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Visual Anthropology Index to Film, Television, and Video articles, book reviews and reviews.

ҏ׮Part III

please quote the original source if you are going to use this paper





Inboryusyon (ۀЀ̀©` : ڧk / ؀̀`・ƀ` ; 歳U<ۀЀ̀©` : , | : NTT (Tokyo/JAP 2001: NTT Syuppan; 287, XXVIII pp.) (= Japanese translation of "Agricultural Involution" (63Beng1) & "Culture an Social Change: the Indonesian Case" (84Aeng2); trad.: Ikemoto, Yukio ).


Articles & Book chapters


Life among the Anthros, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 48 no. 2 (February 8, 2001), pp. 18-21 (= Book review on: Tierney, Patrick: "Darkness in El Dorado: how scientists and journalists devastated the Amazon", New-York/N.Y./USA 2000: W.W. Norton).

  • full text: or charge).
  • full text excerpt:
  • also as VACC-Text.
  • critical comment = "Life-Anthros".
  • partial translation into Portuguese (full text): as VACC-Text).
  • translation into French: 01Tfre1.
  • translation into Spanish: 02Tspa1.
  • excerpt translation into German: in: DIE ZEIT, Magazinbrief, 1. Feb. 2001: (on: New York Review of Books, 8. Februar):
    "Der Wissenschaftler Clifford Geertz setzt sich in seiner Besprechung von Patrick Tierneys 'Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon' vor allem mit den schweren Vorwrfen auseinander, die Tierney fr seine Kritik an den Ethnologen Napoleon Chagnon und Jim Neel einstecken musste. Zwar findet auch er das Buch streckenweise substanzlos oder schlicht unfair, doch wurde fr ihn bei der Lektre auch klar, dass etwas an der Arbeit von Chagnon und Neel, die jahrzehntelang die Yanomami erforscht haben, grundlegend falsch war: "The problem was that the anthros (and the mdicos), reductionist to the core, conceived the object of their study not as a people but as a population. The Yanomami were a control group in an inquiry centered elsewhere."

Empowering Aristotle, in: Science (Cambridge/Ma./USA: Moses King), vol. 293 = no. 5527 (July 6, 2001), p. 53 (= Book review on: Flyvbjerg, Bent: "Making social science matter: why social inquiry fails and how it can succeed again", New-York/N.Y./USA etc. 2001: Cambridge University Press).

The visit, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 48 no. 16 (October 18, 2001), pp. 27-30 (= Book review on: Hua, Cai: "A society without fathers or husbands: the Na of China", New-York/N.Y./USA 2001: Zone Books, distributed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press).

Geiger at Antioch, in: The Antioch Review (Yellow Springs/Oh./USA: Antioch Review Inc.), vol. 59 no. 2, pp. 505-511 (note: = full version of the "Speech by Clifford Geertz at the Princeton Club in New York spring 2000 (sponsored by the Columbia University Alumni Association), to honor two distinguished members of the class of 1924 (Meyer Schapiro & George Geiger)"; short version = 00Aeng3).

building: a retrospective preface, in: Scott, Joan Wallach/ Keates, Debra (eds.): Schools of Thought. Twenty-Five Years of Interpretive Social Science. Princeton/N.J./USA: Princeton University Press, pp. 1-13 (note: = "Papers of the 1997 conference that celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Institute for Advanced Study's School of Social Science").



Book review, full text only: (on: Turner, Mark: "Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science: The Way We Think About Politics, Economics, Law, and Society", Oxford/UK etc. 2001: Oxford University Press).

  • full text: "In extending the idea of 'cognitive studies' beyond psychology, artificial intelligence, information processing and linguistics to the social sciences as a whole, Turner has both deepened that idea and set it free of scientistic rigidities. His discussions of 'conceptual blending,' of 'the descent of meaning,' of analogy and metaphor, and of choice provide a powerful new framework for work in anthropology, literature, and rhetoric on the one hand and politics, law, and economics on the other. 'The second cognitive revolution,' the one concerned with meaning and understanding, seems at last at hand."

(Contribution, Indonesian title not known), in: Indra Surya Lubis (ed.): Bahaya tirani DPR: konflik DPR vs Presiden: kumpulan analisis para pengamat politik, [Jakarta/Jawa/IND 2001]: Lembaga Studi Politik "Merdeka", pp. ? (= translation of 00Aeng4?).


Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Reply, in: Author Meets Critics: Anniversary Symposium (on 00Beng1): American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, 75th annual Meeting, Main Session IV, March 30, 2001 (= reply to: Eze, Emmanuel (DePaul University); Fraser, Nancy (The New School); Galison, Peter (Harvard University); chair: Shrage, Laurie (Cal Poly Pomona)).


Comments, at: Cultures, socits, et territoires: hommage Clifford Geertz. Conference, May 4-6, 2001; organized by: (1) Municipal Council of Sefrou/MAR; (2) Princeton Universitys Institute for the Transregional Study of the Contemporary Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia (Princeton/N.J./USA); (3) King Abdul-Aziz Al Saoud Foundation of Casablanca/MAR (Fondation du Roi Abdul-Aziz al-Saoud pour les Etudes Islamiques et les Sciences Humaines de Casablanca).   

  • see:
  • "It was particularly gratifying, commented Geertz, because "Anthropologists are not always welcomed back to the site of their field studies."
  • The conference (=  the Sefrou Council's twelfth annual colloquium) brought together over one hundred scholars from Morocco and the Middle East, Europe, Asia and North America. Sefrou was the site of much of Professor Geertz's fieldwork as well as that of a generation of anthropologists working on the Maghreb under his direction. Papers presented at the conference dealt with a variety of issues central to Professor Geertz's pioneering work in the field of anthropology and, in particular, his work on North African cultures.
  • Le colloque invite une rflexion sur la contribution de lanthropologie la connaissance des socits maghrbines en partant de lexemple marocain. Les dbats seront centrs autour de quatre thmes principaux :
    1. Petites villes et mtropoles: coexistence, dbats identitaires, multiculturalismes anciens et nouveaux.
    2. Cultures et pratique culturelles: comparaison et usage des diffrences.
    3. Histoire(s), mmoire(s) et espace(s) dans la construction des socits maghrbines modernes et contemporaines.
    4. Discours et pratique du changement: transformation et utopie du pass et du prsent. Quels cadres pour les vies futures ?
  • contributors/ participants at the Sefrou conference were: Cohen, Yolande; Moussaui, Abderrahmane; Slyomovics, Susan; Peyron, Michael; Geertz, Clifford; and many others.
  • The papers of the conference have not been published up to now. 

Islam, identity and local culture: a comparative case. The Ninth annual Sabbagh lecture on Arabic Culture (sponsored by the anthropology department at the University of Arizona): Tucson/Az./USA, Thursday, Feb. 22th, 2001 (video available at the Outreach Library, Center for Middle East Studies, University of Arizona (Tucson/Az./USA)).

  • see: 2000-2009.htm.
  • original manuscript circulated as "Islam, identity and local culture".
  • transcribed text (altered) = 01Weng1.
  • this transcription also as VACC-Text.
  • based on a contribution to a conference fall 1990 in Oxford, held as hommage to Lucette Valensi; see 02Afre1.

After writing culture, a discussion with Karl-Heinz Kohl, University of Frankfurt-Main/BRD (November 13, 2001, at the Staatsbibliothek-zu-Berlin/GER; chair: Werner Schiffauer, University of Frankfurt-Oder/BRD; within the series "Blickwechsel - Perspektiven der Wissenschaft", by the "Deutsche-Forschungsgemeinschaft" in collaboration with the "Staatsbibliothek-zu-Berlin" and the "Einstein-Forum", both Berlin/GER).


Interview (with Noah Lauricella), contained in: Noah Lauricella: Clifford Geertz - Anthropological Ambassador, in: Lederman, Leon M./ Scheppler, Judith A. (ed.): Portraits of Great American Scientists, Chicago/Il/USA: Prometheus Books, pp. ? (chapt. 1).



Cos la tragedia dell'11 settembre sta cambiando il mio paese. Intervista con l'antropologo Clifford Geertz (di Maurizio Viroli), in: La Stampa (Torino/ITA: Ed. la Stampa), 8. 10. 2001, Cultura e Spettacoli, p. 37.


A mitologia de um antroplogo (= entrevista de Victor Aiello Tsu com Clifford Geertz), in: Folha de São Paulo (São-Paulo/BRA: Empresa Folha da Manhã S/A), no. ? (February 18, 2001), pp. ?. 

Waspada, Kawan, Waspadalah ... (Interview with ? around 00Aeng4: "Indonesia: starting over"), in: Kompas online (Jakarta/Java/IND: PT Kompas Cybermedia), no. ? (Sabtu, 10 Maret 2001), pp. ?.


Interview med Clifford Geertz (by Arun Micheelsen), in: Religionsvidenskabeligt tidsskrift (Århus/DK: Jysk Selskab for Religionsvidenskab), Nr. 39 (2001), pp. 15-28

  • see
    "Bærende kraft i udviklingen inden for den moderne antropologi, kulturantropologien, professor ved Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, USA; Med engelsk resume; Med litteraturhenvisninger."
  • translation into English: 02Ieng2.
  • see for the English transcription the VACC-Text.

Working Papers etc.


The Near East in the Far East. On Islam in Indonesia. Occasional Paper of the School of Social Science, Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton/N.J./USA 2001 (occasional paper no. 12, December 2001, "© unpublished by Clifford Geertz", 18 p.) (= transcribed text (altered) of  01Ieng3); 



Antropologia e filosofia: frammenti di una biografia intellettuale. Bologna/ITA 2001: Societ editrice il Mulino (230 p.; = partial translation of 00Beng1; trad.: Livini, Umberto)


Interpretace kultur: vybran eseje. Praha/CZE 2001: Vydalo nakladatelstv SLON (565 p.; = full translation of 73Beng1; trad.: Červinkov, Hana; Hubinger, Vclav; Humlčkov, Hedvika).

  • note: also registered 2000 with the publisher: Sociologick nakladatelstv (Alena Miltov a Jirz Ryba), Praha/CZE 2000).

Nova luz sobre a antropologia. Rio-de-Janeiro/BRA 2001: Jorge Zhar Editores (247 p.; Revisão: Maria Cludia Pereira Coelho; = translation of 00Beng1; trad.: Vera Ribeiro), contains:

(3) "O pensamento como ato moral: dimensões ticas do trabalho de campo nos pases novos", pp. ?-46

(4) "Anti anti-relativismo", pp. 47-67;

(5) "Os usos da diversidade", pp. 68-85;

(6) "Á situação atual", pp. 86-130;

(7) "O beliscão do destino: A religião como experincia, sentido, identidade e poder, pp. 131.?;

(12) "Thomas Kuhn: O texto Certo na hora certa", pp. ?
(14) "
Um ato desequilibrador: a Psicologia Cultural de Jerome Bruner", pp. ?
(15) "Cultura, Mente, Crebro/ Crebro, mente e cultura", pp. ?
(16) "O Mundo em pedaços: Cultura e poltica no fim do sculo", pp. ?
(transcription of further Portuguese chapters not available yet).


Los usos de la diversidad, in: Frade, Carlos (ed.): La diversidad cultural en un mundo global: perspectivas antropolgicas, Barcelona/SPA 2001: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Documento electrnico; = translation of 86Aeng1).


El impacto del concepto de cultura en el concepto de hombre, in: pgina personal de CARLOS MANZANO (first visited 12/2001); full text only: translation of 66Aeng2).

  • also as VACC-Text.

»Schicksalsbedrängnis«: Religion als Erfahrung, Sinn, Identität, Macht, in: Sinn und Form. Beiträge zur Literatur (Berlin/GER: Herausgegeben von der Akademie der Knste), vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 742-759 (= translation of  99Aeng1).


Vivre parmi les "anthros". Polmique sur les anthropologues en Amazonie, in: Ésprit (Paris/FRA:  Revue Esprit), Juillet 2001, S. 20 (= translation of  01Aeng1).

  • "Une polmique parcourt l'anthropologie amricaine autour du peuple Yanomami. Anthropologues nodarwiniens, pidmiologistes, chercheurs d'or, touristes en mal de dcouvertes, journalistes d'investigation l'affût du scandale se querellent tandis que ce peuple passe sans transition des premiers contacts avec la civilisation au pril de la disparition." (

Gerçegin ardindan. Istanbul & Ankara/TUR 2001: Iletisim Yayincilik A.S. (200 p;  = translation of 95Beng1), contains:
(transcription of the Turkish chapters not available).


Az eszes vadember (Lvi-Straussrl), in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Jelenkor Kiad), no. 40 (2001), pp. 6-9 (= translation of 67Aeng2; trad./ fordtsa: Varr Szusza). 

Osztlyoz naptrak s a pontos idõ, in: Fejõs Zoltn (ed.): Idõ s antropolgia. Fordtsok gyûjtemnye. Budapest/HUN 2001: Osiris Könyvkiad, pp. 103-111 (= translation of ?).

  • also listed as edited in 2000.


Fra den innfødtes synsvinkel: om den antropologiske forståelsens egenart, in: Lægreid, Sissel, & Skorgen, Torgeir  (red.): Hermeneutisk lesebok, Oslo/NOR 2001: Spartacus forlag, pp. 289-305 (= translation of  74Aeng2).



Religia ca experienţă, sens, identitate, putere, in: Secolul 21. Publicaţie periodică de sinteză, dialogul culturilor, ştiinţele omului, literatură universală (Bucureşti/ROM: Uniunea Scriitorilor din România/ Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Secolul 21; Dir. Alina Ledeanu ; Red. şef Livia Szsz), Nr. 7/9 (Iul.-Sept. 2001), pp. 159-176 (= translation of 99Aeng1; trad./ traducere: AnghelescuI, linca )



Antiprogres - Clifforda Geertza, in: Horgan, John (comp.): Kraj znanosti, Zagreb/CRO 2001: Naklada Jesenski i Turk, pp. ? (= translation of 97Reng2; trad. Rajka Rusan, Ognjan Stipić).




Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight (1972), in: Tropp, Sandra Fehl/ Pierson-D'Angelo, Ann (eds.): Essays in context. New-York/N.Y./USA etc. 2001: Oxford University Press,  pp. 433-464 (= reprint of 72Aeng1).

No: Clifford Geertz, in: Should cultural anthropology model itself on the natural sciences?, in: Endicott, Kirk M./ Welsch, Robert L. (eds.): Taking sides: clashing views on controversial issues in anthropology. Guilford/Ct./USA 2001: McGraw-Hill/ Dushkin, pp. ? (= excerpt/ reprint of ?).


The integrative revolution: primordial sentiments and civil politics in the new states, in: Pecora, Vincent P. (ed.): Nations and identities: classic readings. Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK 2001 etc.: Blackwell Publ., pp. 279-291 (chapter 30; = reprint of 63Aeng1).

Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Emerson, Robert M. (ed.): Contemporary field research: perspectives and formulations. Prospect Heights/Ill./USA 2001: Waveland Press, pp. 55-75 (ch. 1 = reprint of 83Reng1).


Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Erickson, Paul A./ Murphy, Liam D. (eds): Readings for a history of anthropological theory, Peterborough/Ontario/CAN 2001: Broadview Press, pp. 332-356 ( = reprint of 73Aeng1)


Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Denzin, Norman K./ Lincoln, Yvonna S. (eds): The American Tradition in Qualitative Research, Volume One: London/UK etc. 2001: Sage, pp. ? (Part one: history, ethics, politics and paradigms of inquiry) (= reprint of 73Aeng1).

Blurred genres: the refiguration of social thought, in: Denzin, Norman K./ Lincoln, Yvonna S. (eds): The American Tradition in Qualitative Research, Volume Two: London/UK etc. 2001: Sage, pp. ? (Part two: strategies of inquiry) (= reprint of 80Aeng2)

Soekarno daze, in: Latitudes magazine (Denpasar/Bali/INA: Teduh Mitra Utama), vol. 8 (September 2001), pp. 10-15 (= partial reprint of "Indonesia starting over" = 00Aeng4).



From the native's point of view: on the nature of anthropological understanding, in: Bryman, Alan (ed.): Ethnography, Volume One (The nature of ethnography), London/UK etc. 2001: Sage Publications, pp. ? (in part four: epistemology and ethnography; = reprint of 74Aeng2).

Deep play. Notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Alexander, Jeffrey C. (ed.): Mainstream and Critical Social Theory. Classical, Modern and Contemporary, Volume Six, London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 2001: Sage Publications, pp. ? (part one continued: Research programs; = reprint of 72Aeng1).

Deep play: from 'Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight', in: Counsell, Colin / Wolf, Laurie (eds.): Performance analysis : an introductory coursebook, London/UK & New York/N.Y./USA 2001: Routledge, pp. 222-228 (= partial reprint of 72Aeng1).

Az rtelmezs hatalma. Antropolgiai rsok (2. kiads. Vlogats, utsz: Niedermller, Pter; fordtotta: Andor, Eszter), Budapest/HUN 2001: Osiris  (455 p.; = enlarged reprint of 94Thun1), contains:

(x) Anti-antirelativizmus, pp. 344-373.

(x) A sokflesg des haszna, pp. 374-396.

(further transcription of Hungarian chapters not available)


A mitologia de um antroplogo (= entrevista de Victor Aiello Tsu com Clifford Geertz), in: REVER - Revista de Estudos da Religião (São-Paulo/BRA: Pontifcia Universidade Catolica de São Paulo; Pos-Graducacão em Ciencias da Religião), no. 3 (2001), pp. ? (= reprint of 01Ipor1). 


Materiale didattico: Geertz, in: Universit degli studi di Catania, Facolt di Giurisprudenza (ed.): Materiali didattici 2001-2005 (Catania/ITA: Universit degli studi), online (various internet-addresses, see below; = regrouped re-issue of the text-versions (92Iita1) of the famous (in Italy) RAI interviews (by Maurizio Viroli), together with some additional info on Geertz' works and career); see:





Kulturu interpretacija: straipsnicz rinkinys. Vilnius/LIT 2002: Atviros Lietuvos Knyga for the Georg Soros Open Society fund (? p.; compilation of articles from 73Beng1 & 83Beng1, edited by Sverdiolas, Arunas), contains:
(transcription of Lithuanian chapters not available).


Kaisyaku zinruigaku to han = han soutai syugi (
ߧ=x / ؀̀`・ƀ [] ; U< ؀ۀ΀ ۀۀ €  (The politics of culture. Asian identities in a splintered world, and other essays; complete Japanese title not avialable in Latin transcription); | : , 2002.6; ISBN: 4622036827) (Tokyo/JAP 2002: Misuzu Shobo (288 p.; contains the translation of 95Aeng4; trad. by Zyunzi Koizumi); Japanese characters need to be activated and visible);
(transcription of further Japanese chapters not available).


Articles & Book chapters


Beyond the Cultural Turn ("little review"), in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press; rem: = relaunched edition of the former Oxford University Press/N.Y./USA journal), vol. 8 no. 1 (2002), pp. 204-205 (= Book review on: Bonnell, Victoria E., & Hunt, Lynn Avery (eds.): "Beyond the cultural turn. New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture",  Berkeley/Ca./USA 1999: University of California Press). 

The Last Humanist, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 49 no. 14 (September 26, 2002), pp. 11-14 (= Book review on: Ernst H. Gombrich: "A Preference for the Primitive: Episodes in the History of Western Taste and Art",  Harrisburg/Pa./USA 2002: Phaidon Press); 

An inconstant profession: the anthropological life in interesting times, in: The Annual Revue of Anthropology (Palo Alto/Ca.: Annual Reviews), vol. 31 no. 1 (2002), pp. 1-19. 

  • "I give an overall view of anthropology and of my career within it over the past fifty years, relating them to changes in the world in general during that time. All lessons are implicit, all morals unstated, all conclusions undrawn".
  • based on  the lecture "An Inconstant Profession: The Anthropological Life in Interesting Time, at the Columbia University, New York/N.Y./USA, School of Social Sciences, March 13, 2001.
  • full text: Annual Reviews (subscribers only):
  • also as VACC-Text.

Little Review, in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press; rem: = relaunched edition of the former Oxford University Press/N.Y./USA journal), vol. 8 no. 3 (2002), pp. ? (= Book review on: Todorov, Tzvetan:"Life in common: an essay in gerneral anthropology", Lincoln/Ne./USA 2001: University of Nebraska Press).

Le Proche Orient en Extrme-Orient, in: François Pouillon (ed.): Lucette Valensi lœuvre. Une histoire anthropologique de lIslam mditerranen. Mlanges offert Lucette Valensi, St. Denis/FRA 2003: Éd. Bouchene (Ouvrage publi avec l'aide du Ministre de la Recherche et de l'EHESS), pp. ? (= (abridged?) Fench version of 01Weng1).

  • Les mlanges rassembls dans ce volume ont pris leur source dans une runion organise Oxford, le 1 et 2 avril 1990, par le centre dhistoire sociale de lIslam Mditerranen et accueilli par la maison Française dOxford, grâce au soutien de lEcole des Hautes Etudes en sciences sociales, le dpartement of Middle-Eastern de luniversit de Princeton, et lappui du ministre de la recherche.
  • see the English version as VACC-Text.

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations



Interview with Clifford Geertz (with Neni Panourgi), in: Anthropological Theory (London/UK. etc.: Sage Publ.), vol. 2 no. 4 (2002), pp. 421-432 (= transcription of 00Ieng3)


"I don't do systems." An interview with Clifford Geertz (with Arun Micheelsen), in: Method & Theory in the Study of Religion. Journal of the North American Association for the Study of Religion (Leiden/NED: Koninklijke Brill NV),  vol. 14 no. 1 (1 March 2002), pp. 2-20 (first printed in the Danish translaion 01Idan1).


(with Davis, Zemon Natalie [historian]; Phillips, Adam [psychoanalyst]; Williams, Bernard [philosopher], Greenblatt, Stephen [English language teaching/ MLA head])

Panel contribution: the teaching of language, in: Modern Language Association (New York/N.Y./USA), 118th Annual Convention (New York/N.Y./USA, Dec. 27-30, 2002), Panel discussion: teaching of language, Dec. 29, 2002.

  • see online citations in the report "The droves of Academe" (in: The New York Observer (New York/N.Y./USA: The New York Observer, L.P.), January 6, 2003, by Tom McGeveran and Rebecca Traister).

Speech ("Prof. Geertz yang fasif berbahasa Indonesia ..."), March 12th, 2002, Princeton/N.J./USA, Institute of Advanced Study (on occasion of receiving the Indonesian "Award of Meritorious Achievement (Bintang Jasa Utame, First Class)"), tape recording available at: The Indonesian Embassy (Washington/DC/USA: 




Culture, Esprit, Cerveau / Cerveau, Esprit, Culture, in: Rastier, François/ Bouquet, Simon (eds.): Une introduction aux sciences de la culture, Paris/FRA 2002: Presses Universitaires de France (coll. Formes smiotiques), pp. ? (= translation of chapter 15 in 00Beng1 = transcription of 99Ieng4; trad: Jean-Michel Fortis).


La vida entre los "antros" (El saqueo de El Dorado, de Patrick Tierney), in: Revista de Occidente (Madrid/SPA: Alianza Editorial), vol. 256 (2002), pp. 85-107 (= translation of 01Aeng1).

  • En la seccin "Temas de Libros" el lector hallar una crtica de "El saqueo de El Dorado" de Patrick Tierney firmada por el antroplogo Clifford Geertz.

Reflexiones Antropologicas Sobre Temas Filosoficos. Barcelona/SPA 2002: Paids Iberica, Ediciones S. A. (276 p.; coll. "Paids rustica"; = partial (?) translation of 00Beng1; trad./ traduccin: Snchez Dur, Nicols/ Llorens, Gloria), contains/ indice:

(0) "Prefcio", pp. ? (trad. of 00Aeng1);

(1) "Paso y accidente: una vida de aprendizaje", pp. 1-42 (trad. of 99Beng1);

(2) "Estado de la cuestin", pp. 43-111;

(9) "Historia y Antropologa", pp. ? (trad. of 90Aeng1); 

(10) "El extraño extrañamiento: Chales Taylor y las ciencias naturales",  pp. 114-132 (trad. of 94Aeng3);

(11) "El legado de Thomas Kuhn: el texto apropiado en el momento justo", pp. 133-? (trad. of 97Aeng2);

(12) "Una pizca de destino: la religin como experiencia, significado, identidad, poder", pp. ? (trad. of 99Aeng1);

(13) "Acta del desequilibrio: la psicologa cultural de Jerome Bruner", pp. ? (trad. of 00Aeng5);

(14)" Cultura, mente, cerebro/cerebro, mente, cultura", pp. ?;

(15)" El mundo en pedazos, cultura y poltica en el fin de siglo", pp. ?

(further transcriptions not available; sequence of chapters not verified yet)


  • "Clifford Geertz, uno de los antropologos mas influyentes de nuestro tiempo, discute en este libro algunos de los mas acuciantes problemas a los que se enfrentan los intelectuales hoy en dia. En esta coleccion de ensayos, tan personales como reveladores, explora la naturaleza de su trabajo antropologico y se constituye en portavoz de su generacion, la que salio a escena despues de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sus reflexiones, escritas en un estilo a la vez ameno e informal, transmiten al lector temas que van desde el relativismo moral hasta la relacion entre las diferencias culturales y psicologicas, desde la cultura de la diversidad hasta el conflicto etnico en la politica actual. Geertz, que en un principio considero desarrollar su carrera en el entorno de la filosofia, comienza explicando como se deslizo hacia el movimiento revolucionario de la antropologia simbolica. Su orientacion filosofica, no obstante, le ayudo a enmarcar el papel de la antropologia en amplios circulos intelectuales y a acercarse a la obra de pensadores tan relevantes como Charles Taylor, Thomas Kuhn, William James y Jerome Bruner. En este libro, Geertz discute con la obra de estos autores en tanto explora cuestiones relativas a la filosofia politica, la psicologia y la religion, temas que le han intrigado desde siempre y que ahora, a la luz del pensamiento posmoderno y del multiculturalismo, adquieren especial relevancia para el. El texto ofrece debates penetrantes sobre conceptos tales como la nacion, la identidad, el pais o el yo, a la vez que nos recuerda que sus significados no estan categoricamente fijados, sino que se desarrollan y cambian a traves del tiempo y del espacio." (source:


Świat w kawałkach C kultura i polityka u schyłku wieku, in: Wolska, Dorota/ Brocki, Marcin (red.): Clifford Geertz C lokalna lektura, Krakw/POL 2002: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagielloskiego, pp. ? (= Übers. von 98Aeng1).



R : W쑟 (Local knowledge Chinese). Taipeh/TWN 2002: Ԅ (324 p., = translation of 83Beng1; trad.: ӵӣ)

  • there probably also exists a continental Chinese edition (Shanghai 2000 ?). .


문화의 해석과 신문화사의 발전. 서강대학교/KOR 2002: 석사 (49 p.; = translation of ?; Korean characters need to be activated on your browser).



Hayat dan karya: antropolog sebagai Penulis dan Pengarang. Yogyakarta/IND: LKiS (x, 169 p.; = translation of 88Beng1; trad./ diterjemahkan: ).


Vrosok (Pare s Sefrou), in:
Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Eurpai Kulturlis Alaptvny), no. 45 (2002), pp. 67-70 (= translation of 99Beng1 (in part); trad./ ford.: Kardi, Éva).

Az utols humanista, in: BUKSZ. Budapesti Könyvszemle (Budapest/HUN: Budapesti Könyvszemle BUKSZ), vol. 14 no. 4 (2002), pp. 400-404 (= translation of 02Aeng3; trad./ fordtotta: Szphelyi, F. György).

SUMIŠĘ ŽANRAI. SOCIALINĖS MINTIES POKYČIAI, in: Literatra ir menas. Leidžia Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos (Vilnius/LIT: Interneto projektą remia), nr. 2910 (August 2002), online: (= translation of ?; trad.:/ Iš anglų k. vertė: Platelis, Edgaris).



Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Adams, Rachel/ Savran, David (eds.): The masculinity studies reader, Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK etc. 2002: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 80-98 (chapter 5; = reprint of 72Aeng1).

Religion as a cultural system, in: Lambek, Michael J. (ed): A reader in the anthropology of religion,  Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK 2002 etc.: Blackwell Publishers (Blackwell Anthologies in Social and Cultural Anthropology), pp. 61-82 (chapt. 4) (= reprint of 66Aeng1).

Life in Common, in: Perl, Jeffrey M. (ed): Peace and Mind: Seriatim Symposium on Dispute, Conflict, and Enmity. Part 3: Diffidence, Humility, Weakness, and Other Strengths, Durham/N.C./USA 2002: Duke Univ. Press, pp. ? (= reprint of 02Aeng5).


Anti Anti-Relativism, in: Darnell, Regna (ed.): American anthropology, 1971-1995: papers from the American anthropologist, Arlington/Va./USA 2002: American Anthropological Association, & Lincoln/Ne./USA 2002: University of Nebraska Press, pp. 416-439 (= reprint of 84Aeng1).

Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture
, in: Spillman, Lynette (ed.): Cultural sociology, Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK etc. 2002: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 63-68 (= reprint of 73Aeng1).

Art as a cultural system, in: Araeen, Rasheed/ Cubitt, Sean/ Sardar, Ziauddin (eds): Third Text Reader on Art, Culture and Theory, New York/N.Y./USA: Continuum Publishing, pp. ? (= reprint of 76Aeng1).


Common sense as a cultural system, in: Girard, Stephanie/ Coleman, Bob/ Brittenham, Rebecca/ Campbell, Scott  (eds.):  Making Sense: Constructing Knowledge in the Arts and Sciences, Boston/Ma/USA 2002: Houghton Mifflin, pp. ? (= reprint of 75Aeng1 (in part)).




Articles & Book chapters


Off the menu, in: The New Republic (New-York/N.Y./USA: The New Republic Pub. Co.), vol. 205 (2003) (= no. 4596), S. 27-30 (= book review on: Tyler Cowen: "Creative destruction: how globalization is changing the world's cultures",  Princeton/N.J./USA 2002: Princeton Univ. Press). 

Which way to Mecca?, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 50 no. 10 (June 12, 2003), pp. ?? (= Book review on:
Bernard Lewis: "What Went Wrong? The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East", Perennial; by Bernard Lewis: "The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror", Modern Library; Thomas W. Simons Jr.: "Islam in a Globalizing World", Stanford University Press; M.J. Akbar: "The Shade of Swords: Jihad and the Conflict Between Islam and Christianity", Routledge,;Karen Armstrong: "Islam: A Short History", Modern Library)

Which way to Mecca? Part II, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 50 no. 11 (July 3, 2003), pp. ?? (= Book review on: Gilles Kepel: "Jihad. The trail of political Islam", Harvard Univ. Press; Daniel Pipes: "Militant Islam reaches America", Norton; Stephen Schwartz: "The two faces of Islam", Doubleday; Paul Berman: "Terror and liberalism", Norton; Graham E. Fuller: "The Future of Political Islam", Palgrave; Noah Feldman: "After Jihad: America and the Struggle for Islamic Democracy", Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Riaz Hassa: "Faithlines: Muslim Conceptions of Islam and Society", Oxford University Press; Muhammad Qasim Zaman: "The Ulama in Contemporary Islam: Custodians of Change", Princeton University Press); 


Book review (little review), in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press), vol. 9 no. 3 (fall 2003), p. 541 (= book review on: Zammito, John H.: Kant, Herder, and the birth of anthropology, Chicago/Il./USA 2002: Univ. of Chicago press).


Book review, in: Additional reviews and endorsments for Neiman, S.: Evil in modern thought, Princeton University Press announcement, online only: (on: Susan Neiman: "Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy", Princeton/N.J./USA 2002: PUP).



Book review, in: Anthropology: new and recent titles 2004, Berkeley/Ca./USA etc.: Univ. of California Press), p. 7 (on: Theodore C. Bestor:Tsukiji. The Fish Market at the Center of the World,  Berkeley/Ca./USA etc. 2004: Univ. of California Press)

  • full text:
    '"Bestors vivid and meticulous study of Tokyos seafood market is at once perhaps the best description we have of a modern, large-scale commodity bazaar, an important contribution to comparative economics, and a powerful analysis of the everyday workings of Japanese culture." (Clifford Geertz, author of The Interpretation of Cultures)'


A strange romance: anthropology and literature, in: Profession (New York/N.Y./USA: Modern Language Association of America), no. 2 (Dec 1, 2003), pp. 28-36

Keywords: literary theory and criticism; anthropology; cross-cultural relations


Book review, in: The Johns Hopkins University Press Online Catalogue, books section (JHUP 2003: Balimore/Md./USA), online only (on: Robert Klitzman & Ronald Bayer: Mortal Secrets.Truth and Lies in the Age of AIDS, Balimore/Md./USA etc. 2003: The Johns Hopkins Press)

full text:
The quoted text: "The ethical dilemmas of modern life are all too often discussed in general terms via presumptive rules and imagined examples. In Mortal Secrets, Klitzman and Bayer describe HIV-positive individuals struggling to decide when and when not to inform lovers, relatives, or friends of their condition through the troubled, eloquent, and above all concrete testimonies of those individuals themselves. The result is a powerful and moving portrait of moral deciding as it actually happenspractically, specifically, in the midst of fear, suffering, and the incertitudes of love."--Clifford Geertz

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


The Human Touch. Interview with Ira Flatow, in: Thinking Big. Big Ideas, part 4. A TV Production of Thirteen/WNET New York/N.Y./USA, © 2003 Educational Broadcasting Corporation; broadcasted nationwide, f.e. in New York at WNET (5/1/03 - 10:00 PM;  5/4/03 - 12:00). 


Local Knowledge and Human Interests, keynote speech at: Symposium "Localizing the Global; Globalizing the Local: Rethinking local knowledge and constructions of gender, race and nation,  Center for the Study of Local Knowledge, University of Virginia, Charlottesville/Va./USA, April 11th, 2003 (audio recording available at the center).

see also:, p.3.


Interview with Clifford Geertz (by John Gerring, Boston University), in: Qualitative Methods: Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section on Qualitative Methods, vol. 1 no. 2 (Fall 2003), pp. ? (Transcription by Jennifer Jefferis; editing by John Gerring).



Le souk de Sefrou. Sur l'conomie de bazar
(trad. Daniel Cefaï). Saint-Denis/FRA 2003: Éditions Bouchene (263 pp.; collection Intrieurs du Maghreb; = translation of 79Aeng1).


Darabokbl ll vilg (a kultra s a politika trkpnek megvltozsa)
, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Eurpai Kulturlis Alaptvny), no. 49 (2003), pp. 17-20 (= translation of 94Beng1 (in part; trad./ fordtsan: Kardi Éva).

Diszciplnk, in:
Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Eurpai Kulturlis Alaptvny), no. 47 (2003), pp. 30-36 (= translation of 95Aeng1 (in part; trad./ fordtsan: Kardi Éva)


Opis gęsty - w stronę interpretatywnej teorii kultury, in: Kempny, Marian, & Nowicka, Ewa (red.): Badanie kultury. Elementy teorii antropologicznej, Warszawa/POL 2003: Wydawnictwo PWN (Elementy teorii antropologicznej - wprowadzenie 7), pp. 36-58 (= translation of 73Aeng1; trad./ tlum.: Sławomir Sikora).



Zastane światło. Antropologiczne refleksje na tematy filozoficzne (przekład (introd.) Pucek, Zbigniew), Krakw/POL 2003: Universitas Towarzystwo Autorw i Wydawcw Prac Naukowych (351 pp.) (= translation of 00Beng1; trad./ tlum.: Pucek, Zbigniew).



Świat w kawałkach C kultura i polityka u schyłku wieku, in: Wolska, Dorota, & Brocki, Marcin (red.): Clifford Geertz C lokalna lektura, Krakw/POL 2003: Uniwersytet Jagiellosi, pp. ? (= translation of 96Bger1 (in part) via 00Beng1 (chapt. 16); trad./ tlum.: Pucek, Zbigniew).



Myślenie jako działanie moralne: etyczny wymiar antropologicznych bada terenowych w nowopowstałych pastwach, in: Wolska, Dorota, & Brocki, Marcin (red.): Clifford Geertz C lokalna lektura, Krakw/POL 2003: Uniwersytet Jagiellosi, pp. ? (= translation of 68Aeng1 via 00Beng1 (chapt. 3); trad./ tlum.: Zbigniew Pucek).



"Nevytvram systmy": Rozhovor s Cliffordom Geertzom (interview with Arun Micheelsen), in: Kritika & Kontext. Casopis kritickho myslenia / Journal of critical thinking (Bratislava/SLK), no. 3/2003, pp. ? (= translation of  02Ieng2; trad./ z angličtiny preložil: Martin Kanovský).

  • Kritika & Kontext is a quarterly, bi-lingual (Slovak, English) journal of book reviews based in Bratislava, Slovakia. The translation contains also "Poznmky k rozhovoru s C. Geertzom" (Concluding Remarks by A. Micheelsen to the Interview with C. Geertz).
  • this version (interview & concluding remarks) also as VACC-Text.


Studi sul Islam, in: La Rivista dei Libri (Firenze/ITA: La Rivista dei Libri S.R.L.), vol. 11 no. 10 (ottobre 2003), pp. ? (book review on: Gilles Kepel, Jihad, ascesa e declino: storia del fondamentalismo islamico, Roma, Carocci; Daniel Pipes, Militant Islam Reaches America, New York, Norton; Stephen Schwartz, The Two Faces of Islam: The House of Sa'ud from Tradition to Terror, New York, Doubleday; Paul Berman, Terror and Liberalism, New York, NortongGraham E. Fuller, The Future of Political Islam, New York, Palgrave; Noah Feldman, After Jihad: America and the Struggle For Islamic Democracy, New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Riaz Hassan, Faithlines: Muslim Conceptions of Islam and Society, Oxford, Oxford University Press; Muhammad Qasim Zaman, The Ulama In Contemporary Islam: Custodians of Change, Princeton, Princeton University Press; = translation of 03Aeng3; trad. Alessio Catania).

Alla scoperta dell'Islam, in: La Rivista dei Libri (Firenze/ITA: La Rivista dei Libri S.R.L.), vol. 11 no. 9 (settembre 2003), pp. 6-10 (book review on: Bernard Lewis, Il suicidio dell'Islam. In che cosa ha sbagliato la civilt mediorientale, Milano, Mondadori; Id., The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror, Londra, Weidenfeld & Nicolson; Thomas W. Simons Jr., Islam in a Globalizing World, Stanford, Stanford Law and Politics; M.J. Akbar, The Shade of Swords: Jihad and the Conflict Between Islam and Christianity, Londra, Routledge; Karen Armstrong, L'Islam, Milano, Rizzoli; (= translation of 03Aeng2).


‹Yo no hago sistemas›. Una entrevista con Clifford Geertz (Entrevistador: Arun Micheelsen. Introduccin, traduccin y notas de Enrique Anrubia), in: Teleskop. Revista de pensamento y cultura (?/SPA), vol. 1 no. 2 (viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2003), online publication (= translation of 02Ieng2; introduccin, traduccin y notas de Enrique Anrubia)

also as VACC-Text.


Religion som kulturelt system, in: Jeppe Sinding Jensen (ed.): Det er religion - en historisk mosaik, København/DEN 2003: Gads Forlag, pp. ? (= translation of 66Aeng1)



Omakandi tarkus. Esseid tõlgendavast antropoloogiast. Tallinn/EST 2003: Varrak & Tartu/EST 2003: Greif (= translation of 83Beng1; translation/ Inglise keelest tõlkinud Triinu Pakk-Allmann Varrak)


öնί ώ ("I ermina tôn politismôn"). öά, öնή ώ (transl. & introd. by) ός ές (Thedoros Paradllis), ήն/GRE 2003: ός άն (Athens: Alexndria publishers; 475 .) (= translation of 73Beng1: Interpretation of cultures)




La description dense. Vers une thorie interprtative de la culture, in: Daniel Cefaï (ed.): LEnqute de terrain, Paris/FRA 2003: Éd. la Dcouverte, pp. 208-233 (reprint of 98Tfre1 = translation of 73Aeng1)



Blurred genres: the refiguration of social thought, in: Philip Auslander (ed.): Performance: critical concepts, vol. I part 1 no. 11, London/UK & New York/N.Y./USA 2003: Routledge, pp. ? (= reprint of 80Aeng2).


Ritual and social change: a Javanese example, in: Murphy, Robert F. (ed.): American anthropology, 1946-1970: papers from the American anthropologist, Lincoln/Ne./USA 2003: University of Nebraska Press, pp. ? (= reprint of 57Aeng2).


The social scientist as author, in: Olson, Gary A./  Worsham, Lynn  (eds.): Critical intellectuals on writing, Albany/N.Y./USA 2003: State University of New York Press, pp. ? (= reprint of 91Ieng2).


Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Lincoln, Yvonna S./  Denzin, Norman K. (eds.): Turning points in qualitative research: tying knots in a handkerchief, Walnut Creek/Ca./USA 2003: AltaMira Press, pp. 143-168 (= reprint of 73Aeng1).


Historia y antropologia, in: Historias (Mxico/D.F./MEX: Instituto Nacional de Antropologa e historia), no. 55, may-agosto 2003, pp. 8-21.

  • reprint of 92Tspa1; = translation of 90Aeng1.


"Thick description", in: Bertolotti, Giorgio (a cura di; in collaborazione con Salvatore Natoli, Carlo Sini, Gianni Vattimo, Vincenzo Vitiello): Ermeneutica, Milano/ITA: Raffaello Cortina (coll. Bibliotheca), 2003, pp. 309ff. (= reprint of 87Tita1, chapt. 1).





Articles & Book chapters



What is a state if it is not a sovereign: reflections on politics in complicated places, in: Current Anthropology (ed.: Chicago/Ill./USA: The Wenner Gren foundation for Anthropological research; pub: Chicago/Ill./USA: Univ. of Chicago Press), vol. 45, no. 5 (December 2004), pp. 577-591 (note = "Paper, delivered as the tenth annual Sidney W. Mintz Lecture in Anthropology on November 12, 2003, at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore/Md./USA").


with CA (Current Anthropology) Comment, pp. 592-594.



Morality tale, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 51 no. 15 (October 7, 2004), pp. ? (= Book review on: Orin Starn: "Ishi's Brain: In Search of America's Last "Wild" Indian", New York/N.Y./USA 2004: Norton; & Karl Kroeber/ Clifton Kroeber (eds.): "Ishi in Three Centuries", Lincoln/Ne./USA 2003: University of Nebraska Press)


Compte rendu (Book review), in: L'homme. Revue française d'anthropologie (Paris/FRA: EHESS), no. 169 (2004; no. spcial "Le sorcier, le nom, la filiation"), pp. 285-287 (= Book review on: (1) Leo Howe: "Hinduism and Hierarchy in Bali", Oxford/UK 2001: James Currey, & Santa Fe/N.M./USA 2001: School of American Research Press; (2) David J. Stuart-Fox: "Pura Besakih:Temple, Religion and Society in Bali", Leiden 2002, KITLV Press).

full text:

also as VACC-Text.


Book review, in: American Anthropologist (Arlington/Va./USA: American Anthr. Association), vol. 106 (2004) no. 2, p. 420 (= Book review on: Mrzek, Rudolf : "Engineers of Happy Land: Technology and Nationalism in a Colony",  Princeton/N.J./USA 2002: Princeton University Press).

full text via: or charge).


Book review, in: American Anthropologist (Arlington/Va./USA: American Anthr. Association), vol. 106 (2004) no. 3, p. 622 (= Book review on: Hsken, Frans, de Jonge, Huub (eds.): "Violence and Vengeance. Discontent and Conflict in New Order Indonesia", Saarbrcken/GER 2002: Verlag fr Entwicklungspolitik).

full text via: (subscribers or charge).

Reply, in: Current Anthropology. A world journal of the sciences of man (Chicago/Ill./USA: Univ. of Chicago Press), vol. 45, no. 5 (December 2004), pp. 591-593.



Curriculum vitae. May 2004, in: Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Sciences (ed): Community: Faculty: Emeritus, Princeton/N.J./USA 2004: online publication:

also as VACC-Text(pdf).

04Aeng8 (with 729 other signers)

An open letter to the American people, online only: (outdated)

also as VACC-Text (htm).


Esistere avere fiducia nel proprio modo dessere. Rituali come sistimi modello, in: Cimmino, Luigi/ Satambrogio, Ambrogio (eds.): Antropologia e interpretazione. Il contributo di Clifford Geertz alle scienze sociali. Perugia/ITA: Morlacchi Editore, pp. 211-30 (Antropologia e scienze sociali, no. 1)


Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations



Geertz' Frazer lecture in anthropology: Shifting aims, moving targets: on the anthropology of religion, in: Anthropological Ancestors. Archival interviews with leading anthropologists, historians, ethno-musicologists, international travellers and others (online-collection, Cambridge/UK: University library), online (sound only) recording: (37MB !)

  • One hour lecture given by Clifford Geertz on May 6, 2004, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, University of Cambridge/UK .
  • printed version = 05Aeng7


Interview of Clifford Geertz (by Alan MacFarlane, Cambridge University/UK), in: Anthropological Ancestors. Archival interviews with leading anthropologists, historians, ethno-musicologists, international travellers and others (online-collection, Cambridge/UK: University library), online (text abstracts and full video and audio recordings): 


What was the Third World Revolution (The Ninth Annual Irving Howe Memorial Lecture), at: The City University of New York, Graduate Center (365 Fifth Avenue @ 34st auditorium), November 15th, 2004 (audio recording availiable at the City University; printed version = 05Aeng3)

  • see the report: only): "ANTHROPOLOGY OF INTRODUCTIONS: A professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, Clifford Geertz, delivered the ninth annual Irving Howe memorial lecture at the CUNY Graduate Center. Mr. Geertz's topic was: "What Was the Third World Revolution?"; A professor at CUNY Graduate Center, Morris Dickstein, introduced CUNY Graduate Center's provost, William Kelly, who introduced another CUNY Graduate Center professor, Talal Asad, who, in turn, introduced Mr. Geertz. When Mr. Kelly's kudos-filled introduction of Mr. Asad was far longer and more elaborate than that of Mr. Asad's of Mr. Geertz. Mr. Asad explained that introductions are not overtly rational, otherwise the most eminent among the crowd, Mr. Geertz, would be introducing the other speakers. Mr. Asad said rather, the purpose of introductions is to honor. The Oxford-educated Mr. Asad described Mr. Geertz among the two or three most renowned anthropologists of the last 50 years. The audience chuckled when Mr. Asad added self-effacingly, "and the other two are not me." After this lengthy process, the audience laughed when Mr. Geertz began by saying, "I feel well introduced." Among those in attendance were political philosopher Michael Walzer, who serves as co-editor of Dissent magazine; philanthropist Max Palevsky, who sponsored the lecture series, and many others."


Islam, Modernity, Nationalism. Interview with Clifford Geertz (by Sergeji Glebov), in: Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space (Kazan/RU: The editors; P.O. Box 157, Kazan, RUSSIA-420015; email, no. 3/2004 (edited 11/2004; special issue: Historical Memory and National Paradigm), pp. 91-111; 


"Die Wiederverzauberung der Welt": Gustavo Gutirrez und Clifford Geertz im Gespräch (Konzeption und Moderation: Constantin von Barloewen, Paris); Debatte Schloss Neuhardenberg (Neuhardenberg b. Berlin/BRD), 5. Juni 2004 (Reihe "Babylon ist berall"), tape recording available at the "Stiftung Neuhardenberg", transmitted partially in: das kulturradio (Berlin/BRD 2004: Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg), exact date not available (information request stil  running)).

  • Source text: "Mit einer Debatte unter dem Titel »Die Wiederverzauberung der Welt« wird die Reihe »Babylon ist berall« am Samstag, 5. Juni 2004, 20 Uhr, im Großen Saal von Schloss Neuhardenberg fortgesetzt. Es debattieren Gustavo Gutirrez, Begrnder der Befreiungstheologie, Professor fr Theologie und Sozialwissenschaften an der Katholischen Universität in Lima, und der Anthropologe Clifford Geertz, Professor fr Sozialwissenschaften am Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, der neben Claude Lvi-Strauss zu den einflußreichsten Vertretern seines Faches gehört. Der Dialog wird von dem bekannten Pariser Kulturanthropologen Constantin von Barloewen moderiert." 
    Thematische Einleitung: "Leben wir in einer leeren Transzendenz der Technokratie? Ist die Entzauberung der Welt gescheitert? Welche sind die verlorenen Dimensionen des Menschseins, wie sie sich in religiösen Systemen der Weltzivilisation widerspiegeln? Erscheint das Entzauberte in neuer Gestalt, in gebrochenem Zustand? Erleben wir heute eine Renaissance des Religiösen, die zum Teil an den traditionellen Kirchen und Konfessionen vorbeigeht? Läßt sich von einer »religionsfreundlichen Gottlosigkeit« sprechen? Wo liegen die Bruchstellen des Religiösen heute? Muß in einer unbersichtlichen Welt der Wissenschaft und Technologie der Vernunftbegriff als erschöpft betrachtet werden? Rcken mythisch-religiöse Welterklärungen fr die Identitätsfindung des Menschen zur Überwindung des Sinnverlusts wieder in den Vordergrund?"(siehe:



Observando o Islã: o Desenvolvimento Religioso no Marrocos e Indonsia, Rio de Janeiro/BRA 2004: Jorge Zahar (141 p., Coleção Antropologia Social; apresentação: Velho, Gilberto; = trad. of 68Beng1; tradução: Dentzien, Plnio).


, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Eurpai Kulturlis Alaptvny), no. 51 (2004), pp. 23-27 (= translation of  ?; trad./ fordtsa: Orzy, Ágnes).

Orszgok, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Eurpai Kulturlis Alaptvny), no. 53 (2004), pp. ? (= translation of  ?; trad./ fordtsa: Orzy, Ágnes).

Kultrų profiliai, Vilnius/LIT 2004: Baltos Lankos (forthcoming; ? pp.= translation of ?; trad: ).

Pengetahuan lokal, Yogyakarta/IND 2004: Merapi rumah penerbitan (? pp. = translation of 83Beng1; trad: ?).

(Indonesia starting over, Indonesian title not known), in: Zen, Fathurin/ Fuad, Mustafid (ed./ introd.): NU politik: analisis wacana media, Yogyakarta/Jawa/IND: LKiS, pp. ? (= translation of 00Aeng4; trad./ diterjemahkan: ?).

  • other contributions are by: Barton, Greg; Berger, Peter L.; Binder, Leonard; Fealy, Greg; Feith, H.; Hefner, Robert W.;  Horikoshi, K.D.; Jackson, Serta; Steenbrink, Karel A.

߱ߔ ߎ ߓߋߤ: ߮ߎߍ ߲ ߋ (Put i slutsai: schisn w' nauke); in: ߂߃. ߍߋ߲ߎߓߎߤ ߎߌߎߓߎߤ ߒߋ (Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie; Moskva/RUS: NLO; see:, no. 70 (2004), pp. ? (= translation of 99Beng1 "Life of Learning"; ߷ߒ. ߓ ߋߌ. ߎ ߷ߒߎ./ trad. & introd. by: ߩߒߎߋ, ߰. ߂./ Zorin, A. L.).

߁ߔߒ߷ߒߔߋߎ ߔߒ (Interpretacija Kultur; ߒ߹./red.: ߄. ߡ. ߂߲ߎߔ/ C. J. Levent), oskva/RUS 2004: ROSSPEN = ߾ߓߓߎߤߓߋ ߷ߎߔߎߓߋ ߎ߷߹ߎ (߾߃߄߄߱), 560 pp. = translation of 73Beng1; trad./ ߷ߒ. ߓ ߋߌ.: ߢߋߒߓ߲ߋ, ߃.ߣ.; ߢߒߍ߲ߋ ߰.߰.; ߀ߋ߲ߓߌ ߧ.. ߎ ߹ߒ./ Barsukova, O. W.; Borzunova, A. A.; Daschevskogo, G. M.; and others); contains:
(view the
front cover);
(1) "«ߋߓ ߷ߎߓߋߎ»: ߲ ߷ߎߓߋ ߎߔߒ߷ߒߔߋߔߎ߲ߤ ߔߒߎߎ ߔߒ", pp. ? ("Thick description")
(4) "߾ߎߌߎ ߋ ߔߒߋ ߓߎߓߔߋ", pp. ? ("Religion as a cultural system")
(8) "߁߹ߌߎ ߋ ߔߒߋ ߓߎߓߔߋ", pp. ? ("Ideology as a cultural system")
(?) "߄ߎߓߔ ߍߋ߲ ߒߋߍ߹ߕߔߓ ߲ߓߎ, ߷߹߳ ߲ߍ߹, ߔߒ ߹ߎ", pp. ?
(15) "ߧ߳ߋ ߎߌߒߋ: ߍߋߔߎ ߷ߔߎ ߳ ߳ߋߎߤ߲", pp. ? ("Deep play")
(16) "ߩ߹ߓ ߎ ߹ߋ ߎߔߋߔ ߎߍ ߒߓߓߌ ߷ߒ߲߹ߋ ߧߎߒߋ ߹ߋ ߷ ߎߍ߹ߋߎߕ", pp. ? ("Notes")
(further transcriptions of Russian chapters not available).



Blurred genres: the refiguration of social thought
, in: Bial, Henry (ed): The Performance Studies Reader, London/UK & New York/N.Y./USA etc. 2004: Routledge, pp. 64-67 (= reprint of 80Aeng2).

Being there, in:  Seale, Clive (ed.): Social research methods: a reader, London/UK & New York/N.Y./USA 2004: Routledge, pp. 236-240 (= reprint of chapter 1 in 88Beng1).


Selected reading: The impact of the concept of culture on the concept of man,
in: Delaney, Carol: Investigating Culture. An Experiential Introduction to Anthropology, Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK etc. 2004: Blackwell Publishers, pp. ? (in section 9: VIPs - Very Important People, Places, Performances; = reprint of 66Aeng2).



Working papers



Comment (on: Georgy Egorov/ Konstantin Sonin: Dictators and Their Viziers: Agency Problems in Dictatorships, Moscow/RU 2004: New Economic School, Working Paper # WP/2004/048 E.), unpublished working material, Moscow/RU 2004: Rossiyskaya Ekonomichekskaya Shkola (New Economic school), 3 pp.

  • see: ߶ߌߒ߲, ߧ.A./ Coߎ, K.E.: ߀ߎߔߋߔߒ ߎ ߓ߲ߔߎߎ: ߋߌߔߓߎ ߔߎ ߷ߒߎ ߹ߎߔߋߔߒߋ. / ߱ߒ߷ߒߎߔ # WP/2004/048 E. - oߓߋ/߾ߓ. 2004: ߾ߓߓߎߤߓߋ ߎߓߋ ߆ߋ, p. 1: "The research was supported by Ford Foundation, World Bank, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The first author acknowledges financial and professional support of Economic Education and Research Consortium (grant 04-0711). We thank Akhmed Akhmedov, Clifford Geertz, Sergei Guriev, Andrew Kydd, Aleksey Makrushin, Eric Maskin, Shlomo Weber, and Ksenia Yudaeva for valuable comments."




Articles & Book chapters


Commentary, in: Shweder, Richard/ Goode, Byron (eds.): Clifford Geertz by his colleagues, Chicago/Il./USA 2005: University of Chicago  Press, pp. 108-124.


Very Bad News, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 52 no. 5 (March 24, 2005), pp. ? (= Book review on: Diamond, Jared M.: Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, New York/N.Y./USA 2005: Viking Adult; & Richard A. Posner: Catastrophe: Risk and Response, Oxford/UK etc. 2004: Oxford University Press)

What was the Third World revolution?, in: Dissent. Independant social thought since 1954 (New York/N.Y./USA: Foundation for Study of Independent Ideas, Inc.), vol. 2005 (winter 2005; online), pp. 35-45 (= printed version of 04Ieng3).

Agricultural Involution revisited, in: Edelman, Marc/ Haugeroud, Angelique (eds.): The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism, Malden/Ma./USA & Oxford/UK etc. 2005: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 194-205 (chapter 12; = revised and enlarged version of 91Aeng3),


Little review, in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press), vol. 11, no.2 (spring 2005), pp. 349-350 (= Book review on: Khoo Thwe, Pascal: From the land of green ghosts: a Burmese odyssey, New York/N.Y./USA 2002: HarperCollins)

Letter  'Very bad News', in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 52 no. 10 (June 9, 2005), pp. ?

also as VACC-Text.


Shifting aims, moving targets: on the anthropology of religion, in: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (Oxford etc.: Blackwell; ed: RAI), vol. 11 no. 1 (spring 2005), pp. 1-15.

  • printed version (revised) of 04Ieng1.
  • also as VACC-Text.

Interviews, Oral & Audiovisual presentations


Entretien avec Clifford Geertz, in: Raisons poltiques. Etudes de pense politique (Paris/FRA: Presses de Sciences Po), N 18 (thme: "Thories en crise", mai 2005, a paraître).


Systems of Meaning. Hans Ulrich Obrist interviews Clifford Geertz, in: berliner (Berlin/GER: Berliner Magazine), no. 05 (2005), pp. ?.

Contribution (with Sari Nusseibeh, Robert Weisbuch, Lawrence Jones, Alick Isaacs, Jeffrey Perl, and others), to: Conference on Middle East Peace, Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs/N.Y./USA), May 12-13, 2005 (co-organized by the journal "Common knowledge" (Duke University Press), Durham/N.C./USA) (published as 2006Aeng2).

Interview: Clifford Geertz (Hans Ulrich Obrist intervista il famoso antropologo americano; a cura di Thomas Boutoux, Loredana Mascheroni), in: Domus Magazine (Rozzano-Milano/IT: Editoriale Domus spa.), no. 880 (aprile 2005), pp. 105-108 (= transl. of 05Ieng1 ?).




Die Dritte Welt. Vom Fanal der Revolution zur postkolonialen Realitätsbewältigung, in: Lettre International. Europas Kulturzeitung (Berlin/GER: Lettre International Verlag), no. 69 (2005), pp. 46-52 (= (partial ?) translation of  05Aeng3; trad./ bers.: Herwig Engelmann).


A singgahani medresze
, in: Magyar Lettre Internationale (Budapest/HUN: Eurpai Kulturlis Alaptvny), no. 55 (2005), pp. ? (= translation of  05Aeng3; trad./ fordtsa: Orzy, Ágnes).

Wiedza lokalna. Dalsze eseje z zakresu antropologii interpretatywnej, Krakw/POL 2005: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagielloskiego (251 p., = translation of 83Beng1; trad./ tłum. z jęz. ang.: Wolska Dorota).


'Avodot te-yayim. Ha-antropolog ki-me'aber, Tel-Aviv/ISR: Resling (189 p.,  = translation of 88Beng1; trad./ me-Anglit: Ohad Zehavi; series: Libido - Sotsyologyah/Antropologyah (ליבידו : סוציולוגיה אנתרופולוגיה).

  • (Hebrew description) עבודות וחיים : האנתרופולוג כמחבר / קליפורד גירץ ; תרגום מאנגלית - אהד זהבי ; עריכה מדעית - אנדרה לוי. ‫ תל אביב : רסלינג, 2005.




Life without Fathers or Husbands, in: Spradley, James/ McCurdy, David W. (eds): Conformity and Conflict: Readings in Cultural Anthropology, 12th edition, Boston/MA/USA 2005: Allyn & Bacon, pp. ? (= reprint of 01Aeng3).


Local knowledge (excerpt), in: Moore, Sally Falk (ed.): Law and anthropology. A reader, Malden/MA/USA 2005: Blackwell, pp. 15-19 (= partial reprint of 83Aeng2).


Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight, in: Daedalus (Cambridge/MA/USA: American Academy for Arts and Sciences/ MIT Press), vol. 134, no. 4 (Fall 2005), pp. 56-86 (= reprint of 72Aeng1).

  • see the original text as VACC-Text.
  • new electronic version "Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight. An article from Daedalus [HTML]", offered by Thomson Gale via


Thick description: toward an interpretive theory of culture, in: Moore, Henrietta/ Sanders, Todd (eds.): Anthropology in Theory. Issues in Epistemology, Malden/MA/USA & Oxford/UK 2005: Blackwell Publishers, pp. ? (chapter 21; = reprint of 73Aeng1).


Whose life is it anyway?,  in: Pole, Christopher John (ed.): Fieldwork, Volume Four (Fieldwork analysis, outcomes and reflections), London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 2005: Sage Publications, pp. ? (in part 2/2; = reprint of 88Beng1, chapter 6).



Being there, in: Pole, Christopher John (ed.): Fieldwork, Volume Four (Fieldwork analysis, outcomes and reflections), London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 2005: Sage Publications, pp. ? (in part 2/3; = reprint of 88Beng1, chapter 1).



History and anthropology, in: Hall, John A./ Bryant, Joseph M. (eds.): Historical Methods in the Social Sciences, Volume One (Historical Social Science: Presuppositions and Prescriptions), London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 2005: Sage Publications, pp. ? (in part 1: History and the social sciences; = reprint of 90Aeng1).


Dichte Beschreibung. Bemerkungen zu einer deutenden Theorie von Kultur, in: Texte zur Theorie des Textes, Hrsg. u. komment. v. Stephan Kammer u. Roger Ldeke, Ditzingen/BRD 2005: Reclam, pp. ? (= reprint of 83Bger1, pp. 7-43).





Articles & Book chapters



Among the Infidels, in: The New York Review of Books (New York/N.Y./USA: A. W. Ellsworth, etc.), vol. 53 no. 5 (March 23, 2006), pp. ? (= Book review on: Natalie Zemon Davis: "Trickster Travels: A Sixteenth-Century Muslim Between Worlds",  New York/N.Y./USA 2006: Hill and Wang, a Farrar, Straus & Giroux label); 


(with Caroline Walker Bynum; Sari Nusseibeh; Robert Weisbuch; Israel J. Yuval; Philip Glotzbach; Alick Isaacs; Lawrence Jones; Cason Lynley; Jeffrey M. Perl)

Conference Working Group Recommendations, in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press), vol. 12, no.1 (spring 2006), pp. 13-15 (printed version of 05Ieng2)


Little review, in: Common Knowledge (Durham/N.C./USA: Duke University Press), vol. 12, no.3 (fall 2006), pp. 525-526 (= Book review on: Barry Allen, Knowledge and Civilization, with a foreword by Richard Rorty (Boulder, CO: Westview, 2004).

Interviews, + (public) Oral & Audiovisual presentations



In welcher Gesellschaft leben wir eigentlich? Gespräch mit Armin Pongs, in: Pongs, Armin (Hg.): In welcher Gesellschaft leben wir eigentlich? Gesellschaft X. Individuum und Gesellschaft in Zeiten der Globalisierung, Band 3, Mnchen/BRD: Dilemma-Verlag, pp. ? (forthcoming 03/06)





From the native's point of view: on the nature of anthropological understanding, in: Williams, Malcolm Edward. (ed.): Philosophical Foundations of Social Research Methods, Volume Two (Philosophical Issues in Research Strategies), London/UK & Thousand Oaks/Ca./USA etc. 2006: Sage Publications, pp. ? (in part 3: Interpretation, language and meaning; = reprint of 74Aeng2).

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