and culture by U.S. anthropologist Clifford Geertz (via EBSCO).

Kulturbegriff und Menschenbild, in: Burkard, Franz-Peter (ed.): Kulturphilosophie, Freiburg & Mnchen/GER: 2000: Verlag Karl Alber, pp. ? (= reprint of 92Tger1).


Gli usi della diversit, in: La Societ degli individui (Milano/ITA: Franco Angeli) , no. 8 (2000), pp. 19ff. (= reprint of 94Tita1; translation of 86Aeng1);




La revolucin integradora: sentimientos primordiales y poltica civil en los nuevos estados, in: Fernndez Bravo, Alvaro (comp.): La invencin de la nacin: lecturas de la identidad de Herder a Homi Bhabha, Buenos Aires/ARG: Manantial , pp. ? (= reprint of chapt. 10 in 87Tspa1 = translation of 63Aeng1; trad.: Bixio, Alberto Luis).

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